Tfw been firefighter/EMT for 6 years

>tfw been firefighter/EMT for 6 years
>have seen charred corpses
>have seen overdoses
>mangled children
>tfw the biggest thing that has given me PTSD is laughable

Anyone curious. I can share some stories if anyone would like. I'd normally post this on /k/ but they don't like firefighter or EMS threads.

If you could pass one relevant piece of advice on to the rest of us, what would it be?

It's a common sense of an answer, but understand that it's not your fault when you find people the way they are. Burn out is common, find an outlet that isn't harmful. I went through 4 fifths of Jack Daniels at my worst a week, never drank on my days off, but I recognized when I had a problem. I still drink, but only hard one day a week now.

What's the best way to fake a fire without getting caught?

Fucked up dude. What makes you keep doing it?

Die in it

>tfw the biggest thing that has given me PTSD is laughable
What is it?

Don't return to the scene of the crime for starters
Heres a story
>7 years ago I go through firefighter one for my volunteer firehouse (before I was a big city paid firemen)
>6 months after we graduate
>Huge crop fires are going on
>Blame it on the heat, but it seems to happen at precise times of day
>Turns out it be a guy I graduated with, trying to make fires so that his firehouse gets dispatched
>Cops catch him leaving the scene

If you live in rural america, you'll find the majority of firefighters are outcasts from their school or colleges. It's strange.

I'm good at it, I love it. The rush of running into a burning building and pulling ceiling and cutting walls, it's fucking fun. People thank me for it, what's not to love.

>Be working the ambulance for a shift one day
>get a call for a teenager with groin pain
>His nuts turned out to be tangled
>The whole ride to the hospital he is screaming "My BALLS MY BALLS MY BALLS"
>Laugh it off at the time
>Since then every single time my balls itch or hurt, I get worried that I tangled them somehow

Fucked weird mang

how accurate of a depiction of being a firefighter is Playing With Fire 2? it has to be spot on

How does one untangle testicles?

I will accept 'very carefully' as a response

Do they do it for money, the thrill, boredom?

I had a similiar scare with the ball tangle. It can happen even going from temperature changes, the testicle gets wrapped by one of the chords inside your sack and it cuts off blood supply. If you don't get it fixed ASAP it ends up where you have to get the ball removed because its dead.

What city you work in? Good to see another FF On here

what do firefighters do all day?

Testicular torsion!

I had both of mine do it at the same time. Trust me if it happens to you you'll know.


Die in a fire, faggot.

Testicular torsion I'm assuming. The muscles in your balls holds it in place which is why guys can do sports without having our balls twisting. Sometimes the muscles can get weak for some reason and the testicles twist freely on their own which is painful af.

beat up fires.

I forget if this is Chris Hernandez's story or one he quoted, as part of an explanation of when it is difficult to be a cop:
>be cop
>get into dingy apartment owned by a chupacabra "dreamer" and her drug-dealing boyfriend
>looking around, trying to identify smell
>open sliding door to small closet, like two feet deep, in bedroom
>these Catholics and their family values
>that's where they keep the kids
>all day when mom is at work, maybe all night too
>at that point it takes everything the narrator has to not just strangle the boyfriend

What would you consider your most horrific and disturbing memory of your job?

Be 100% honest with me, do you guys "buzz" (lights and siren) follow undesirables in your community?

>. I'd normally post this on /k/ but they don't like firefighter or EMS threads.

The fuck I constantly wait for those to come up


Sounds like a white knight, I'd strangle both of them

What are overdoses like?

Not the story I wanted to read after my doctor just told me i might have a hernia

Boredom, there is not money. In most rural areas, maybe there is one fire a year. They say fuck it, and light it up. I've been a big city guy for 2 years, and have had dozens of fires. Some peoples minds aren't meant for it.

I'm in a relatively busy company, but the majority of the time, we have off. In my time off I work out in our gym. My mindset is "Would I want me, saving me"?

What? No. You underestimate the power of political policy in a city department. The lights and sirens only go on if we have a job.

I found a women decapitated at the nose if that makes any sense. Call me perverted but her body was really hot.

slow and painful

salty triggered snowflake

>if you live in rural america, you'll find the majority of firefighters are outcasts from their school or colleges. It's strange.

Can confirm

They suck, generally include a good amount of vomit and when the narcan snaps them out of it a good portion of the time they wanna fight you

Hernia isn't bad, just make sure to get it fixed as soon as you can.
t. Hernia in L. Testicle

I'm studying EMR right now and want to become a Paramedic in the future. Was their something you wish you knew before getting into EMT work?

I'm scared user

After so many, you become numb.
>Guy overdoses in the bar of passenger vehicle
>I administer narcan
>He wakes up
>Begins kicking my partner
>Yell in his face to calm down
>He doesn't
>Keeps kicking the fuck out of my partner
>Choke him for legit a few seconds until he calms down

I'm not proud of what I did, but he would not stop.

What is the biggest thing that has given you ptsd?

Yeah you gotta give em 0.5 mg at a time, just enough to stop the respiratory depression without putting them straight into withdrawal

What the hell kind of self-loathing hernia tells people to get their hernias fixed?

I'm keeping my eye on you, Hernia in L. Testicle

tits or ass?

How much do you make?

>tits or ass

At the time (this was my old job) I made $11 an hour.

Do must paramedics/EMT's deserve more pay? How competent are they?

How often do you see morbidly obese people?

Wrong and wrong.
t. Former junkie

It'll be okay user. Have you already started feeling pain, or was it caught during a physical? Mine was caught during a physical, went in for surgery a week later, and got it fixed up real quick.

Some Hernia's are good. We have feelings too, I just wanna make the world better.

This happened to me when I was 18 at a concert, ex-girlfriend was grinding up on me way too fucking hard and twisted my spermatic cord.

The pain was out of this world and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies.

user STOP

Firefighter on duty at my station here, just got back from a call so I'm browsing Sup Forums until I can either sleep or until I get another call. Also a paramedic.

How does someone get decapitated at the nose?

I make 18 bucks an hour and run about 5 calls per day as an urban paramedic. Some rural medics just sit on their asses all day but they make a bit less. The quality of paramedic just depends on how badly the county needs new hires.

i was talking to a dispatcher who said most people who call in fires are the ones who started it

Yes they do, this job takes a lot out of you and they get paid shit money. Where I run we primarily just do fire but some Ems assistance but I came from a department that ran mostly medical before this and it sucked. Fires beat you up pretty good too but I enjoy it so much that I generally don't bitch about the shit money I make, because the way our schedule works I have plenty of time to run a side business that actually pays me really well

Probably a car accident or something ripping the top part of her head off. That's why all semi trailers have a DOT bumper now.

She was a jogger, and the car just hit her the right (wrong) way.

Will confirm that confirmation

Hell at least your guys didn't threaten to arson a Sonic because they didn't give a discount to us guys in uniform.

Sadly enough after the guilty were pushed out, that sonic did begin offering up discounts.

>The quality of paramedic just depends on how badly the county needs new hires.

Why does that affect the quality?

Seems like it would take a huge force to cut through all of that skull instead of just lopping off at the neck.

They'll hire less experienced people if they need to.


I almost died of Alcohol and coke both sucked ass

That would be nice, I make closer to 15 an hour and run an average of probably 10-12 calls a day, sometimes getting up into around 20 if it's a particularly shitty day

This is why it's becoming common practice in many places for police to assist fire departments and EMTs at overdoses.

My call volume is about this, maybe four calls a day average, but I only make $16 an hour. Not really urban either, my department is a white suburbia city. With a 56 hour work week though it's good pay, especially since I get to sleep most nights.

I just work here pal. It's an animal in itself.

A county in need will lower their standards until they fill the positions.

Paramedics are the only thing they splurge on if they need them. EMT-B and EMT-I (if any still exist) are shit

I mean, that makes sense. The majority of fires that happen are probably accidents, and not intentional arson. Why wouldn't the person who accidentally knocked over the candle onto the drapes not call 911?

How many calls turn out to be "no big deal".

As in the call wasn't fake but the emergency wasn't really an emergency and they wasted everyone's time?

Hi, OP

Thanks for answering my question about firefighters / EMTs hitting undesirables with lights and siren on a daily basis, but it does happen. If you're department doesn't allow it to happen then I guess you guys are legit.

But there are A LOT of videos on YouTube of people getting followed by lights and sirens firefighters / ambulances on a daily basis

in the cases of arsonists i think they call it in. but yeah sort of a moot point.

Tons of them. I got called out to assisted living for a guy who bit his tongue while eating. It wasn't even bleeding.

A good portion, probably about half. I'll usually have 2 or 3 working structure fires and a couple real medical emergencies, and maybe a car accident or 2 the rest of the day is filled with bullshit and other stuff like downed lines and all that.

FF/EMT here. The quality of your average EMT can really vary. I've worked with very good ones, and very, very bad ones

Let me guess, you think group stalking is real too?

Do you get any where the person thinks they're about to die from somthing, but really they're just having severe anxiety?

Yeah I used to run on this drunk at least once a week, he would call for tooth pain, be absolutely hammered when we got there, and refuse to put on anything other than his tighty whiteys most of the time

OP here, agreed.

I would assume a few.
>Come home from work
>Neighbor standing in the hallway
>Her kid crying, she's distraught
>Asked to use my phone to call 911
>Assume domestic violence or something
>She calls 911

People call 911 for stupid reasons. I had to give the police a statement since it was my phone, told them it looked like the kids foot was bleeding. Dunno what happened after that. Got a few good stories about that apartment complex.


Yeah that happens a lot. They'll start hyperventilating and eventually get hypercapneic and get numbness to the extremities and sometimes they'll even develop chest pain. You just gotta be patient with them and soothe them.

One of the guys on my department is "just an EMT", and he's one of the calmest, most intelligent, level headed guys I know. I would run a call with him any day.

The man that doesnt brag is the man I want to share a trench with

95% bullshit
4.9% moderately entertaining and get your blood flowing
0.1% the little girl in a car wreck you spent the entire extraction + ride to the hospital keeping her calm and doing your best for her still dies in the ER. Three months pass the girls father and three strangers show up at the fire house. Each of the strangers has an organ inside them donated from the little girl. They talk and thank you for you effort even though you feel like you failed to save a life, you probably saved those three others. You can't help but tear up a bit every time you share the story on a Taiwanese photographic board.

I'm just going by the proof I see, and the reasoning makes sense. If a bunch of family men want to protect their town in a extra-judicial way, they would think of ways to run off the degenerates

Come on OP you have to answer this

reel human been

Look on the thread comrade, I answered this.

I hope she felt awful.

Oh no doubt, I'm just saying to whoever is cooking your dept. books would rather give themselves another fancy piece of equipment than an extra body to do 20 times the work.

Really? Been an EMS/firefighter for 9 years now. Volunteered for two years before that. I've seen people blow out there limbs and mangled bodies on the road. Seen dead kids and charred bodies as well. Never had any problems with it.
>inb4 edgelord
Not being edgy, just what the job entails. Its a cool job anyways so there's that.

Just finished emt. Starting fire in sept. My fears are confirmed. Even after paramedic it looks like I will be visiting this Mongolian horse breeding forum.

Was with CFS during ash wednesday.
I was one of the unlucky pricks who ran into bodies.
Family of four in a gutted SUV.

It's not weird. There's a reason our balls are in a sack separated from our body heat, and the reasoning associated with pain in that area is like a DEFCON1 warning to protect your balls.

Whenever I watch TV and see a transgender person of any type in a hospital or medical setting my balls just shrivel up and I feel incredibly distressed/uncomfortable. I guess my brain puts myself in a mentally similar situation and the reaction is as such.

>I'd normally post this on /k/ but they don't like firefighter or EMS threads.

How have you been in that long and not noticed the turnover rate?

Don't even bother learning a name till they've been voted in full

>numbness to the extremities
Do you know what causes this? Is it somthing psychological or is something actually changing in the body.

/k/ went full Reich after Traygoon Martini and Sup Forums shit posting

Emt threads get shit on as soon as they pop up yet fucking Weeb pleeb animu girls with fake ass guns are welcome

>be first shift of the summer
>1230 toneout ATV MVC
>19 year old guy with blood coming from groin
>trauma shears out, pants come off
>scrotum exploded
>balls just hanging there

Heard the docs patched him up and he's OK now.

Because /k/ is for guns you dummy.

Also a FF/medic fag here. 6 years now. Unfortunately my 2 years on a FD came to an abrupt end when I tested for full time because NFPA 1582 fucks me for having hearing aids. I could never get on anywhere (everywhere) that upholds that standard.

I'm now a paramedic for an emergency room, work in the ER and transport patients as needed.

90% of everything is bullshit and it has really made me despise human beans.

Not sure what I want to do when I grow up. Any advice? If I stayed in medical it has to be something where I'm challenged constantly. Being a medic where I am is basically a glorified ER tech with IV skills.

>this fucking episode actually made me aware of testicular torsion and how to prevent it
best thing i've ever learned

My area isn't too bad. I'm a floating Lieutenant so I go to whichever station needs me. I know all the career guys and most of them aren't going anywhere, when I was stuck to a single station, I liked talking to the volunteers, but now I don't really pay much mind to them. Like you said, unless they get voted in I don't bother to really interact unless we're doing drills.

Please elaborate on the bullshit that made you lose faith in your fellow man.

>90% of everything is bullshit and it has really made me despise human beans.