



>millar tries his hand at morrison
>it's better than anything millar has ever done



His Superman Adventures is arguably the best Superman run ever.








didnt know this was a rekt thread









>only 2 issues left
>Giant Millarworld Crossover next year
>Nemesis 2, Supercrooks 2, American Jesus 2 next year too

Which has the most hype?


Not gonna post all the ads after this.

And that's that.

Download in the Win-O'.

Yeah, there's been no point after the letters pages got discontinued.

>What he did to India

How am I missing every other issue of this comic. What happened?

The previous issue.
India exploded.

oh. Shit escalated while I wasn't looking, like it always does.

Very plain cover. I guess they can get away with it since it's Quitely, but still...

This entire series has been fantastic.

got a dump somewhere? just came across this series jsut now

>Nemesis 2

Also Im pretty sure the 2nd Millarworld Talent Search starts next week, any anons gearing up for that? Any expectations on what the book choices will be this year?

This page is a great example of Quitely's art. Still life looks amazing, people just look weird.

I'm trying again.

My guess will be Empress, Nemesis, Huck, and SuperCrooks.

Just because as last time it used stuff to come/big names that were in development again.

>being hype for fucking Nemesis 2
The only thing I'm hype for is the storytimes of pain.

How could I have meant anything different?
It's so interesting to see how Millar plays with that now that he's completely shifted tonal gears since it's happened.

>dat dialogue exchange in the third panel

This is already awesome.

Also, Millar recently shot down the theory that the device that Utopian found on Jupiter's Moons is "New Godsy".

But the dialogue in here makes it out to be more Celestial-ish.

What a faggot. They better kill him off.



What's this nigga's powers again?

>My dad didn't abandon me

>It's so interesting to see how Millar plays with that now that he's completely shifted tonal gears since it's happened.

I don't think that's a fair characterization. Millar is a writer who doesn't fit a pigeonhole easily. He can write Ultimates 2 one day and The Unfunnies the next. High-stakes drama and absurdist nonsense both have real estate in his head and he enjoys writing both. With other big names like Frank Miller and Allan Moore and Grant Morrison, you can for the most part tell what you're going to get walking into one of their stories, but Millar has always been more a member of the Warren Ellis camp, where tonal flirtation and experimentation are always the order of the day.

I don't think he ever stopped being the guy who wrote Nemesis. I think he's always been the guy who could enjoy writing Nemesis AND Huck AND Superior And Jupiter's Circle, and it just so happens that he hasn't been in the mood for more Nemesis for a little while.

In JC the original 7 all seemed to have flying/super strength/telekinesis, Walter had telepathy in addition, but I can't remember any other specific powers from them.

Much like Superman, with his x-ray vision and his flight and his super-speed, Skyfox is the true renaissance hero, who has a whole suite of unrelated but amazing powers. He's the golden age ideal in a man who no longer believes in ideals.

They all have a fuckload of powers.

The best plan.

>the writer of kick-ass
>the artist of all star superman

are those supposed to be good things?

I didn't care for Circle.

But if you just mean Legacy, then yeah this has been spectacular.

Circle was great. Quietly takes a while to draw so it was a nice bit of filler while he got part 3 ready.

I liked Circle, but it needed to be more consistent.
Going from vignettes to a more cohesive storyline could have been done better.

Even SuperCrooks fits in nicely in this Saga,.

He's right though. The entire story lead up to this and Skyfox's answer is to get drunk? Dick move, skyfox

>Even SuperCrooks fits in nicely in this Saga,.

Has it been confirmed that they're the same setting? I can't see any reason why they couldn't be, but I haven't read anything which confirms that they are.

Thanks for the storytime OP

Yeah Circle took that weird turn with the Luthor constant sub-plot.

Millar confirmed it a year and ago.

Then "The Heat" showed up in the final issue of Circle.
Plus Millar also confirmed that Walter's bastard daughter is Johnny Bolt's girlfriend.

Now someone just needs to storytime James Bond.

Damn. I'll have to sit down with my TPBs of SuperCrooks and Circle again soon. I managed to miss all of that.

Well, I mean...Johnny Bolt's girlfriend and Walter use the exact same power.

"Mind Paintings"

What the fuck was even Walter's endgame?

I just realized this is like a reverse version of Wanted.

Now, I really want a cross over between the two.

The Secret Service is also the reverse version of Wanted.

There's going to be an "Earth 2"/"Wanted Universe Only" Crossover next year.
Maybe if that goes well we can get CRISIS.

Circle: Fuck up Skyfox's Life
Legacy: Create a new utopia

>Earth 2"/"Wanted Universe

Wait, what, can you give me more info on this?

>Giant Millarworld Crossover next year

Elaborat, please. I thought Millar said he wants to keep every property contained because of movie rights.

On the Crossover?
Millar is planning on doing a crossover with Empress, Huck, and I think Starlight plus others next year.

Or you mean the Earth 2 thing? Cause Millar confirmed years ago that Jupiter's Saga and the other comics are Earth1/Earth2 in dynamics.

see above


Starlight and Empress seems like a natural fit.....But isn't Huck would be more suitable for MPH?

They're all on the same Earth anyway.

And honestly, MPH is more suited for Chrononauts.
Given Baseball and his fate.

He started stomping countries between panels (ala kid MiracleMan style) because they wern't co-operating with him.

Man is Quietly on fucking point in this issue.

>My dad didn't abandon me.

Mugga got told.

Supercrooks 2, obviously.

bumping for others.

What? Brandon seized control of China in previous issue, he didn't do squat to India.

got em



>the artist of all star superman

sweet jesus, that was marvelous.

wait aren't they married?

They probably never had a ceremony, by being wanted fugitive and all that.

He's going to do a Superman project next year. He says it's his definitive Superman story.

I can't help but be hyped as fuck.


Both the kids insult and the old mans reaction came outta nowhere

This series was Millars best by a landslide.

The fight in the last issue of this was so insanely Quitely good.

Pretty sure the aliens want to destroy a potential threat, yo.

HAHAHAHA oh god that burn

