Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think about Anders Breivik?
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think about Anders Breivik?
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Is it really worth being an annoying fuck on the internet for money. just get a job somewhere else and you make me hate kkklinton more with everyone of these posts.
Set conservative nationalist movements in Europe back 10 years. He's a fucking asshole, and there's evidence he is connected to Islam as well.
Top Cunt.
He's a delusional idiot who did more harm than good to his cause, but his antics post capture are gold.
Gotta hand it to the Norwegian justice system for sticking to their ethics and laws with Breivik, most western nations probably wouldn't.
He killed domestic threats. People who were going to camp to get indoctrinated into letting more Islamist garbage into the country to rape and destroy culture.
A true patriot, loyal to the end
Dumb fucking target choice
Guys like you join the infantry and die quick. No long term thinking at all. He did more harm than good.
And how did he change anything other than to solidify people in the leftist camp?
Don't be a moron. He deserves a lethal injection, and he'd get it here.
This. Breivik is the reason I became a liberal. All that hatred of other people will literally kill you or drive you to kill. I feel much happier now.
One world government will come soon. Just believe. No more wars.
>Talking about Commander Breivik makes me a HRC supporter
What fantasy land do you live in?
sorry mate i thought yee were a shill
He is a shill. He posts this same thread multiple times a day. He's cancer.
A Ranger actually
pretty based guy also he got the high score
Is Breivik really a Zionist shill?
Look at what he did. Look at his claimed motives. Then look at the actual result of his actions.
What do you think?
>every single day with this thread
At least change up your text and picture OP
After being in jail for a year he explicitly stated his support for Israel and Zionism was a false flag to get people to attack Zionists, but admitted it didn't work so well.
Never saw this Intel that's interesting, I'll have to reassess. Perhaps it was a plan to sacrifice and galvanize; he may not have even been in on that part of it.
We all know who is a fan of sacrificial lambs
Breivik will be a hero when european race wars begin.
Our Prophet saw it coming.
>“Were the majority of the German and European Jews disloyal? Yes, at least the so called liberal Jews, similar to the liberal Jews today that opposes nationalism/Zionism and supports multiculturalism. Jews that support multiculturalism today are as much of athreat to Israel and Zionism (Israeli nationalism) as they are to us. So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all culturalMarxists/multiculturalists. Conservative Jews were loyal to Europe and should have been rewarded. Instead, [Hitler] just targeted them all…”
There is some really shady background about Breivik. He was crafted for a purpose, there's no doubt about that.
I'm pretty sure you are mentally retarded
Yes, that is right after he was caught, like I said in my post. He has since stated his support for Zionism was an attempt to tarnish its reputation in the media.
But you live in South Africa and haven't moved, so you must be a beyond retarded retarded White person or a nigger, so nothing you say matters.
Looks like someone's upset that Breivik's views on things don't match his own.
Not sure why this would bother you so much.
anyways, heil breivik
True patriot does what he must.
Breivik will live forever in the memory of white race when race wars come. He's the jesus of our time.
Don't be a moron, he fucking played you Ahmed.
Actually breivik trained in finland. Our goverment is full of neo-nazis who supported and armed him. He visited finland multiple times with false passport and was originally programmed to kill our feminazi president. I have reliable sources in finnish goverment who confirmed this.
Finnish goverment will deny this offically but it's the truth.
He was fed up with lefty politics and killed 77 lefties.
He may be a complete extremist, but atleast he accomplished his goal. The only way to make lefties change their mind is by literally blowing it out of their skulls.
Meanwhile you sit here and say "merkel should hang for her politics!" and "obama and hillary clinton are traitors, they need to go to prison!".
He did exactly what this board constantly hints at and preaches, namely getting rid of lefties ruining our countries with their pro-immigration and other politics. Yet many on this board view him as a sick psychopath who killed innocent people and
>if you kill your enemies, they win
always runs rampant in these threads.
Point in case: He didn't set shit back. He might've killed a future Merkel there.
I'd really like to read those articles user, do you mind posting them?
My view of Breivik is framed by the damage he did to the right and the link I posted earlier, I trust that source implicitly.
My sources are deep inside finnish goverment. Revealing them would get them killed.
Breivik was seen multiple times in masonic lodge at helsinki. He was also seen training in finnish military base. Finland is really the 4th reich, people dont know how much nazis we have.
We are prepared for race wars, are you?
Have by any chance got anything on what claimed, in regards to Breivik only supporting Zionism as an attempt to tarnish its reputation? Can't find anything. You seem to know more about the guy than we do.
So you are Larping then. Don't tease a source you aren't willing to reveal.
What's the dirtiest Breivik shit you can safely post?
Im off. Your stupidity made me laugh so hard than im gonna lol in my sleep.
I don't necessarily know more than anyone else here about him, but I do stay educated about the Anti-Jihadist movement. Probably the best, most Eurocentric site for it is
Fjordman is a very educated and knowledgeable source of the BS that is going on in Europe, despite what Mohammed the "Finn" is saying in this thread.
You got me Abdul!!
Congrats, you win Sup Forums tonight. Don't spend it all in one place.
He should have been given leave to play Lex Luthor instead of Eisenberg.
Also give this nigga his ps3, his human rights are being violated.
Read a bit about him a while back, liked what he had to say. Will give it a read now. Thanks.
>But who in the earth would want this and rule the world?
>Who would want this?
Provide me with some sources on Breiviks sudden change in views then?
This guy is pretty based too