Which is it?

Which is it?

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lugenpresse can't keep their bullshit straight

>Science says men and women aren't really 'wired differently'

You know, I wouldn't be surprised if there's actual studies by actual neuroscientists that say this around.

Anti-realism in science caused by leftist pandering is seriously starting to make me worry, it's getting increasingly common.

>To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself – that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.

>Which is it?
whichever one they feel like on any particular day

do you not value people's feelings?

Purely Subliminal.

I keep hearing back and forth that "men and women have the same brains" but "boys and girls demonstrate different preferences in toys even at extremely young ages; so do monkeys"

I don't know which it is or which is true anymore. Everyone knows from history and common sense that men and women tend to behave differently and think differently. But I don't see any foolproof science backing it up.

Whichever one reels in more of the leftist sheeple's clicks

All you have to do is check sources. Just because something has been published or peer-reviewed doesn't necessarily make it fact because humans are still fallible.

its not only pandering at this point, its coercion.

It actually becoming dangerous to be a scientist if you don't go along with the agenda of powerful people. Best case scenario you lose your job, worst case scenario you "mysteriously" die for defying them.

Thats why they post mostly bullshit findings these days. From saying GMO foods have absolutely no adverse effects, to saying genders aren't real. Science is becoming a forcefully scripted medium of mind control for the masses, AKA: the new religion.


This video explains why even published papers can be complete bullshit, but not because they're going against the agenda of the "powerful people", but because most news publishing places only want the juicy stuff

That's why I call it anti-realism.

I just think it's worrisome that there are more and more actual proper capable scientists and researchers who would rather pursue an agenda rather than scientific progress.

I don't remember the name of the rule, but there's a rule in journalism that I also apply to video titles. If the title is a question, the answer is no.
"Has a cure for cancer been found?"
The answer is no. If a cure for cancer had been found, the headline would read "Cure for cancer found."
I think this also applies to youtube videos. The only wrench in the gears are clickbait titles.


Shut up were not contradicting ourselves!!!!!!
Your just racist!!!!!

I remember watching a video on youtube(maybe it was memeneux) where someone was interviewing a young guy working in pharmaceutical studies. He was saying how like half the shit they push in public reports is completely fabricated and the other half that goes against it is paid off not to appear to the public.

There are quantifiable neurophysiological differences between the sexes, this was accepted as fact among academia back when I was in school (grad '11), so unless some groundbreaking research happened HuffPo's assertion is false.

But their title is purposely vague and deceitful to maintain plausible deniability.
>aren't really
>wired differently
They can argue all day what "really" constitutes a difference between the sexes, and what "wired" really means. Flat out propaganda at this point to further the globalist agenda.

There is well-known sexual dimorphism in the brain. I refuse to believe this has absolutely no behavioural or cognitive impacts.

Does this do anything for ya?


We read this blatant shit science about genetics and people wonder why there are global warming skeptics. Maybe because liberals use "science" selectively to validate their feelings.


How many of that 85% are black or Hispanic?

73% (spics and niggers are 30% of the population)

It's basic biological knowledge that estrogen and testosterone have differing effects on one's personality

Gmo foods don't have adverse effects though you autist

>The study suggests that decision-making in females may be guided by avoidance of negativity while decision making in males is mainly guided by assessing the long term outcome of a situation. They also found that males outperformed females in the Iowa Card Task, but there was a negative correlation between elevated testosterone levels and performance in the card task which indicates gonadal hormones influence decision-making.

To be honest GMO hasn't been around long enough to conclusively prove or disprove that it has any effects on humans.

>Hormones influence decision-making
It's good when science backs up things we already know. Any man knows that you think differently about things when really horny compared to post-orgasm.

i definitely agree mr medpack.

it is whichever is most convenient for them at any given time

The results are scary though. I just can't escape the conclusion that women voting was one of the the biggest mistakes the west ever made.

>men and woman have the exact same brains
>science shows transgender people have brains which correspond with their gender identity instead of their sex, showing transgenderism is a legitimate thing

I like how they say "men" but in the real world gun crime not counting suicides is a huge problem with impulsive low IQ violent niggers.