Would you, Sup Forums?

Would you, Sup Forums?

Didn't she get kicked for the newer model yet?

this is very disrespectful. it literally would be like me shitting on your constitution.

they will replace her with a muslim women in a hijab soon

unlike you our head of state will never be a nigger.

it is scientifically impossible to shit on the constitution the poo would trigger the matter sensors underneath the glass and a hologram of george washington would grab the poo before it hit the constitution and then kill you

don't worry, Obama's already ahead of you

Why would you post this? Other than this,
that is someone's grandmother. Have you no shame?

Delete this.

Well? You didn't answer.


Damn. Big Willie's got some big feet.


I saw this once, a whole Indian family was ripped in half with GWs cherry choppin' axe

it is pretty fucking disrespectful mate

You can shit on the Constitution. Shitting on the Constitution is protected by the Constitution. Just don't be literal about it unless you have a new copy, the original document is an artifact.


Even queens like to be pounded hard my friend. I personally would probably accidentally break her.

Hello CIA.

>Sup Forums happily shits on Jews, Blacks, Homosexuals, Transexuals, the disabled, the poor, democrats, communists, liberals, and everybody who doesn't agree with them
>A rhetorical question about piercing the Madge's Vag is too much
really makes you think

Only to say fuck the queen in he most literal sense.

She was pretty hot when she was young.

Behead every monarch? Yes

Kek they have jewish and aftican ancestry

No need for fakes, she was a legitimate q.t. back in the day.

Would I do what? Praise her and exalt her as my Queen? Yes, I would do that.

I wouldn't expect a degenerate and faithless republican to understand.

Fucking - or in this case, raping - the Queen is the equivalent of raping Jesus' spirit. It's insanely disrespectful and offensive.

But nobody respects you monarchist faggots.

Nobody respects you republican faggots. I don't think you know this, but most liberals are republicans, which kind of gives a hint at how degenerate and inferior your ideology is.

I would plow the shit out of Elizabeth. You know how much of a fox she was during her teens? She was even a hot as fuck milf

I would devour that gilf

Naw, too much respect. Young Elizabeth before she was coronated? Hells yes.

sliding some other thread

>Commonwealth fags can't post or save this image without risk of imprisonment

>Not banging her so you can put your genes into the royal family permanently

>posting the Queen of Australia in a Queen of England thread

>literally the same person


Yes I would fuck her. Not that I'm into granny fucking but it would make for great lolz and bragging rights. I imagine I'd have to use some lube though, unless she just want it dry and bloody.

>Actually just England's conspiracy to take over the world by having their Queen kill and impersonate the Queen's of other countries

You sound like a fucking muslim when talking about Mohammed's carton.

>We fucked up, so now nobody else can have nice things


Eh, i'd rather earn my way there.

Banging the queen or someone in line is earning your way there, called a royal family for a reason.

Maybe for a woman. But that's not how men advance themselves or their kin.


Execute all blasphemers against Her Majesty

very cute

>Tfw the dumb cunt from britain who you used to go to school with says the monarchy is 'outdated'

not even when she was young
English ugliness at its best
She also had the ugliest kids ever, so are her grand kids

>ID is the colour of the average Algerian
yeah okay

>Implying that barbarian "document" is worth anything
America is the new Sodom.

Your just so... French aren't you.

What has she realistically done to stem the tide? Fucking nothing. At least the constitutional powers in the USA act as a barrier against the Jewish politicians who enact hate speech and try to ban guns, whereas Her Royal Majesty cuntface can't even lift a finger.

Her role is supposed to be an active one in politics but she does nothing. Useless.

No need to get that insulting to him, m8.

I'd be mad at Anglo superiority if I was a Frog too

>tfw no more constitutional monarchy

Fuck you.

If the queen asks you to do something you should do it.