What was he shooting at?

What was he shooting at?

Other urls found in this thread:


Potential henchmen hanging outside the plane. If he would have kept on doing that, he might have prevented the crash.

lotta loyalty for a hired gun

God. The ultimate big guy.

No one in particular. He was lashing out angrily at the world for failing to satisfy his desire for meaning through religion or science, leaving him forever a small guy in his own universe.

Actually this really makes me think. If the call with Ittin would have been just a little longer, the threatening of Juan Ovyu with the open plane door would have been delayed a little and CIA would have seen Bane's plane approaching.



sheep. four of them


He's actually shooting at God, you see, the entire scene is an existential masterpiece detailing mans troubled connection with God in the 21st century (bravo nolan).

When the scene opens, CIA, having just acquired prisoners (in this case, the supposed "scientific" knowledge that there is no supreme deity) he boards them on his plane and takes off, assuming the new role as God of his own world (that's why he's in the sky). However, once he begins questioning these prisoners he becomes distressed that none of them answer, mimicking how man can never be comforted by science in the way he can be comforted by God. When he shoots out of the plane, he does so out of misguided anger, furious that the scientific knowledge he has coveted for so long has not given him the rest or respite he desires. He shoots at no one, and everyone.

When he gets to his last piece of evidence, in this case the prophet known as Bane, he speaks back. But instead of offering answers he only causes CIA to question more. "If I took that mask off would you die?" Is in fact CIAs attempt to reason with the unreasonable, "It would be extremely painful" is the response meant to convey the pain of having a scientific worldview crash down around you and be replaced by the knowledge that there is a creator. The famous “Big guy” dialogue was written by Nolan to ensure that the viewer understood the delicate juxtaposition between those who claim to preach truth, and those who are actually enlightened. The scene ends when Bane calls his almighty father down from heaven to crash the plane of the heathen (while saving Dr. Pavel for being a believer, but reminding him that the time for fear, in this case hell, comes later on judgement day.)

This scene made me a Christian.

Theres no mention of gods size in the holy scriptures

I knew it!

>be an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnibenevolent being
>don't make yourself the ultimate big guy

That's not a God I want to believe in desu family

He didn't shoot, his gun didn't even move. In reality he was being shot at by the masketta man who realised what a terrible mistake it was to give CIA Dr pavel

he saw something out there

I hope he got them

>This scene made me a Christian
It made ME Jewish.

congrats be sure to remind it to everyone you meet and never shut the fuck up about it

>MFW Ittin was in on it the whole time

So what's Nolan ultimately getting at here? Is he somehow suggesting that the meaning of life is pain?


No, that we must define our own meaning. Bane is the big guy that stands over all other guys by revaluating all values.


It keeps happening. PRAISE KEK

demons are real
baneposting has been a demonic psyops the whole time
mememagic is real

I truly believe in Kek and meme magic but I can't understand the meaning behind it. Is there a meaning at all beyond meaning itself?

Magic is real but our ability to command it is so weak and insignificant either because we exist on the physical realm and not the holy realm or because Lucifer is in control of this world and is sabotaging our natural abilities that the only way we can affect things with magic is by collectively believing in the same things and having the same desire to achieve the same goals. We used memes to influence the election which were easy to spread to millions of people because of the internet and other media. People read our memes and were able to understand what we wanted. They even came to believe that they themselves wanted it too. Our collective magical abilities, weak as they are, were able to influence our reality through memes.

It's also called the "collective consciousness" and the weak magical abilities in our neurotransmitters were able to stack with each other forcing reality to bend to our will.

So did Kek give us the internet so that we would have this power?

four rams, not ewes

Kek is Satan and he gave us this technology so that we could commit sin and further degenerate society.
>b-but I can talk with people around the world
yeah and chronic masturbators can fap to endless content until they die, ignoring God and prayer. He did not mean for us to actually discover the magic, he just wanted us to use it unknowingly. The fact that people worship kek shows how powerful this entity is. I believe it is satan, but perhaps it is a lesser demon.

t. Apep

Spread your lies elsewhere. We were not free until Kek.

who let these bible thumpers out of their cage?


The fire riseth; hell on earth.

People literally built shrines to kek and for the worst 6 months of Sup Forums history people were unironically saying they worship kek. This is all prophesied in the bible but also it is so obviously a divine or demonic creature influencing us. People just shrug it off as extreme irony but it really doesn't make any sense at all. It wasn't funny, it wasn't helpful, they were just doing it.

are you a mormon spy or something?

Are you all fucking serious? He was just making it sound like he shot the guy to scare the others. Fucking stupid summerfags I swear

But then he missed and decided to play it off like he didn't do anything and nobody noticed the shot.

What if, after CIA shot the gun, this guy was like "Hey Bane, he didn't actually shoot me, they're just bluffing!"

>omg I can't BELIEVE someone on MY internets actually believes in god
Open your eyes, this world is full of supernatural elements. To deny this only reveals your ignorance, or apathy.

he was shooting at Bill Wilson trying to get on his aircraft.

The hired gun had a bag on his head so he probably through CIA was threatening the other merc. That would explain why he stayed quiet.

>worst 6 months
You mean the best you Moloch worshiping sack of shit.

>It would be extremely painful
>You're a big guy
>For Ram

Did the ancient egyptians have memes? Did their entire written language shift into the form of pictorial meme imagery to convey meaning without needing to write specific details with words?

>kek wills it
It was a big fucking cringe for most of the time. I dont think demonic influence is necessary to explain it. Sup Forums, especially Sup Forums suffered an enormous influx of newfags at that time and they were desperate to fit in. Those niggers didnt even know where 'kek' come from or what it used to mean.

>mods ban reddit and memey poster
>don't delete banepost
thank you mods

Could God create a guy so big that he would be a big guy for him?

When I think of protomemes I think of things like "kilroy was here." Technically religion itself is a meme (idea that spreads) but I have no doubt that there were funny images/phrases that spread far and wide in different ancient cultures. They didn't have the shield of anonymity but their lifestyle was so different I can't even comprehend their frame of mind. We like to act like we are more knowledgeable and progressive now but I really don't believe it. There is a possibility that "cavemen" knew exactly what they were doing and decided it was the best way of life for their means.

so are you a jesuit spy or a mormon spy or what? who are you? and don't bother denying it either we all know there's a network dedicated to this.

also this is Sup Forums, the least christian website anywhere on the internet.


>this is Sup Forums, the least christian website anywhere on the internet.
t. reddit spy

That might be true and I hope it is. It was all just a big ruse by newfags who had no idea what they were doing but didn't have the dignity to refrain from posting, so they went with the only thing they knew that would get replies. But there were active agents on Sup Forums creating memes and spreading the kek worship idea. I hope they were just ironic trolls but there is a possibility it was influence.
I've been a /tg/ user for a decade. Lots of old RPGs and table top games are inspired by Christianity. In fact it was probably christian nerds who wrote a lot of the scenarios and created the original role playing games for their families and friends as a way to bond.

this... cant be real

>the least christian
Sup Forums is contrarian to the point of being almost christian, just because nowadays internet is full of science loving fedoras. Which also explains why do we keep coming here, it might be cancer, but at least it's different kind of cancer.

Dude it's just mysticism, calm down. You're acting like an Iconoclast. If you do a very small amount of reading you'll be able to have meaningful conversations using language like this, it's nothing to be scared of.
Not even him btw.

why would he shoot at four ewes ???

ok ill tell you what you want to hear

duhh jesus christ saved me im healed now hurr durr

happy now?

Bane told him to.

>atheist intellectuals

No he could feel his eardrum explode to the side and was being held and dipped towards a rushing wind.

>he thinks im an athiest

Who are you quoting, newfriend?

you my highly intelligent fellow.

the plane was flying low over green fields, obviously farmland. there were sheep everywhere. So when Bane replies "For You" CIA interpreted this as Bane required four ewes as payment to talk.

No, you quoted someone who claimed I thought you were an atheist

That's not what I meant at all. You're entitled to hate religion or have any relationship with it you'd like, but your total disbelief that a person would use religious language in an extended ironic evaluation of TDKR's plane scene, coupled with your incorrect assumptions totally betray you as a presumptive dumbass who assumes a pressure to convert at any mention of religion, due to your blatantly wounded relationship with it.

the ironic thing is that I'm pretty sure I understand the bible more and study it more than you do I just don't have the audacity to label myself a christian warlord and constantly shove it down peoples throats like some holier than thou jackass, most of which can't even respect privacy. (where in the bible does it condone this?) get a fucking grip idiot.

I didn't do fucking any of those things. I'm saying you're such a fucking bitch about religion that you can't even let a guy LARP in a bane thread without going apeshit.

If God is big but not for you, why call it in?
If God is for you but not big, why crash the plane?
If God is niether big nor for you, why does he wear the mask?

at nothing. If you look carefully, when he "shoots" the slide doesn't even move and there is no muzzle flash

>I didn't do fucking any of those things

I really doubt it.

>I'm saying you're such a fucking bitch about religion

But I'm not though. I'm not even atheist. I just don't see why people have to act as if they are some superior pretentious passive-aggressive special snowflake even though their pseudo-intellectual ramblings don't even make them any money.

>that you can't even let a guy LARP in a bane thread without going apeshit.

It was a bad LARP.


>It was a bad LARP.
That's not what you said. You called him a bible thumper. You assumed that he was a militant christian because he used the word Lucifer in a Bane thread.

>he has a Sup Forums pass

at last i truly see

I don't

how did you know that post was mine then

Because obviously you're the same person, you've been arguing the same point and we have been replying directly to each other the whole time
>because you just told me ;)

He was shooting at Aman

ok mormon

I bought that gun because of this screenshot

If you must know, I got my religious education from a Shaktist, and don't identify with any organized religion.

You come here because you're a piece of shit and thats the end of that

a bird flying by

So are we all, user, no need to be so angry at your fellow cells in this hivemind made of shit.

"The hothead is an inciter of citizens,
He creates factions among the young;
If you find that citizens adhere to him,
Denounce him before the councillors,
Suppress [him], he is a rebel,
The talker is a troublemaker for the city."
from the tomb of a wise Egyptian guy
Get this hothead out of here


well disciplined VC