Questionable Content

What do you think about webcomics that have a strip referring to a Patreon only strip? Supposedly the actions referred to in comic were shown in the paid only one.

> Here is the strip that people give me their credit card numbers for. I made 5 black aquares and one artwork. BUY MY BOOK AND GIVE ME MONEY SO I CAN HAVE THAT SEX REASSIGNMENT SURGERY THE CANUCKS REFUSE TO GIVE ME UNDER THEIR SOCIALIZED FREE HEALTH CARE.!!

>NEWS FLASH: Dales a spineless pussy
He probably has a micro penis too

He isn't black, so......

I think it's a spineless, shitty way to try to get more money, and the hell of it is that it probably worked.

It wouldn't surprise me, granted, but [citation needed].

Couldn't she just switch her ears off?

Joke flew over your head, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is what Haques thinks.

yes, or herself, heck that's what i'd do, it'd increase my shelflife for that matter.

I either don't have enough context to get the joke, or you suck at making them. Claire is his favorite character and the girlfriend of the author avatar and trans. Jeph split with his wife/SO of a decade and moved to Canada a while ago. What am I missing?

What are you expecting, logical control of oneself by robots?

Post Singularity world. AI just go around watching internet porn, can't turn themselves off.

Claire IS the author avatar. Compare a pic of JJ with Claire. Where have you been?

I zoomed in because I was really hoping for something juicy.

Turns out it just says mumble mumble. Fuck you Jacques.

Barely paying attention since I disengaged from the forum years ago. But you're right, since the nose ring and shit, she's his avatar now.

He doesn't even have the guts to write "dirty whore" of whatever it is Dale is freaking out about, he's so afraid the tumblerites will rip him to shreds.

Wait, no. They'll just say mean things. HE will rip himself to shreds, starting with a knife to the hand.

so Mssr Jacques wants to be a small ginger trans girl? I don't see it.

Robot girl is into the shiny glasses dude, isn't she?

She's not into anyone, but he did save her bacon, so it's more like respect and friendship.

Pink hair is into Sven, not that we've seen him in several hundred strips.

One theory is that Jackie moved to Canada to take advantage of their free health care to change sex. He complained in a Twitter post about being "forced back" to the USA to get medical care.

Sven got written out as being a misogynist and having problems or whatever, despite Dora being far FAR worse.

Why are the robot girls white?

>one "artwork"

ohmigawd, you can't just ask why someone's white

pink hair is white because hackques keeps forgetting she's supposed to be asian, blue hair is white because here face tore and faye repaired it

are you telling lies, or are you holding back lulz? what's the story fampai?

This disgusts me. This could've been an opportunity for him to legitimately pitch the great stuff in his subscriber's only content, and instead he demonstrates that he treats them a little bit worse than the people who just stop by. This is shameless, Jeph, and considering your entire living is based around pandering to whatever teenagers on the internet think is cool, that's saying a lot.

Sounds like she's fucked already.

Isn't the Patreon strip just a day in advance a la Dumbing of Age?

Patreon is slowly becoming DLC.


What does the tiny text say?

>Bitch Do....Y

It says "mumble mumble" because Jeph is a spineless fuck now.

Why is her face white now?

Jeff is now racist as fuck now.

she ripped it off from being angry with her chassis

Would you believe or most likely believe that he forgot to use the paint bucket?

I just put what I'd say in there, so "chunky slut"

>author has huge history of mental health issues
>divorced with no new GFs for nearly five years
>basically does look like the author
>dating the original MC author insert
>stips about how the MC author insert accepts her, family accepts her
>author loudly denies that state of transformation matters to martin/claire's relationship
>trans character has none of the typical trans difficulties
>original MC author insert now only appears with Claire
>original MC author insert now given even blander lines or is just smiling vacantly

This webcomic made me question my gender and made me soft-transition for now. Well I just have long hair and I actually shave my chin every weekday.

let's see if he starts to make her fat or schlubby, then she'll finally be a Jacques copy.

>shave my chin every weekday

Sounds kind of gay.

Oh wait.