Can we trust him?
Can we trust him?
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If you have to ask, then no.
proud of your boy
he's a plant for Hillary
He is a racemixing degenerate, so no.
He's a fucking edgy autistic retard and so are his fans.
POYB is the gayest shit ever and everyone in that group reminds me of Elliot Roger. I quit it after a week because I couldn't stand so many beta fucking cuckolds. Even r9k has better people.
hes a dirt old man regardless, but i cant tell if hes riding the trump train for alt right gibsmes or not
Uhuru proud of your boy
He supports Trump.
Yeah with a caucasoid though.
Ask the best board on Sup Forums
He's basically Jim Goad minus the talent, humor and edge.
I've seen his junk.
He's handsome and he turns me on.
Pro-gay hipster part of the Jew York media? No. But he does amuse me.
>Yeah with a caucasoid though.
Did you seriously just try to defend race mixing with a fucking poo in loo Indian? Kill yourself.
Better than negroid or even mongoloid. Don't approve of racemixing but as far as it goes the least damage possible was done. His wife looks pretty much white.
He talks about Jews pretty often on his show these days.
He talks about Jews because he is trying to hijack the "alt right" movement and subvert it.
It doesn't matter, their children are not white.
>doing that autistic poyb shit started by an assburgers racemixer
kys and die in a fire. I'd rather be an r9k robot than a massive faggot like you
I'm kind of growing out of "muh race" though. There's plenty of shitty white people so if his kids grow up to be cool as I imagine they will be, why should I dislike them because they're not 100% white.
Also you've got a nerve considering most Americans have Cherokee ancestry.
>why should I dislike them because they're not 100% white
I'm not sure why you would dislike them because they are mixed, I certainly don't that does not change the fact that it is race mixing white is leading to the extinction of Europeans / whites. I don't blame any person for their race (which they have no control over) but one thing we DO have control over is ensuring a future for our race and people. That future is hindered when successful white people race mix.
He raise some valid points and criticism but his act as a political clown really does him no favors anymore.
But he's an eccentric, it makes sense he would racemix in all honesty.
Again, natives are caucasoid so in a couple of generations they will be indistinguishable from whites. It won't linger like negroid blood does.
He's a fucking huwite male
epitome of the hipster
he likes the gays
and he's a fucking leaf
>is married and has children
pick one.
>But he's an eccentric, it makes sense he would racemix
How does this contradict anything I said...
>natives are caucasoid so in a couple of generations they will be indistinguishable from whites. It won't linger like negroid blood does.
You don't know how genetics work.
>Also you've got a nerve considering most Americans have Cherokee ancestry.
I really hope you're shitposting there friendo
The why do white Americans exist considering most you cunts have Cherokee DNA.
Again I can't believe I'm getting dragged into this, "muh race"
He is the best talking head we have.
We can absolutely trust him.
He's put it all out there. You can go ahead and not like him but you can trust he is genuine.
Don't have link but there's a WEBM of him running naked on the beach. Kind of slovenly middle aged dad bod.
no we can't
i liked his gavin till he fucking shoved a dildo up his ass on camera
>He talks about Jews because he is trying to hijack the "alt right" movement and subvert it.
Nah that's not true.
He doesn't want to subvert us into serving the jews. He wants jews to feel comfortable enough to join the right and work towards our cause.
Most of what he says is pretty good but I have a persistent suspicion he has some sort of emotional issue.
Looks pretty trust worthy to me.
I'm going to need a source on that.
I'm more concerned that he says his wife is going to vote Hillary than the fact she has indian blood.
It's disappointing that he could try to be a bastion of western chauvinism but he can't even get his wife on board.
I think he married for the wrong reasons to be honest I feel the same way about Gavin's marriage as I do about Bill Burr's. Otherwise great men who married below themselves for stupid reasons.
Even my australian gf is on board with Trump. How could you marry a woman who is voting Hillary?
>trusting someone who works for Ezra Levant
never ever
I don't think he has a very happy marriage in all honesty, seems like there is a a lot of tension and he was supposedly an alcoholic for years.
Trust noone, not even yourself.
I think the order of should be East Asian>Lighter Hispanics>Christian mide easterners
>abo wife
>kisses faggots despite being married with kids
>has pornstars come on his show and and reveal their vaginas to the world while they talk about shit
>pisses in cereal and eats it on camera
>inserts butt plug on camera
definitely sounds like someone we should revere as a conservative voice of reason
Ok so I messed up the greater than/less than but kek confirms the order.
we must throw off this alt right trash and turn Sup Forums to its roots