JFK Thread

All trolling aside, John F. Kennedy was the greatest American president of all time.

His views surpassed party lines and represented being a independent strong American that stands for their fellow countrymen.

He openly challenged the secret societies, federal reserve, and Marxists.

He was killed as being THE ONLY non-puppet President in history.

Please post all JFK pictures, audio, video, transcriptions, and facts in this thread and honor this hero!

Other urls found in this thread:


>"You may not know it, but you are full of stars"

Even though, I am better than you, I. Am. Not.

>inb4 if only you knew how bad it really is


He was catholic so he couldn't have been that good.

And this.

>have dirty, filthy mob-ties
>rise to power as the first of the "celebrity" presidents
>renege on the favours you owe to the dirty, filthy mob
>piss off the CIA
>piss off the FBI
>be surprised when they collaborate with the mob to kill your prettyboy ass

JFK was the beginning of the end for the united states of ameridiots. Enjoy your reality television election - everyone knew that the ameridiot electoral system would end in blatant pageantry anyways

Part of the reason why he may have been "assasinated" was because although he was a Catholic, he was also idealistic, but not in a way that fit the Vatican's narrative.


i'm trying to imagine what we would look like today if that actually stuck...

Daily reminder that only the infamous leaf and niggers dislike based JFK

Here we go, normies.

He got the nation involved in Vietnam.

If he hadn't been killed he would've been a hated meme president.

Finally a leaf post with some sense to it.

>nothing to do with the impending second wave of Nazism and, secondly, prosperity

That looks so good.

What were his views on gun control and shit?




He started the policy of importing immigrants 4 votes.

JFK was assassinated due to a plot by his son and the KGB

If he was so great why didn't he survive

I believe you're thinking of Lyndon "I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years" Johnson.

Andrew Jackson was pretty based and obviously not a puppet.
>The only president to pay off the national debt.
>Called the bankers a den of vipers.

No wonder they want his face off the $20 bill.

jackson was better
he lynched the bankers and ended the fed.
we were free until we got kiked again near wwi.

jfk was killed so israel could have its nuke program and because he was about to end the fed again

My nigga


His face on the $20 bill is an insult to Jackson anyway.

>first celeb pres
>literally after Ike

what do you mean nignog, go the bank and get some

tfw jr was less than 5 in 1963