So....I drew myself smoking a bong with Rick lol. How do you guys like it? Please post fan art of TV and movies...

So....I drew myself smoking a bong with Rick lol. How do you guys like it? Please post fan art of TV and movies. Ideally your own creations!




Phoneposters are subhuman

>I downloaded this image and claimed it as my own I hope someone gives me attention

Sorry, I thought it was TV. Thanks.

'Tis quite the work of art m'lady. Talented as well as beautiful ;)

Here is my tattoo, I'm not an artist so this is the closest I have.

Post a pic of yourself

She is a very prominent member of the R&M community

What does Sup Forums think of my OC?

man that's embarrassing

me on the *BURP*right


Do you actually think OP is the person in that picture? This is a thinly veiled personal army request

she's in a relationship with hiroshimoot?

Lol reminder to everyone that Neeche disproved god 100 years ago and proved nihilism is right. That tattoo is seriously epic, I bet jesus freaks get so triggered when they see it XD


Oh sweetie, Satan isn't real.

Holy fuck please tell me this is an elaborate ruse. Thats drawn on right? No one would actually tattoo a psuedo philosophical meme from a childrens cartoon on themselves as some sort of life motto, r-right guys?

>>>reddit or Sup Forums

Why do normies think this CARTOON is for "intellectuals"?

>personal army request

Its not 2006 anymore grandpa. There are millions of freaks like her on the internet now, nobody would care enough to go after her.

Because they are brain dead stoners who think being an atheist automatically makes them smart and philosophical. Im saying this an atheist btw

>Nobody would care enough to go after her
How new are you?
Oh, you came here during the 2016 presidential election. Now I see.

When was the last time you saw a personal army request amount to anything dumb redditor?



the only reason atheists are not getting permanently called out as the stupid pieces of shit they are is based agnostics would never claim to know anything for a fact

>based agnostis
R the donald in the house

very good contribution to this board, thanks for sharing

That is awesome, thank you! Do you have more art?

You guys sure love talking about Rock and Marty every day.

agnostism are for people who are still clinging to the last glimmer of hope that when you die you dont just rot in the ground. Their too afraid to confront whats staring them right in the face everday, which is that nothing you do means jack shit ultimately

Woops, I meant
>which is that nothing you do means jack shit ultimately outside of what it means to you personally

Ah, a fellow intellectual. Their never going too no what it feels like two be to intelligent.

>dumb jodorowsky poster
>thinks what he experiences is real

Ironical redditposting is going to turn this place into reddit.

It doesnt even have to do with intelluect. Its a feeling everyone one of us struggles with everyday and most people try to reject


We don't have to go back. We'll just take over...
I'm not crying, you're crying!

Existentialism and grammar those are the big two.

At least these people have latched onto something shitty like Rick and Morty and haven't ruined something good like The Venture Brothers.

>I'm not crying, you're crying!

The worst Redittism in all of Reddit. Used in every thread, even in threads where no reasonable person would consider crying. I saw it used yesterday, multiple times, in a thread where a random black had got accepted to college.

What you said is unironically true

Is rick and morty the Sonic for this generation of Autists

who the fuck is mick?

>going to turn this place into reddit.
It was too late 3 years ago.

Mods are Sup Forums posters and love capeshit

Source on Pic?



Just got a warning from the mods for the offense of "obsessing over reddit".

Ow. Jesus Christ you're good at that.

epic simply epic :)

>can get warned for being obsessed with reddit
>can't get warned for being obsessed with Sup Forums

Yeah those damn Sup Forumsmods, huh?

> neeche
Love it.

Has has any piece of art in the last decade spawned a more influential, genre breaking piece of zeitgeist than Get SchWIFTY?


stop shillling this fucking shitty cartoon here you desperate mouth breather

Hey contrarian!

>there's no God because I feel like there isn't and it's a really strong feeling that feels true
>man I'm so much smarter than those tards who believe in God because they feel like he might exist

I get the feeling that neither of you have created what you claim to have created, and are both liars.

>nietzsche was a nihilist
Read a book.

>theres all knowing omnipotent being that created everything an everyone but he just doesnt bother to contact anyone or offer any guidance or intervene in the all the attrocities of the world

You are a fucking clueless retard

If there is a god but he chooses to remain silent then what difference does it make?

How could you think that post was in any way serious?


Rick and morty has made shitposting on Sup Forums absolutely incredible again and for that I unironically love the show

And you're a pseud with a wikipedia tier understanding of Nietzsche. He diagnosed the nihilism that he saw fermenting in modernity but he was explicitly against it. He proposed that we engage in life affirming action that creates productive value which imbues meaning into our lives in place of the enchanting cosmic narrative that religions once imparted onto the world.

See Youre a fucking mouthbreathing Neanderthal. How do you even dress yourself in the morning?

>the joke
>your head

The only psued here is you

look at this dumb sape taking a shitpost that called him "Neeche" seriously

I know you're trolling but FUCK

>I'm an atheist btw

Every single time

Do you mean ? I think you quoted the wrong guy

I swear to god I hate all of you

>I swear to god
*BURP* who?

>lol haha his name isn't actually neeche kek look how smart i am haha
Pseudo-intellectuals please leave

Do you have autism? Im not being durgatory either, a common symptom of autism is misinterpreting peoples intentions. I think those posts were trying to higlight how cringey "neechee" post was rather than imply that theyre smart.


AJ please leave

God is just a characterization of the sum total of unchanging natural law and forces in this universe. It's a philosophical tool, to be able to lay down and mentally actualize the inexorable reality of order and natural mathematics that bind this existence. Though most organized religion has compromised this idea, the acceptance of God isn't some 'coming to God' moment, it's just deciding whether or not you're going to let your brain speak in a certain language. A lot of genius people said some seriously important stuff using that language.

>I think those posts were trying to higlight how cringey "neechee" post was rather than imply that theyre smart
Explain what led you to come to that conclusion.

>make fun of rick and morty and the thread is swarmed with atheists sperging

Loool check out my plumbus BONG hahahaha fuck drumpf!

Not the guy you're quoting. The answer is probably the posts themselves, you autist.

>thread is swarmed with atheists sperging
Nah as far as I can tell Im the only atheist itt and actually im kind of enjoying the thread

What did he mean by this?

Im dumb, can you put this in laymans terms?

Yes, I understand that, but exactly what part of the posts?

I mean im not using autism as an insult as per usual on Sup Forums. I just genuinely wanted to know if he had autism

Well I'm sorry that the post wasn't as obvious to you, but I hope the entire thread's consensus that he was kidding will at least get you moving forward.

durgatory isn't a word you dumb faggot

Oh, i made a typo. Sorry

R&M fucking sucks and their fanbase is the worst but still, you have to really lack critical thinking/rationality to believe there's any chance there might be a god or whatever

Oh and also buddhists are just as fucking stupids as other believers but 10 times more annoying, and 90% of philosophy is just a dick stroking contest in 2017.

that's a pipe

This thread went to fucking shit.



Are you the same guy who thought the Neechee post was genuine

Christ and I thought I was a pessimistic spiritless downer.


It's funny because people normally shit in the toilet and not on the floor.

Holy fuck I never though of it like that lmao. Jesus this show can be so nuanced sometimes lol