ITT: Movie farts
Movies that came and disappeared forever as quickly as a fart.
ITT: Movie farts
Movies that came and disappeared forever as quickly as a fart.
it could have been a LOT worse. most of the criticisms I saw were that it was too hard to follow without knowing the lore beforehand. Theres nothing wrong with making a movie for the people invested in your franchise as long as it makes money and it certainly made money
anything made by these guys
but none of the WOW perma-virgins in the West went to see it, they pirated it.. it was China that saved this shit.
I absolutely loved it and I don't care about WoW.
It was extremely grandiose, in a way that I haven't seen in like a decade. It was closer to Troy and Kingdom of Heaven than it was to LotR.
This came out already?
The female ghostbusters
Seriously, fans were bitching because it looked like shit and feminists were saying "GIRLS ARE FUNNY GET OVER IT" for months before it came out and then it did and no one saw it or discussed it since
Only problem was too much CG, was actually a great romp
yeah but East Asians love High Fantasy so it's a win-win
Imagine how quickly these movies would disappear into nothingness if it weren't for the fanbois to remind us every couple of hours of their existence.
Fuck you, I liked it.
Also, the fact that you are talking about it proves it had some impact. Now, the Ghostbusters reboot, on the other hand... The fact that there is speculation on a Warcraft sequel, when no one can even remember a single thing about Ghostbusters other than "unfunny women and feminism", is telling.
The Total Recall and Robocop reboots would ALSO count, as no one remembers them. People DO remember Warcraft, though, whether they loved it or hated it, that's remembering it in a way. No one remembers Robocop 2016 or Total Recall 2012
All RoboCop had going for it was that one scene where he sees what's left of his body in a mirror
the only memorable thing from the Warcraft movie is the shitty CGI Shrek baby.
>Robocop 2016
Wait did I miss one?
It was released 2014? I thought?
I remembered that part when you mentioned it. The original was infinitely better with just Murphy looking at his human skin awkwardly grafted to a roboskull with him saying "go away".
The only part I remember, is the part where he's fighting the ED-209s and having a good shoot out with them, and then they do the exact opposite performance to the original. I thought that was pretty clever.
Orc baby wasn't that bad. He looks like a baby. I was expecting it to be God awful from what Sup Forums made out the baby to be, but he was cute.
Oh, shit. Didn't even get the date right. I think 2016 is the year I actually decided to watch it.
Or if they weren't all part of a shared universe
It's the gimmick keeping it together
>production budget $250 million
Oh, holy fuck. What the fuck is THIS?
a good movie
I loved this movie
I also liked it.
That's capeshit in general, unless they sapwn a n ebin meme.
underrated movie that was rated poorly because of whitewashing
Pirates of the Caribbean: Wild West.
I faintly remember this one but I liked it
Maybe I should try this one out.
Avatar, easily. Literally no one talks about it anymore, despite it's success.
What the hell happened to all of those fruitloops who wanted to become Navi or whatever?