He's a fucking creep

He's a fucking creep.

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makes ya think

>let them suffer and die
I'm tired of this fuckin meme.

The war in Syria has been going on since 2011 and the rapefugee crisis only began when German borders got Merkel'd. Shillary only wants millions of migrants so they'll vote democrat in the 2020 election. One of the wikileaks emails even stated they only wanted Mexican immigrants because they wanted their votes. They want to turn America into a one party state with phony "elections"

So the west is now responsible for the wellbeing of foreign citizens in sandniggeristan?

Shit, I'm confused

Nice work Trump.

Now tell us how much your lifetime plan of amnesty for 30,000,000 illegal hispanic immigrants will cost us.

I won't hold my breath.

>Better adopt all these diseased stray dogs and feral cats. Wouldn't want to be called a "creep".
>Better leave my front door unlocked and let squatters turn my home into a meth lab. Wouldn't want to be called a "creep".

So dumb. There's more than 3 billion people living on less than $2/day. Are we suppose to save everyone? Why would we bring in people from shitty places and expect them to help continue making America great? Why aren't their countries great? Why aren't they fighting for their own country?

Whenever anyone wants to give more foreign aid just point to Sri Lanka and Haiti. Refugees from a third world country offer 0 economic boon and are just tools for the dems like you said.

I have a better solution.

Why do all of these shitty countries have refugees? It's because the countries suck and are in constant turmoil.

Instead of bringing these failed cultures here, why not bring a successful culture to them.

We need to just conquer these people and force them to follow our laws and culture, instead of the other way around.

>oh a poor Muslim child was hurt, so let's bring in millions on young Muslim men

Do people seriously still think these refugee's are mostly women/children & did people already forget the recent terrorist attacks?

wtf i hate creeps now

Amnesty is not the same thing as going through the proper channels to obtain legal citizenship.

>Instead of bringing these failed cultures here, why not bring a successful culture to them.

This is what precisely created the refugees...and by design. Fuck off.


What did he mean by this?





>we can't support these people BUT WE SHOULD ANYWAY

Fuck these nigger worshippers

b-b-b-but we need more poor immigrants to boost the economy! everyone has a pool and a lawn and fruit trees and dirty houses and entry level construction needs, right? right?!

>Refugees from a third world country offer 0 economic boon
Not entirely true. If they get jobs, they can accumulate debt which makes bankers all too happy. A large portion of the middle class in western countries are "debt saturate" due to car payments, student loans and mortgages.
If anyone has the screencap I'm referring to, please post it.

This is American politics, faggot.

Libtards really don't think as long as you engage their feels. This retard gave 0 thought to what will happen to his country in 10 years, but at least he'll get to feel like he's on the right side of history. This memory will surely bring him much needed nourishment as US citizens are bent over backwards and fucked by the government later.

Fuck off faggot you aren't fooling anyone.

Amnesty will cost the tax payers trillions. How will that be payed for? Printing money. End result? Further devalued US dollar.

Objectively incorrect. Try again.

Normalfags need to know the hard truth.

You can't help everyone in the world at once, it's impossible, no human can accomplish this feat.

It is best to focus on the motherland first and foremost before seeing if any aid can be sent anywhere else, not the other way around.

>for the wellbeing
Hell, it isn't about their well-being, but integrating them into our society.
If the concern was only for their well-being, they would have been pushing to fund the refugee camps years ago.

The agenda really isn't about being humane.

I just love Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison

What about?

Click this link


This is a link to the UN Refugee Agency.

According to them, only 30% of the refugees crossing the Mediterranean are Syrian, 51% are men, 18% are women, and 30% are children.

Not to mention all the news articles talking about opportunists who aren't Syrian buying faked syrian passports to get into Europe.



>obama and hillary are responsible for everything wrong in syria
>obama and hillary should do nothing to help out syria

It's almost like nothing is true and this is all an illusion...

Alright Sup Forums, so when you're confronted with a leftist who says what the fag in the OP says, that you want refugees to suffer and die, what is the correct way to respond?


I fuccking hate this meme word. There is no such thing as integration for these people. Their culture is completely different and incompatible with western law and values

Syria and the middle east in general is a fetid shithole, and was before Obama or Clinton did anything there

why do leftists let our own citizens and veterans suffer and die?
Last time I checked there is an increasing amount of local homeless yet nobody gives a damn about them.

Then after that discuss why we have to save people from their civil war when nobody saved anyone else from theirs.

Lastly mention that people are suffering all over the world, and it is simply impossible to save them all. The only real way to "save" anyone is to teach them how to be self sufficient. Not give them a free ride in your country or hand outs with the world banking system.

>$400,000,000,000 lifetime cost
>620,000 refugees
>$645,161.39 per person for life
"The average cost of raising a child born in 2013 up until age 18 for a middle-income family in the U.S. is approximately $245,340 (or $304,480, adjusted for projected inflation), according to the latest annual “Cost of Raising A Child” report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture."
Sounds efficient as fuck to me. Send them in.

>if they get jobs

that's the point, they don't.
I remember reading that so far I think only a few hundred in total out of all the illegal migrants sweden has taken in this since the "refugee crisis" have gotten jobs.

and besides for every illegal immigrant from africa or the middle east who is unlikely to work and likely to commit crime, there is also someone from east asia or india or many other places in teh world applying for a visa who is much more likely to get a job and much less likely to commit crime who will be a far greater benefit to our economy and less of a strain to our society.

So why wouldn't we take ard working, productive people over uneducated proletariat from islamic war zones with a genuine rape culture.

Your right, we should just stay out of it and stop feeling sorry for them. Let them take care of their own shit.

Wtf I hate Radiohead now.

lmaffo, cute ad hominem, he's 100% right


Wait, Dan Telfer is someone from Radiohead? I thought it was just some random nobody. Then again so is Radiohead.

he's a weirdo

>america and the west in general is the main cause for instability in the middle east, especially in Iraq, Syria
>make these countries into literal hellholes that the people there have no choice but to leave
>when they try to come to the west
It's pathetic how we don't take responsibility for the shit we cause. Recent destruction of the west is all karma

>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam

And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer

youtube.com/watch?v=OqbDBRWb63s - The Truth About Hillary Clinton's Mental Illness

youtube.com/watch?v=FmIRYvJQeHM - "We came, we saw, he died! LAUGHS" (Gaddafi)

youtube.com/watch?v=O894bXmqqGU - Hillary Clinton openly states she wants war with Iran to protect Israel

youtube.com/watch?v=xvhBoF_pCHo - Hillary laughs maniacally about war with Iran



There's that word again. It's not America's fault, it's not any of America's citizens' fault. The idea that the West made those countries into such bad places that they have to leave is bullshit because, hey look retard, those countries still have populations.



Here, I made a chart in case I came across someone as retarded as you.

Nice try, Heebstein. The American people voted to NOT put boots on the ground in Syria when our government wanted to. WE have nothing to do with what's going on in the Middle-East or Northern Africa anymore. Our government does what it wants and gives zero fucks if it's in OUR best interest or not. So fuck you, you daffy cunt. Those """"refugees"""" aren't our problem.

Those 30% children are all men too, so it's 82-18 men-women

He offered to help them in their own country. You're an overemotional woman.

What the hell is he doing here?


>let them suffer and die
We should be making them suffer and then killing them. The world would be a better place -- there is literally no way to refute it.

He doesn't belong here WOAH WOAH

>Trump exposing Clinton's plan.
>It's a scary plan.
>It's a dangerous plan.
>It's a costly plan.
But Trump is the "creep" for exposing the plan, not Clinton who proposes it...


Your chart quite literally proves him right. Everyone but Trump say its a problem with the war and not the mudslimes.

why stop at 400 billion
america generates that in a year

Poopy diaper Hillary when

>July 19th, 2015
>inb4 the wall

So move to canada you fucking bitch, its sad he is more in touch with our country than you are. Or maybe you are one of the dirty spics I read about in the DNC emails who are so subhuman they bow to brand loyalty and do whatever their family tells them. In which case I don't hole you accountable you are subhuman after all and can't think for yourself.

Helping them abroad would help them immensely, but why ruin a decade's progress of turning the Middle East into a shit hole?

Sauce on the wikileaks page?

I follow Trump on instagram. What is up with comments from faggot Perez Hilton being displayed on every post? Is this rigging by instagram, or is there some formula where famous peoples' comments are displayed prominently?

I'm all for this. Look at how well Japan is doing after we dropped two nukes on them.

Muslims don't do debt. They'll come here drive and Uber/CDL, until that is automated in 10 years. Then Idk..Maybe they'll have invested in real estate, they don't deal with equities either.

M-m-my FEELINGS!!!!

My problem with taking refugees is that they are never going back. It's just another 620,000 in addition to the 1 million known immigrants we take in per year. All these new people do is drive up housing prices, depress wages and suck up social services

>Glen "cuck" Beck
>remarks from four years ago
Yeah naw you're a fag

Beaners are a commodity to them

He's not the one bombing the crap out of Syria. Killary and Obama are the creeps.

These wars are a product of actions of US elite. People who will have to shoulder the cost of resettlement and subsequent crime wave are the working class, who had no say in Iraq/Afghan/Syrian War.

The only jobs muslims do are opening kebab shops where they try to sell whites spoiled, jizzed over food and night shops where they try to sell whites spoiled food.
8/10 muslims are welfare queens

It's 3 a.m. in Louisiana.

As an arab christian I'm conflicted but willing to see how it all plays out. Hillary it is then.

'He's fucking right though so fuck those refugees!

>appeal to emotion


why don't we like

take the 1.whatever billions of africans into our country?

I'm so sick of them suffering, just let them all in, all at the same time. Or are you all a bunch of fucking creeps?

Why don't you go back home and make afghanistan great again? Letting in sand niggers doesn't actually solve problems but you already knew this.


Hes right, nigger.


Sandniggers have an IQ comparable to African Americans so not only will the increase the demand of governments resources and services exponentially but they also will continue to do so well beyond childhood.

What a creepy creepazoid.

They're irregular migrants, you shitlord!

Boo fuckin hoo. IF they aren't man enough to fight for their lands, customs, family them fuckem. How many is china taking in?

Lol 620,000. You burgers are fucked.
> mfw even sweden will call you cucks.

>doesn't want to burden his people with the misfortunes of others brought upon them by corrupt entities
Fuck that does more than activate my neurons, it repairs my archives.

Look here senpai Last dot point is what I was referring to with the "one party state"