So Sup Forums, what do you plan on doing when Obongo declares Martial Law.
Martial Law
Not much you can do. You're bringing guns to a drone fight.
>implying the military stays loyal during a war on American civilians on American soil.
Well, you still can't give up
Shoot cops and niggers. What else would you do?
Keep my buthole perpetualy lubed to reduce pain
The global elite must been planning for this...
People will rejoice when martial law hits (it won't be called martial law) and Sup Forums you can't forget you're a minority with outdated views that the majority of people find repulsive
A more accurate depiction would be a million rednecks trying to fight the entire country
I'm straight nigga. I got a Propure Water Filter, Survival Shield X2 Nascent Iodine, Silver Bullet Colloidal Silver, Super Male Vitality, Infowars Select storable foods, Infidel body armor, a Bill Clinton RAPE shirt, and a 10 oz bar of silver I got at spot price.
NWO can't touch this.
Hello Mr FBI wouldn't you like to know.
I hope your paycheck is fat
>it's 2008 again
I thought the level of panic about the muslim, terrorist, kenyan, socialist, communist, anti-christ, etc. president had died down already?
Isn't it pretty much just "my healthcare changed" and "he didn't do enough", now?
dont forget the dna force.
Fuck off, FBI
Sit in my garden and watch the world burn while picking my plum and apple trees.
I really like you Yanks. You cunts deserve better than that jug eared monkey. That twat is your head of state. We bongers have Her Majesty as head of state- dignified, regal, duty bound, honourable.
You have a fucking chimpanzee as your boss.
I love USA, I even made a cheeseburger on 4th of July. I called it the 'patriot burger'.
Sort your shit out, Ameribros.
I'm not the FBI. I'm comfy in my bed thinking about this before I go to sleep
america will defect to zimbabwe
watch tv
INshallah we will kill all the white infidels in the fema gas camps in revenge for what they did to us 9/11
What will happen under martial law? I always hear oh im gonna shoot, loot whatever. What does the govt, police etc do to enforce it?
remember hurricane katrina, that x1000
Take bets on which of the FBI, CIA, or one of the military arms make Obongo disappear and get to watch America become a military oligarchy instead of a Mercantile Oligarchy.
Use my boom stick
>implying foreign UN troops won't be brought in to oppress the american people
Short the S&P, long VIX 2x leveraged
tell me about it
the darker our country gets the shittier it becomes
and half the votes are from females which I question a lot of their judgement - too bleeding heart
UN Troops are a joke
they're needed for Third World shitholes
not on US soil
fucking kek, random spot in argentina
looks worse than Africa
i like to think that when this does happen we will just be holed up in our homes, rationed awful food and anyone who leaves to do fucked up shit will be executed on sight
who the fuck knows though, it will probably just be complete and total chaos
dismantling infrastructure
Under what circumstances would Obama declare martial law anyway? I dont see it happening unless there was a massive natural disaster (yellowstone/tunguska tier), deadly pandemic, full blown civil war, or a multi-city terrorist event where the terrorists use bio-weapons or dirty bombs.
None of the above seem remotely likely to me.
what did i miss??
You can't be serious.