Why are Americans so attached to their guns?

Why are Americans so attached to their guns?

Don't they realize how high the gun death rate is? Don't they realize Europe has a much lower rate overall after they banned guns?

There is no reason for anyone to own semi automatic weapons, or any weapon with a magazine with a higher capacity than 5, for that matter. Period.

>Inb4 muh constitution.
No one cares about your 250 year old piece of paper written by slave owners.

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>Why are Americans so attached to their guns?
Man do you even have to ask these weak ass bait questions

gitgud, take a lesson from one of the shitposting austrailians


How many times are you going to post this same thread? Can a mod please delete this CTR slide thread?


Ignore the picture, I only added it because Horsey is a great artist.

Gun ownership can't be stopped, guns can be made in your garage, cant drone the house or you kill neighbors and lose moral high ground, etc. How many times will I have to post this? horeey sheet you cucks

>how high the gun death rate is?
nig on nig crime is high worldwide


shush nigger
the face that you say we have no reason to own firearms that our government supplies to our armies and police immediately points out that you have not lived in a situation where you would need one. It is better to have it and not need it than to not have it and need it desperately.
Also, free gun for disarmed countries

Ironically shitposting is still shitposting.
Have another free gun

just picked this bad boy up today, suck a dick dumbshits!

ctr isn't real

>real guns are too big and scary, I just make my own using a plastic squirter, I'm so red-pilled lol

>guns banned
>suddenly everyone wants to be a machinist
>manufacturing golden age in north america
>everyone still has guns

Are you suggesting that arming a country that had its human rights of defense against evil and tyranny with even the most basic tools is wrong?

That wouldn't happen, most Americans would turn their guns and that would be the end of it.

The rest would stash them away like what happened in Britain.

I have that same lower.
Bought it in ABQ two years ago.

Most gun deaths come from niggers killing each other and crackers killing themselves. I have no problem with either.

Wouldn't be high if it wasn't for destructive republican policies.

Enjoy it while you can


>most would turn in there guns
This isn't fucking australia, you shill. The gun culture in the united states is strong and united against any kind of seizure of the tools that keep our many human rights and rights as a citizen of the United States in place. Plus, the majority of the military/police forces are also for second amendment rights and would not force their hand against millions of law abiding gun owners in the name of some insane cunt.

it was the last one in stock online, picked up for $100

>they're going for over 150+ locally

Black on Black crime wouldn't be high if not for destructive republican policies that have destroyed black communities.

>implying they aren't stashed away in the millions already
>implying brits suddenly being into home lathes for watchmaking

nice digits tho breh

What policies have destroyed black communities?

It'll happen, most will turn in their guns. No one would risk their comfortable life to fight the government.

Any individual that attacks the government in the name of the second amendment will only speed up it's erosion.

This dumbass liberal cartoonist doesn't realize that assault rifles have been federally banned for decades

Kek. Black communities are run exclusively by democrats.

Reaganomics for starts. The war on drugs.

>basic tools
>great, cheap arms less than $500
>$3000 3d printer that needs to be routinely fixed and needing a filament refill
>Both need ammo
>but plastic nerf gun is only gonna send a good sized bullet 5 feet forward at most
So redpilled

It won't happen, especially with so many owning them and having a strong fortified ideology that they have the right to own them.
Have you ever fired a weapon before? Have you ever even held a firearm before? Why are you so afraid of something that enables you to fight back against civil and federal unrest?

Oh I have a safe full of guns, I think we will see a lot of McVeigh's and no civil wars.

>one man with a 3d printer can manufacture firearms for a community if needed
That's all it would take is one to arm a group.
>not knowing about the FP-45
>a firearm made out of steel sheets that refugees and citizens in war torn europe could use to obtain better firearms

>Why are Americans so attached to their guns?
>Don't they realize how high the gun death rate is?

Yeah OK

>Don't they realize Europe has a much lower rate overall after they banned guns?

[citation needed]

Western European nations have always had fairly low gun crime rates, even before stricter gun laws.

>how high the gun death rate is
Not nearly as high as drunk driving, smoking, or heart attacks

Meanwhile in countries without guns, their death rates to assault from other deadly weapons is 10x higher.

If you have a safe full of firearms, then why do you want everyone else to turn theirs in? You cannot take your own personal experience and just apply it to a situationally diverse population. Also, I'm calling shit on the safe. Post pics w/ timestamp or its bullshit shill tactics.
>I mean, I haaaave a lot of guns, but I think some guns are just too scary~! No one should have them, but I can have mine ;)))


Remember to filter this stupid fucking namefag CTR shill, do not respond to its bait.

did Horsey get bullied by some rednecks growing up? ive never seen someone so butthurt over the fat stereotypical redneck caricature

>the stuff
Good image

>>Don't they realize Europe has a much lower rate overall after they banned guns?

>[citation needed]

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll let the photo speak for itself.

Is it really worth being an annoying fuck on the internet for money. just get a job somewhere else and you make me hate KKKlinton more with everyone of these posts

>because the grid wouldnt be cut off before troops invade your white-collar neighborhood
>no no, you and your gang of 5-20 men with plastic guns are gonna hole up in a nice little compound
>they gov'ment will be out there, waiting for you to come outside
>not becase they cut off the water/power supply, thats cheating of course, hell they'll even send you some more ammo to give you a fighting chance. Or you could just 3d print bullets, amirite?
>no they expect you to come out because of boredom

I'll be here at the airport for another hour or so, I cant wait to hear your response, mr. 1778 (more like 1778 pounds lol)

I love how gun free places in America have most gun violence. and that libtards cause more gun violence than republicans. cucks BTFO

Are you saying that the people enlisted to protect the citizens of the united states are going to immediately turn on them when the tyrannical government tells them to disarm the population, using force if necessary?
You forget the human emotion behind it, like a liberal cunt would, imagining that the army and the police have no emotional input on the actions that they carry out.
If you just don't like guns, then just don't like guns. It's a right that you can choose to carry out as an American citizen, unlike some other countries where that right and many others are stripped from you with no regard to your own well being.
If you don't like em, don't buy em, but don't let your personal and subjective opinions overrule what a majority of people can or cannot have.

>There is no reason for anyone to own semi automatic weapons, or any weapon with a magazine with a higher capacity than 5, for that matter. Period.

Tell it to your police force Mr. Government. You will find no objection here. You have our permission and blessing to disarm the entire police force.

Yep, I'm certain all the troops are going to execute their own families because someone decided to shit on the constitution they took an oath to defend. Absolutely something that would happen.

>>Inb4 muh constitution.
>No one cares about your 250 year old piece of paper written by slave owners.

Obviously you care, because you mentioned it, furthermore if you don't want us to have guns, come and take them.

All this over a 3d printed nerf gun? You Trump-babbies think the U.S. army would just attack its own people without reason? Maybe a rebellion took place, or 5-20 people shot a bunch of government workers, holed themselves up in a compound, and had to have the national guard called in?
Either way, you copied an image and I have a big bag of jolly ranchers with my name on it (mama always did say i had a sweet tooth). I'm running out of common sense and I'm slowly being brought down to a trump tard level. Make another argument though, i insist. Anything to pass the time before I depart home to Alaska.

lol. OP if you really are from America you've never left your house and/or suburban community.

Grow up, learn what the real world is like, and stupid shit like that will never come out of your mouth again.

Those plastic weapons can do a lot more than just physical damage. They can prove that there are people here that are willing to do whatever it takes with whatever they can get to protect and secure their second amendment rights.

Stop knives, save lives.

>chemical reactions in the brain that make you feel cool win wars, not actuallt fighting, thats for libcunts lol. Im so redpilled
God, do you even realize how retarded you sound? next you'll say you were only pretending

No reply? Looks like i win ;) read a book k thnx bye

Do you think a community of people who believe strongly in the second amendment is just pretending? Do you think that those who believe that the people should have the same amount of power as the government and should have the tools and resources to protect their rights and overthrow any tyrannical power that may come in place as it has before in many other countries are just pretending? Tell me, you fucking weasel, you snake, tell me if you think that these people with myself included that are millions strong are just pretending. If you look over it again, you are surely mistaken.

New Hampshire has a bunch of guns, and some of the most lax gun laws in the country, yet we're one of the lowest in crime rates.

New Hampshire is also 93% white.

New Hampshire's violent crime mainly stems from the cities of Manchester and Nashua, populated mostly by Hispanics and blacks respectively.

Notice a pattern, copypasta shill?


>Why are Americans so attached to their guns?
Same reason some people are attached to their cars, or boats or any other thing people get attached to.
They're useful, they like them and they don't want them taken away because of the misdeeds of others.

>Inb4 muh constitution
If you have no established principles then what do you have? Should everything in the constitution be thrown out? Should we just have anarchy? Of course not, So at the end of the day, your post is literally, NOT AN ARGUEMENT.

Fuck off you citationless shill.

In the decade after the UK handgun ban the firearm use in crimes literally doubled, and after their laws to reduce the number of licensed firearm owners in 1968 the UK homicide rates steadily rose afterwards.

90% of all violent crimes in the US do not even involve firearms, while an estimated 2,500,000 crimes are stopped each year by using a firearm according to a study by the Florida state criminal justice department.

After banning saturday night specials in Maryland in 1998, the firearm homicide rate remained between 68-94% higher than the national average through 2008.

Murder rates were 19.3% higher when the federal assault weapons ban was in force

The humber of firearms owned by private citizens has been increasing steadily since 1970, however the overall rate of homicides and suicides has not risen, there is no correlation between the availability of firearms and the homicide rates and suicide in america.

oh my god, UK..... this is too much. Dad if you ever want out..... just call us, well make sure the nukes get there quick.

The constitution has been slowly eroded over the past 200 years and will continue to be eroded. Don't expect the second amendment to survive over the next 50 years.

Semi autos are not any more useful than bolt actions. Banning them (semi autos) would not take away it's desired uses.

Niggers make the gun death rate high. Do you support the banning of niggers?

>We'll get your guns goyim I PROMISE!!!
>In fifty years!!!

ain't gonna' catch no fish with that shit bait

try again, faggot

You think hispanics care about gun rights? The second amendment will be eroded to uselessness especially so if Hillary stacks the supreme court. Fuck sake man a self proclaimed socialist almost won the primary, it won't last.

Semi-auto shotguns are popular skeet and sporting guns, but you're probably referring to rifles.

Even then semi-auto rifles are useful for some hunting and some sports. Sure, they can largely be replaced by manual repeaters but why bother? Just to appease people like you?

oh look this thread again

2016 prices

2011 prices were even higher

I am sensing a trend

I wonder if your attitude towards the constituiton would be so blase if it was the first ammendment that was being questioned. Do you not see what a dangerous precedent you're setting by allowing the government to make laws in open defiance of the bill of rights? Or more accurately making even MORE laws in open defiance of the bill of rights? If you disagree with the 2nd amendment repeal it, there are mechanisms in place for exactly that, the founding fathers weren't stupid they anticipated that what they wrote wouldn't work perfectly forever.

Oh yeah? You going to be knocking on doors you pissy little faggot?

Okay you still posted the exact same green text in most of those posts, word for word. How are you not fucking banned for spamming?


> How are you not fucking banned for spamming?
Because I've broken no rules

I've been hearing that for 25 years, faggot shill.

The puckle gun wasn't very successful, so they might not have been aware of it. Plus, it wasn't handheld.

>10. No spamming or flooding of any kind. No intentionally evading spam or post filters.
Yeah you did; how are you not banned?

The demographics don't add up man, non whites overwhelmingly vote for politicians that support gun control whether that be bans or restrictions. How long do you think it will last when whites are a minority? Look what happened to California after letting in so many immigrants.


We banned guns here in 2002 and the crime rates now is the higher in 22 years.
Stick to your guns stupid americans.


If your talking about the guy that posts the drone thread every day that isn't me, that guy isn't even from America.

>implying the pic is wrong

Muskets is still an invalid argument because the 2nd amendment is about rebelling against a tyrannical state. Whether you're using butter knives or machine guns the ends are still the same.

shut the fuck up


There needs to be a way to derail all these shill threads and everyone needs to be in on it.

>ignoring the welfare state pushed by leftists that created the lazy niggers in the first place.

I'll just leave this here.

I agree

did violent crime go down after the ban?
>no it did not
did murder go down after the ban?
>no it did not

you say 'gun crime went down', but if violent crime itself didnt go down, then you didnt actually accomplish anything, you just banned a hunk of metal, and criminals are still commiting violent crimes at the same rate they were before the ban. nothing changed chap.

>that feel of smug satisfaction due to knowing that euroshits will never be able to own anything like this

wow nice ak47s and glocks user

>gun deaths

guns cant die, theyre inanimate, inert, lifeless, pieces of steel.

>no reason to own semi automatic firearms
i want to shoot shit with a AR-10 because 7.62 stronk

Derail time

They're fun. I don't care about niggers killing each other. Gun control gets in the way of my hobbies.