I'll just leave this here

i'll just leave this here

Other urls found in this thread:


>going in gator infested LA waters that are feasting on dead bodies and pets
H'e s a brave man, PR stunt or not.

He also sent his own jet to give marines a rode home when the government couldnt. He leafs from the front.

I am from CTR and I actually support what trump is doing here.
I'll be honest alot of people here are beginning to really see what's going on, but the pay is pretty good

How does one get hired by CTR? I'd #shillforshekles.

>Drumpf goes to Louisiana despite the governor telling politicians to stay away as to not get in the way of recovery efforts.

>Drumpf goes anyway and gets in the way just so that he can get a photo op and blame Obama for a natural disaster.

Yet Trump supporters will STILL support him. I cant wait for Drumpkinfs to defend this....

Who gives a fuck about Louisiana. They're dumb enough to live in a place that's at or below sea level.


>He leafs from the front.
>He leafs

Hang this traitor

Trump took a shit today while Obama was working. Its Ogre lads.

Post the one of Louisiana governor begging for Obama to come out, then bitching about Trump showing up.

*crickets* Nobody gives a shit because your candidate has said so many stupid things at this point he's beyond repair.

It's different for some of us, some have no affiliation and alot were volunteers that are now being paid for there time.
There is actually quite a bit of ambivalence here one way or the otger. Alot of people here think trump is bad, but can't help to see everything that's wrong with hillary

that 0.95 shekels you made was just withdrawn from your account.

Says the leaf who had a mayor that smoked crack with niggers.

get out of my country you pathetic kike


Nigga what?

Me and these guys work for CTR, we keep a running count of threads and posts. You can tell if others are CTR by pro- hillary , anti trump. There are are most no authentic posters here who are pro hillary ( I think 1 or 2 by our count )

>.04 cents have been deposited into your account

>This faggot doesnt realize Trump has the most jewish ties to any candidate.
>Calls people kikes

Educate yourself next time before looking like a complete idiot ok?

>>Drumpf goes to Louisiana despite the governor telling politicians to stay away as to not get in the way of recovery efforts.
More like the governor and the entire left is butthurt because while Obongo is having holydays, Trump is actually helping people.

Gov. didnt tell him to stay away, how hard is it to fact check something?

If its a PR stunt the media didnt make to big of a deal about it. He actually has a history of doing things like this. I remember him using his jet to transport that kid to a hospital. Or that time he let that black woman in Chicago stay in his hotel and use his body guards for protection when her ex murdered her family.

I don't care what ties he has to jews.
It doesn't take away from the fact you are a stupid fucking libkike, where do you live cunt?

>most jewish ties

"citation needed"

you fucking idiot. . I know that australia is a barren shit hole filled with sand and faggots but please try and edify yourself before flapping your cock sucker.

p.s. I hope a dingo eats your baby you bush monkey. Veggie mite is for fags, Steve irwin deserved to die and I hope crocodile dundee gets nut cancer.

Golfing and not giving a fuck is a PR stunt as well.
A very bad one.

your mums house, come find me faggot

watch your mouth cunt

guys i wish to space

Yeah thats what I thought you fucking faggot, go light a menorah and keep sucking liberal cock you little pussy.

was it the steve irwin/paul Hogan shtick?

lolwut im saving your post for future cringe threads ok Chang?

Kenya West needs to go on live and say "Obama hates black people"

Damn you sure showed him Chang! Keep at it buddy!

I'm saving you a ticket on the banana boat express back to naruu island you pathetic shill.

keep feeding me YOUS. ive never seen an autist this butthurt before

So is everyone in the Netherlands dumb then too? By your logic they are, dumb leaf

At what point did Obama just say "fuck it" and decide to start phoning it in?

I think it was some time around March 2009.

If he can balance like that without wobbling the Nig has some skills yo.

On the other hand, trump has his own trump force one. I guess it makes those nude statues quite redundant.

Butthurt autists? here check this one out

Lol, this is the first time it's had an coverage.

Trump helped more than you think


are you the guy who keeps moaning about living under the sea level?

>its time to take your meds, you are having an episode.

After Castro parred him proper.



>not recognizing bait.

Fresh from reddit i see! You should probably lurk more kiddo just sayin :)

requesting that pic with the story with "I'm batman"

Is Obama legit just golfing through this ordeal?

I weigh 100kg and can do that indefinitely, get gud scrub.

He's visiting once his vacation is over.

dr. pavel?

You've been posting for days with the same tired memes.
>hurr it was a prank bro xDD I meant to look retarded xDDD

>He also sent his own jet to give marines a rode home when the government couldn't.
Incorrect, that was not his own personal plane that was used at the time.
He had Trump Airlines (now bankrupt) that was hired to give marines a ride home.

m8, he just golfed through his presidency.
This isn't exactly a change of routine.

I'd tell you to shoot yourself in the head but guns aren't legal in Australia.

Still a better leader than any past president of the U.S.

Did a lot for Toronto, crack addict or not

Damn nigger!

Uhhh ok

Well that's not a good deed then.

Thanks for the (you)'s hillshill

>people shit on Bush for not visiting after Katrina
>people shit on Trump for visiting after this one

Really makes you think.

Dats some world class balancing cuh

Why do the Louisianans expect Big Government to solve all their problems? They should pull themselves up by their own sandbags. Fucking whiney socialists.

>literally repeating my sentences.

is there anything you chinese faggots can make yourselves? kys Chang

yeah i work for ctr too, pretty good pay, my wife and i own livestock even (have two different bulls right now) The hours are hard though

Why can't you guys admit trump is losing? every single poll shows it. maybe if you didn't live in your delusion that everything is ok it could be fixed. Instead of providing counter arguments you just call people shills.

>I know! I'll call him chang!!

Trump is going to win.


Have another one mehmet. You need something in your life, it's the least I can do.

>i'll call him mehmet!! that'll show him!!!


>Obama just say "fuck it"
I don't understand?


are you talking to yourself Australia? thats how Australians are master shitposters, they shitpost themselves, its like bobby Fischer playing chess with himself, amazing

Redefining what it means to be a president.


hey fuck you nigger im donald trump is losing

mind if i save this dank frog maymay? thanks burger!! :D!!!

yeah americunt i know hes losing but pound my asshole and call me barbara wallace, ill suck a black dick anyday!

>hey fuck you nigger im donald trump is losing

Poopy diaper supporter can't type. Hilarious

It's honestly sad that you spend your free time shilling for such a disgusting woman like hillary. You spend your weekends supporting her.

Your life is fucking miserable m8.
You can still turn it around and support the HIGH ENERGY TRUMP. He's going to make us all great again.


I hate this place

one of the most common repeated anecdotes I've heard about Trump is that ever month or couple of weeks he goes through local newspaper articles looking for people having a hard time and uses his connections to help get them back on their feet - getting a single parent who was laid off their job an interview for a new one, getting the small business owner whose restaurant burned down in touch with some contractors who'll get the place fixed up on the cheap, etc

I hope we see more of the charitable side of Trump in the near future.

here you go

>i'll post untrustworthy polls, that'll show him

A and H repeated ad nauseam

>writes ENTIRE paragraph
>Actually expects me to read all of it


Holy fucking shit guys. I used to literally think people were exagerating when they talked about shills, but then I took a glance at /r/politics for fun.

It is such a mess. There is literally no mention of this, but they continue to cry about Trump's tax returns.

I am now a #ShillerKiller.

Excellent meme.

He actually did a lot for my city despite smoking crack, he was no coward thats for sure. Ford said a lot of funny shit on tv like not wanting to eat out someone's pussy cause hes got more than enough to eat at home

>implying anyone cares what a kiwi thinks

holy fuck that's awesome.

t. nervous man

>homeboy already has the state on lock but his beneficence is so great that he can't turn away when tragedy strikes

>PR brings national attention to the disaster and increases the aid flowing in
It benefits Trump, sure, but if this trip was secret he'd be just as helpful as every other coonass in a john boat throwing waves on people's drywall.

post proof or GTFO attention whore

Australia why do you shit post?

>Hillary admittedly paying people to project a false online presence

>Thinking online polls are some how reliable

bud, crocodile dundee died in a shootout with the cops when they tried to "buyback" his guns. He's more of an American than you could ever hope to be.

> a leaf
> questioning relevance

>wow look at obama not doing his job
well yeah...that's the point of a vacation. you don't do your job for a short time.

Is that fucking Play-Doh? Why would he get Play-Doh for a flood?