Why the fuck does this board like RLM? Their content is garbage and they produce absolutely nothing of value. They know zero about cinema and have very mainstream and generic opinions. They are middle aged men doing 'sketches' that would make Benny Hill blush. They steal money off their young fans to support their lazy and entitled lifestyles. They are embarrassed by sincerity and hide behind a post modern shield of irony and faux nihilism. They are trash. If you waste your life watching these losers then you are a pleb.
Why the fuck does this board like RLM? Their content is garbage and they produce absolutely nothing of value...
We don't.
I wish they were my friends
>They steal money off their young fans to support their lazy and entitled lifestyles
every bait post does this it's so transparent.
A handful of shills.
Most of the board has turned against their selective and biased criticism.
>tfw you wake up from a dream that you're in a BOTW episode and you're the funniest one
t. RLM bringing attention to themselves yet again
Hi Jay
>their content is garbage and they produce nothing of value
>they know zero about cinema
So, RLM is exactly like Sup Forums
Mike, Rich, and Beardfat are all physically disgusting and repulsive to look at. Jay and Jack are skinnyfat. I don't understand why they can't just lift some fucking weights and go on diets
Dunkirk half in the bag when?
>They know zero about cinema and have very mainstream and generic opinions.
Careful, dont cut yourself on all this edge
>Waaaaah they didn't agree with my opinion on the Star Wars movie
are you still upset they didn't validate your opinion of force awakens?
It's a friend simulator for very very very sad and lonely people
>Caring about star wars
I think they're hilarious and I genuinely enjoy their content. Now go ahead and scream reddit and tell me how assmad you are that I have a different opinion than yours.
I like listening to opinions that dont come in a "let me teach you about film" sort of way.
Started watching it because of how many threads get made here and out of boredom. It grew on me. BotW is kind of like the Youtube version of MST3K
I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, though.
they're miles better than the more popular youtube reviewers, constantly spitting out 5 minute videos, enthusiastically saying next to nothing about the movies they've watched.
I guess when half your audience is kids with ADHD you can't really make them much longer than that. AWESOMETACULAR
I'm honestly baffled at how many views guys like stuckman get.
Jeremy Jahns surprisingly enough is the only person I've found on YouTube who reviewed Dunkirk competently
they're less shit than other critics and I find their humor funny. they're easy to digest content for my pleb mind. is that so wrong?
>hurr I saw something popular so I watched one of their shows and decided I hated them because of my Sup Forums contrarianism
I haven't watched any of his reviews in literally years, to be fair he's probably the best of a bad lot from what I remember.
only oldfags get it, sorry
>They are embarrassed by sincerity and hide behind a post modern shield of irony and faux nihilism.
what the fuck does that even mean. they make humorous web content about movies, they aren't writing college thesises.