Congratulations cucksuckers, The Daily Show just proved you are just as extreme and lacking in the American values that you so decry with the migrants you constantly bash. It looks like you have more in common with them than you ever even imagined.
Trump supporters can't even pass his own "extreme vetting" test that they vehemently support
Other urls found in this thread:
>the daily show
You might as well post gawker clickbait, fagboy.
That's cool. You can totally choose to ignore the content of the OP and keep your head in the sand if you so choose.
>The Daily Show
You mean the show that's getting cancelled?
Sage and bury this thread
>The Daily Show
What were his motives behind this?
>the in-group should have to prove itself
>the out-group shouldn't be held to an extremely high standard so that we only import the most committed and genuine people
Does it bother you that you are selling your race and your dignity up the river on a Friday night to get your daily bread? Sad.
Nah m8 that's The Nightly Show. Unless you know something we don't.
That hasn't been cancelled for low ratings yet?
They cherry pick interviews and clips to fit their narrative. It's about as good a source as Huffington Post.
Does the daily show still do that shit where they leave footage out and only use specific takes to get the message they want? I remember that was the time I started hating Stewart after I learned about that.
That's not The Daily Shoah
faggot OP
They also cherry-pick the information disclosed during interviews in order to manipulate the responses of these people.
Trusting anything on tv as a fact. Kys faggot.
Don't you just love The Daily Show's tongue in cheek humor?
I found it hilarious that one guy was wearing the Hillary sucks shirt but said that we as Americans treat women as respect lol!
Trump supporters don't even have an argument. They will just call this bait, shilling, or a sage.
Sup Forums is Tumblr 2.0.
of course they cherry pick the retards.
The point is that even a retard should be able to get these questions right.
These people are voters who have a say in how our world works.
thats scary
Of course.
kek why don't you just post a pic and timestamp of you and your bull. Stay here. Get redpilled. Cry at the fate of humanity. Its all good.
>I don't even know the difference between a >citizen and an immigrant and I don't know that >sovereign means US can make up whatever >fucking rule they want to make, no matter what >my stupid professor tells my mom to tell his >boyfriend to tell his boyfriend's wife to tell me to >think. Also I think The Daily Show "proves" >things and isn't sanctimonious, unfunny, and >obnoxious because I am a anus and ball licking >faggot.
By the standard of the vetting test trump supporter us citizens are a bigger threat to making america great again than immigrants.
They literally embody the very ideology they hate.
Its hilarious
>These people are voters
So are 18-year-old liberals who are staggeringly more ignorant.
There are plenty of uninformed idiots on the left. Millennials, BLM types, SJWs, etc. Just because someone agrees with my politics doesn't mean they aren't an idiot. Likewise I know plenty of people who don't who are pretty smart.
>thinks television is real life
You do realize the comedy of these pieces is that idiots like you are laughing because you think tv is reality- you are the joke. The jokes on you. You are the butt of the joke. We all laugh at these bits because we know you think tv is real! We laugh at you!
listen, both of you know that the crazies on the left will pass the vetting test at a way higher rate than trump supporters.
The right crazies are amazingly bigoted and racist and misogynistic.
It is funny they dont see how their beliefs go against eh very basic fundamentals this country was built.
The literal foundation of the constitution.
Their hate comes before everything.
The left has dumb crazy sjw's uber liberals who want open borders and retarded economic policies but they are not as far separated from the reality of the american constitution as the right.
Only argument you could make is gun control, but even that isnt a human right moral/ethical standard the constitution sets.
Lets equivocate some hicks who aren't very bright with a religion that openly advocates for the murder of gays and the oppression of women
Fuck off Comedy Central
Didn't watch video here. I'm guessing it tried to show natural born citizens as being ignorant about info on citizenship tests eh?
Doesn't matter, they can know absolutely sick about US history. Only question ciizens need to answer is "were you born here?"
are you seriously so deluded you think anything on the TV that is against your opinion of the world is fake?
> Treating women with respect means never calling one out for sucking
GTFO kid
ok fine, but if the citizens cant pass the test than the questions mean nothing in regards to assessing how an immigrant will affect the country.
these citizens are just as bad or worse than the people they are afraid will come into the country and ruin american ideals/life
As a guy who does video work for a living. If you believe anything on television, especially if it has (comedy) in its genre flag. You're living a lie mate.
>thinks comedy central isn't edited garbage
Poopy diaper supporters kek.
Thanks for Correcting the Record OP!
(This is seriously the only response Trumpfags can make towards any criticism of their """perfect""" candidate who apparently never does anything wrong nor says anything stupid [5D chinese checkers])
>context is literally a third rate jon stewart who liberals get all their ideas from
this is nothing but snakes in the media, move along opie
>So passive aggressive more than half your post is in parenthesis
Need a diaper change poopy pants?
>The Daily Show
>Daily Show
>Comedy program that libtards think is "news"
Discarded before time wasted.
Is it really worth being an annoying fuck on the internet for money. just get a job somewhere else and you make me hate kkklinton more with everyone of these posts.
exactly this. if you get your opinions from late night (((comedy))), your opinions are literally a joke
Here, I'll start posting like you guys
>Not an argument
so is the part where he asks the woman if all religions should be respected and she says yes until islam edited?
its a 20 minute show, of course they edit the shit out of everything, but if you arent retarded you can see if they are cutting to replace answers.
as such they dont do that shit because they would get called out in an instant.
The thought that all the shills will slowly get redpilled like everyone else who comes here tickles me so much.
I bet you'd like to bring back poll tests you fucking racist piece of shit.
Oh somebody is extra poopy today. Madame poppy pants president was poopy too
Who are you quoting?
you do realize that they could of gone through ten times more people that were smart enough to tell them off and catch their bullshit, right?
Are you listening to yourself?
A person who is born in the US and raised loving it and taking pride in it (as the people in your video probably do) aren't an equal risk as some random foreigner trying to sneak by the legal ways of entering.
Do you know nothing of France's current state?
I bet most modern French and German citizens don't know they're own history. They weren't an equal risk as the terrorists who snuck in under the guise of refugees.
>The right crazies are amazingly bigoted and racist and mysogynistic
>what are the new black panthers
>what are la raza
>what are radical feminists
Not to mention that being prejudiced against white people and white men in particular is essentially and unaddressed cultural norm. Prejudice doesn't just dissapear or stop existing when it happens to a group you don't care about.
Remember when Gavin Mcinnes went on the Daily Show and they literally edited everything he said to make him look like a complete idiot even though the points he was bringing up were pretty valid and on point?
The Daily Show also said that the US women's world cup soccer team should get paid as much as the US men's world cup soccer team. The Daily Show are complete idiots with no idea of how it works. All they do is push an agenda.
yeah, but right-wing media does the same shit. Infowars and other similar online medias did the same with Bernie supporters. They find the dumbest looking people and edit out intelligent responses.
I thought this nigger show was cancelled.
>i'm so assmad that i shitpost like a little girl about how unfair the world is
>the only line that made me crack a smile was the "make 'em eat some bacon" one from a trump supporter
at least Liebowitz was funny about his deranged leftism sometimes
>listen, both of you know that the crazies on the left will pass the vetting test at a way higher rate than trump supporters.
>"both of you just KNOW what I wish to be true is true so I'll state it without any evidence whatsoever"
Fuck off you retarded leftist.
Islam's prophet, muhamed, was a child raping mass murderer. Why would you 'respect' that?
here's the difference: no one takes infowars seriously, normies take mainstream media seriously
fair enough.
But there are also idiotic rabid liberals too. So not sure what that proves
You do know that the Daily Show with (((Trevor Shoah))) heavily edits interviews to make their opponents look stupid right?
put the french and german citizens through a similar vetting test and they will pass easily... this is Europe we are talking about.
and I am not saying the citizens will be jsut as bad, jsut saying that according to the standards of the test they will be just as bad. which is funny. Real extreme vetting there lol
you are pointing to the extremes of the left base. the left would never nominate the trump version of the black panther candidate or the feminist version. It wouldnt even be contemplated for a second because those are fringes of the liberal group.
This is not the case with the right, there is a huge part of the base that identifies with these values displayed in the video...
It's not fair to equate an extremist to the crazy base.
I'm not calling any of the people in that video KKK members..
Why should retards get the questions right, when we assume that they can't get them right because they're retards?
Wow, this really mad me think, drumpf BTFO, Sup Forums wrong again, xD
>blue devotion deck with this
oh thassa my thassa
Gee you don't think it's for ratings do you
They don't have to pass the fucking test.
Leftists need to piss off.
It's such an easy conclusion to make I feel like it would waste time to support it. IF you want you can try and find infromation or datas that would imply the left isn't all for equal rights/immigration rights/ right to religion etc... I think youll be hard pressed to say the least.
oh, I personally dont repsect any religions and dont understand why they are protected so fiercely and dont think they have a place in politics/governing/law
But the american constitution guarantee's certain rights, and that is what I respect.
So ask yourself, why would you respect the constitution?
>700k viewers
Jesus christ, more people watch pro wrestling for fuck sake.
>found retarded bernouts
>found salt in sea water
If the left wants equal rights, why do they support a religion like Islam?
You disgusting faggots just support anything that goes against the white western world.
The Constitution guarantees rights for United States citizens. A prospective immigrant is not a citizen.
oh man I really do love it when I get some you idiots to boil over and spew some unadulterated pure white supremacy hate speech.
Enjoy watching your white world crumble around you.
btw I'm a black man with an 8 inch dick.
>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer
Respect is not equal to support hombre. For instance I respect you even if I personally think you're stupid based on the content of your post.
>implying Trump doesn't have the most retarded supporters of any candidate in history
Go to a Trump rally. Drunks, hicks, inbreds, trailer trash, two black people, and few intelligent libertarians and independents.
>OP so stupid that he doesnt even know that the test is only for immigrants and not citizens
This has to be ironic shitposting. Nobody is that dumb.
>all trump supporters are like this
>street interviews
You can fish for dumb people to say anything to prove any political point.
It's stupid when Bill O'reily does it and it's stupid when these guys do it.
We don't support radical islam though.
The reason we're publicly supportive as opposed to right-wingers is because we can actually realize WHY radical islamic jihadists exist. It's not "jealous of muhh freedoms", it's because retarded republicans and moderate Dems like Obama bomb the shit out them for resources, set up power structures to get cheap goods, and then come in and pretend to "rebuild" the areas they destroyed (in reality, they just deploy troops over there to prevent an uprising).
Suppressing the negative attitudes towards Islam is only the beginning of repairing the world we fucked up for them.
"fuck u sand nigger muslims" only creates more terrorism, retard.
This kind of cherry-picked retard interview has to be some of the worst """comedy""" no matter what the political message behind it is.
Cherry picking the dumbest people and making fun of them. The caring left for you.
What a faggot.
They're Americans -- they don't have to pass it.
>pointing out that you are against white people is white supremacy
We don't support Hillary. Liberals supported Bernie, moderates were for Hillary.
Most of my liberal friends, with the exception of one or two SJWs, aren't voting for Hillary.
They're voting for Jill, or (like me) Gary.
Trump is more liberal than Hillary.
The problem with Trump is that, unfortunately, you have to know how to be politician to be a decent president. Trump might be a great negotiator, but he's going to get played by literally every foreign government. Not to mention, congress wouldn't allow him to do anything.
uhhh im not that guy and dude you are so wrong about islam..
im a berniefag for context..
Hate and violence is literally written into islam. More so than any other religion by far.
The religion ordains that it will rule the world by right of god.
It has been used to indoctrinate and control/create armies for thousands of years it wont stop if just pull back and let them be.
It will simply grow and fester.
Seriously read up on islam, it's the msot obvious attempt of a warlord trying to create a fanatical army. a 12 year old could see what muhammed was trying to do.
Islam is a fucking virus, they have been fighting for ever and will never stop because stopping translates to death and or banishment from your family.
How do you know that?
Except they didn't, really. Infowars and those guys poked fun at Bernie for being a Socialist but from the beginning they were very open about supporting him over Hillary.
Additionally Bernouts are actually legitimately retarded, because they didn't spot their cuck Jew DNC plant from the beginning when literally every single person on Sup Forums could tell from the start that he was controlled opposition for Hillary.
>you are pointing to the extremes of the left base.
Not fucking really. The average Democrat's conception of the future of America is one in which white people are explicitly marginalized. They are ALL more extreme in their explicit desire to destroy America's whiteness than Trump, who has never even implicitly suggested that America ought to be more white.
Moderate Islam turns into radical Islam as soon as they get the numbers. Conquest is a pillar of the religion, but you'd rather invite this poisonous ideology into your home just for the sake of feeling good about being tolerant.
How does this video not prove the point?
Do liberals want more people like this entering the country? No? Then they should support a program that vets immigrants.
>Enjoy watching your white world crumble around you
You say that as if it wouldn't affect you too, you fucking dumbass.
But hey, we all know Liberia is the epicenter of art and culture so I guess it wouldn't be that bad.
Keep degrading the common man.
Pompous cucks always win elections.
Completely false.
Infowars attacked Bernie vehemently up until he lost. I started watching their channel because they would upload various attempts to slander Bernie daily.
Everybody knows that Infowars are actually controlled opposition, read up on it. Alex Jones has deep family roots in the CIA, and Infowars is actually funded by Time Warner.
Bernie being a plant makes literally no sense, seeing as it's created a massive movement that's been relocated to Jill Stein.
Are you actually that retarded to believe that his deep history in civil rights was all just leading up for him to help Hillary get elected 40 years later?
No, moderate Islam turns into radical Islam when the United States destroys their countries, governments, civilians, and drains their resources.
Think about it this way.
Say Iraq was a world superpower in the same way the United States is currently. Now what if they deployed thousands of troops into our country and started dropping bombs every day and killing our women and children. Then they took over our government and propped up puppets that sold them our resources for pennies on the dollar. AND THEN they vilify us and create these false illusions about our people and our intentions. You don't think the Christians would turn to their god and become militant? Because that's exactly what's happened over there.
Now you can be autistic and say Islam is radical in nature, but does that explain why radical islam wasn't an imminent problem two decades ago?
you are right about the us definitely stokign the fire a bunch.
You are wrong about islam ever needing a reason to wage war on itself or others.
They have literally been fighting nonstop forever.
>The left has dumb crazy sjw's uber liberals who want open borders and retarded economic policies but they are not as far separated from the reality of the american constitution as the right.