Status update?

A few days ago, I saw on the news that the CF was hiring a security firm to check about a potential breach. I am under the impression that the CF was hacked and if so is there any information about it or what was found?

btw good job on getting #whereshillary trending

also, I have noticed that Seattle and other cities have put up these naked statues of President Trump. I was wondering if a masked user could do something about them early one morning?


Hmm these are great

Props to whoever made it



What does "I don't want him to choose a supreme court justice" fall under

you must be anti-gun


>the 1 type of Trump supporter

they aren't paying you as much as they used to. your comments are starting to slack.














14/14 end

I would greatly appreciate an answer.

its almost like everyone here is a shill.

i'm going to run out of pictures soon

I can't stay here all night

Putin demands answers

FUCK YOU Sup Forums

The Shills are in rare form tonight

Hillary doesn't even have rallies, just a handful of fundraising events where people actually pay to be there lol. Trump is filling stadiums with people who want to be there.

>tfw trump supporters use those autistic leftycartoons to support its views

Some user reckoned he could make a Hillary equivalent of the statues. Said he was going to do it.

>I'm libertarian

whatever helps you coup

Honestly all you have to do is get a pickup truck.
>2 people
>one in driver seat ready to drive off
>other guy w/ hoodie & mask
>tackle the statue
>knocking it off its foundation.
>pick it up & throw it into the back of the truck and drive off.

hey thief, the original meme is
24 types of libertarians
mocking libertaroans on Sup Forums
that's called a shill takeover
stop ruining that board Drumpf shills

>posting the same bullshit for weeks
>not even bothering to fix the grammar errors

>that rubio as a robot

You come onto our board, and call me the shill? lol
What do you think Sup Forums was before we started talking about Trump? Do you think that we actually talked about relevant shit before Trump brought all these subjects to light? fuck no, all we did everyday is talk about jews and muslims.
So how about you leave Sup Forums until after the election. because we won't stop talking about Trump until he gets elected.

all I did was take it from another thread and repost it. I was looking for pictures to keep the thread alive.

message to Drumpf tards: stop shilling
that board never was yours


it wasn't yours either hillbot