Our movie?
Eli Roth is a good director now?
Trump and twitter are the worst things to happen to this country since 9/11
>calls trailer racist
>Based Bruce saving poor colored citizens twice in the trailer
Viral marketing.
I like Donald Trump. I think he's the best.
Even if it is, we should watch it to give a signal to Hollywood that we're sick of black female hackers and womyn who can beat up any foe
>oy vey, looks like we've pissed off the white man
>let's make a movie to profit off their rage
No, signal-giving is for leftists and suckers. If I go into a store and find they've got nothing I want, I don't buy something for the sake of it, I turn and walk out. There are more great movies made before all this shit started that you can spend your whole life watching them and not run out or have to watch a single one of them twice, unless you want to. All of 'em are free for anyone who knows how to use the internet. Why the fuck would I buy something to signal my dissatisfaction with the vendor?
there are *enough, I should have said.
All these fags complaining would have zero issue with this if they had cast Samuel L. Jackson instead and the trailer showed him shooting white skinheads. It's now never okay for a white guy to be a hero and for some of the antagonists to be brown, no matter the context. I really hate these people.
Please may I have some more, sir?
> jew director
I really want to like this, and im not Sup Forums at all, but im not sure how they could even come close to the original with the PC culture.
Its a big movie, they are going to want it to be inclusive. I already saw a "white" gang in the preview as if thats actually reality in the shit parts of chicago...
Desperate move by whitey because they know their time is up. No matter what Drumpf does jajajaja
Deal with it cunt snowflake.
by not being a retard who wants to lose the culture war
Anyone else think it's sort of weird that/tv/ has no proper trips now? Like no one you'd recognise, just nobodies like OP.
Youre a fucking idiot if you think theres anything political agenda to this film. Its a dumb action movie, thats all its trying to be. From the trailer it looks like they tried to mix up the race of the bad guys to avoid offending the alt righters and the progressives, but they wound up offending both. Its a lose-lose world for film makers right now
>anything political agenda to this film
>falling for Eli Roth's shit
This is literally all he can do. Manipulate SJWs or Sup Forumstards into a frenzy to get his movie press. Don't fall for this hack.
Fuck off, he just wanted to make a fun action movie, sjws and poltards look for politcal meanings that arent there
>he just wanted to make a fun action movie, sjws and poltards look for politcal meanings that arent there
He is literally open about his agenda to mine controversy for buzz you dumbass.
>The first demonstrable "you couldn't make this today" film
huh. I never expected it to be Death Wish.
spotted the panchito tiraflechas
Whoa, he seems like a total bro
All they're doing is acting as lightning rods for underlying problems. They themselves aren't actually the problem.
How can people still fall for this shit? Eli Roth is doing that for every fucking movie he makes.
>wtf a white guy and a black guy raaaaaaacist i'm so triggered
I unironically that snowflake used to be a term to insult Trump haters and not Trump and the delusional crybabies that worship each of his daily fuckups.
Did I hear someone impersonate Alex Jones?
I wonder how Kersey is going to be portrayed. Postive, negative or ambivalent? Because at the end of Death Wish 1 he was of the hook and imagined himself as a cowboy, but the crime rates were down. I doubt Eli Roth is capable of matching or even surpassing the tension that can be seen in Kerseys eyes when kills for the first time.
*unironically forgot
I think you accidentally a word. I think you're trying to imply that "snowflake" was originally used to describe Trump voters? Seriously?
>SJWs or Sup Forumstards into a frenzy to get his movie press.
Wtf I love Eli Roth now
I hate liberals so fucking much.
also, Death Wish 3 remake when?
this basically the punisher. how is this alt right? I thought he was going around killing minorites just cause but he is killing criminals. this kinda movie been done to death.
>this kinda movie been done to death.
Really? Death Wish has been done to death? You don't say
>Twitter triggers me so instead of not going on twitter I made a shitty movie movie about how everyone on twitter I disagree with dies
>The new Bruce Willis trailer for the remake of the 1974 flick, Death Wish, has been released and people are outraged over the violent vigilantism and rampant gun use.
>the 1974 flick, Death Wish
Death Wish is atleast a movie
It's a movie about a man killing criminals, and it's set in Chiraq, so it's essentially about a man killing blacks
>making a movie about guns & violence is now considered racist
Death wish is a Film, and then it gradually goes down the tiers until Death Wish V: The Faceof Death, which is Kino
Any movie with a white male hero is alt right
It'll be no more offensive than "Death Sentence, " with Kevin Bacon. From the trailer it seems to lack the "contemplatove," vibe of the original. The violence was anything but cool, it was blunt.
stop falling for this viral marketing ploy please. Its eli roth, that jewy faggot will do anything to get some spotlight on his shitty b-movies
I guarantee it'll be satirical
Like Green Inferno and Knock Knock
but things have to be smart or well made to be effective satire. neither of those films are smart or well made
Kind of sad how the movie looks to be just generic action with no revenge-driven drama that the original had.
the same people on twitter that were outraged over this were saying how they already had a good Death Wish remake with Death Sentence
you just can't with these fucking people
knock knock and green inferno are great satire. i'm sorry you're such a brainlet you can't enjoy it
Literally went over your head
>remaking death wish
You can all fuck off you sub human trash, I'm not going to watch that shit.
This lmao, if remakes of "classics" are all garbage, imagine how shit a trashy b-flick remake will be, same tier as jem and the holograms.
Hardcore lib film critics hate Death Wish and the Dirty Harry movies
>People equate white with being an upstanding citizen
This is ridiclous, I won't go down the path of saying black vs white but I will say even a white nigger deserves to be shot by a cop or a good citizen
I would prefer there would not be shit heads out there but just saying all white = great society is ridiculous
Being a nigger is more than color, we have white and black niggers everywhere from California to the south
Movie looks like a decent action flick
>liberals go on about how trump hasnt achieved anything
>liberals go on about how trump is the worst thing to happen in years
It does, but I dont think it will be as good as the orignal
Frankly, how can the movie be racist?
Because a black guy gets shot? There are white, black, mexican and any other ethnicity out there who are dirt bags
They should make this movie with all ethnicity :)
>muh civic nationalism
Whoah, user. That's one controversial opinion you got there. Really turning society on its head.
More like shit movie.
Why, they would do the same thing.
>God damned rich cunts
>I kill rich cunts!
Who's going to play him?
i wish more people realized this. instead your post got ignored by the children here who just want to fling shit at each other and signal how above it all they are.
That underlying problem is human nature.
What you gonna do about it smart guy?
what is your point?
pretend to be aloof and cynical on Sup Forums
Go shill somewhere else.
Liberal propaganda movie. The last thing you need to be worrying about in Chicago is some white guy gunning down black children selling ice cream, white people invading your home, or white people in general who haven't already fled that not-Africa hellhole. Bruce is an old shill for his kosher masters, fuck him.
He could murder niggers all day and he still wouldn't come close to how much they kill each other. Time for libcucks and BLM retards to start fixing the real "threat" to black people: themselves.
the trailer really looked fucking terrible desu standard 2010s VOD Willis schlock
Death wish put a spotlight and the many problems New York faced at the time because of its democratic office
Dirty Harry because of that one spic joke he made
culturally, trump hasnt achieved anything legislatively, except a sanctions bill he was forced to pass and then cried about
Ridiculous. Even the original Death Wish movies made an effort to have white criminals as well as black despite the reality. I think Jeff Goldblum was a rapist or something in one movie.
>IP is from Canada
Anyone who still entertains the notion that Trump is some sort of cast-iron alpha warrior should read these transcripts.
Fucking read that shit. He comes off sounding like a weak bitch passive/aggressively trying to guilt people into what he wants because he has no arguments, shit information, and no proper understanding of even how to wield the power he has. If Don Corleone had been there during either of those calls, he'd have started slapping him and telling him to be a man.
It's embarrassing. I've heard people call out from work with more fucking backbone.
>This is ridiclous, I won't go down the path of saying black vs white but I will say even a white nigger deserves to be shot by a cop or a good citizen
>I would prefer there would not be shit heads out there but just saying all white = great society is ridiculous
>Being a nigger is more than color, we have white and black niggers everywhere from California to the south
t.nigger worshipping cuck
>Washington Post
>Washington post
why do subhuman leftists believe fake news?
Damn, it really WAS her time.
I'll never vote against the Democrats again.
You wont be jajaja after us falls to third world status you dumb shitskin loser.
So, every film involving the main character being a White vigilante is now an alt-right terrorist? The Taxi Driver was an alt-right movie before it was even recognized as such?
Read them anywhere you want, faggots, but read them. Tell me it doesn't give you second-hand embarrassment listening to this chucklefuck trip over his own words. Fuck Hillary. I want Turnbull for president. At least he sounds like he's got some balls.
>Read them anywhere you want, faggots, but read them.
why would I read fake news?
Y-you simpleton
Do you understand the meaning behind my post?
Without black people we still have niggers, there are many types of them
The white meth addict communities all over america are fucking niggers
They are not good white men of society, they are pieces of shit
The white in America out number all blacks but it doesn't mean shit
People are focusing on "empowering" the blacks in the US even though they are not an important community at all in the whole US
Here is the thing, we have states which are beyond fucked up and white people live there with no hope. No hope at all, these addicts and fucking crackheads are niggers!!!!
Some of you are so simple minded, let me guess
White is pure and black is niggers
>I would crack the wig from a black guy or a fucking white nigger
>wig = dome in prison
>fake news
Is that why the White House released statements declaring them forgeries? Because they're fake?
Read them. They're his words. He hasn't issued a single denial.
>proper trips
No such thing. The worst tripfags are the ones that user worships. Unlike the nobodies, the recognizable tripfags got what they wanted: attention.
>Not having it take place in Bronson, Missouri
>this is what anti white cucks actually believe
> declaring them forgeries? Because they're fake?
the action of forging a copy or imitation of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art.
"he was found guilty of forgery"
synonyms: counterfeiting, fraudulent copying, fraudulent imitation; More
falsification, faking, fabrication;
"the defendant was found guilty of forgery"
a forged document, signature, banknote, or work of art.
plural noun: forgeries
"the notes must be forgeries"
synonyms: fake, counterfeit, sham, fraud, imitation, dummy, mock-up, reproduction, replica, copy, print, lookalike, likeness;
kill yourself, useful idiot
>Is that why the White House released statements declaring them forgeries? Because they're fake?
>Read them. They're his words. He hasn't issued a single denial.
why do subhuman leftists believe fake news?
I'd rather Rob Zombie remake Death Wish than Eli Roth tbqfhwy
Literally LITERALLY viral marketing
Can you form a real sentence?
Tell me how having niggers is any better than having white thrash?
They are the same thing and I wont mix words about this, fuck them both
Fuck blacks and fuck white thrash meth riddled pieces of shit who fuck up the system
>Eli Roth
Won't bother watching it.
Die Hard with a death wish.