It's a sign of the narcissism engulfing our society.
Before the Boomers, people named their kids after aspirational figures: the 12 apostles, saints, kings, etc. Beyond the West, similar attitudes prevailed: look at the popularity of the name Jesus in Latin America and Mohammad in the Muslim world. In some parts of Asia, the individual's name is given secondary status, and it is written after their family name.
But in America, things are different. Your kid is so special, the likes of him have yet to walk the Earth. And what better way to let others know this than to give him a name that has never been spoken before?
Needless to say, this is complete madness.
The traditional thought process went like this:
Kid is named after aspirational figure -> Kid inspired to become like his namesake -> Kid works hard -> Kid does great things
Narcissists think it goes like this:
Kid gets unique name -> Kid is therefore unique -> Everyone recognizes kid is unique and rewards him for it
However dubious the first thought process is, the second is complete madness, as it is atemporal: the parents think the name is a signal from the *future*, which is the only time when anyone can say how unique the kid is.
This leads to a more important point than silly baby names. Sup Forums talks a lot about how the two-party system is really a one party system with one neoliberal ideology, and this is true, but it doesn't go far enough. Ideology is not limited to the political theatre. An ideology is a broader notion, "the governing system of beliefs held by an individual or a group." The ideologies that made the term a snarl word (communism and fascism) shaped thinking on other areas of life, too: religion, culture, the role of the individual in society, and so on.
Not only are we living in a one-party state, we are living in a one-ideology state, and that ideology is narcissism.
What followed communism?
What followed fascism?
What follows narcissism?