Recommend sci-fi
Recommend sci-fi
Rick and Morty
First Men in the Moon (1964)
people here like to rec Moon. can say right now its shit, so boring
>ywn see an HBO miniseries for Ringworld
>There will never be onscreen Pierson's Puppeteers
Why did you give me that feel user?
Bet you enjoy Star Wars
Sci-fi kino coming through!
>ringworld miniseries
>the planets is the soundtrack
>lots of slow tracking shots
the expanse
all certified kino
Not Interstellar
Fifth element is a sexy beast of a film
Star ars ( only prequels) and Star trek ( only new ones) rest is shit
It's no Batman vs Superman, that's for sure.
The only one of those I enjoyed was Snowpiercer and enjoyed may be too strong a word
Kino coming through
Rollerball (1975)
coherence is p good oh pee
get a load of this faggot
Depends on what you're looking for, firstly. Hard sci-fi or more speculative fiction?
On the Silver Globe
Forbidden Planet is extremely engrossing and is severely underrated
The ending leaves you in complete awe because it's so unexpected
I wish I could remember this movie. Like everything from that timeline it has faded from memory. Like it never existed.
they ripped off Halo?
nice joke
Anyone else waiting for "The Three-Body Problem"?
Ringworld was kind of boring though. I never did finish the first book. I think it may be how it was written than simply the content. I wanted to like it too.
"Hunter Prey" don't look it up, just watch it.
Cargo (2009)
Surrogates (2009)
Kill Command (2016)
Gantz: O (2016)
>Ringworld was kind of boring though
But that's wrong you fucking idiot
It really is. It's extremely simple and more about the thought experiment. It was about as complex as Hitchhiker's Guide.
Some user told me that Ringworld Engineers is fantastic though.
I'm talking about the one where the old guy and a group of ragtag "friends" get a super fast ship and travel to a star that has a ringworld around it just because "being old is boring, let's go do something; oh look she's special because of the luck gene thing".
It just went down hill and I read that shit before Sup Forums existed...hell Moot didn't even exist then.
They're all fantastic
Nice inability to understand the plot correctly
War of the Worlds
The book not the films they are beyond shit
>Nice inability to understand the plot correctly
I literally never got that far and I read it more than 30 years ago. I just remember it as being boring and trite. I'd have been more satisfied if it droned on about how the ringworld works and how it was made for 100 pages.
Void (2017) then asap Event Horizon (1997)
headcannon EH travel to Void nebula ;)
The quiet earth
The Quiet Earth
Until the End of the World
Demon Seed
It's fine user, you've already confirmed you have absolutely shit taste, you don't need to continue proving it
You should probably go back to bed, Larry.
The Expanse
Red Rising (novels)
It's getting sad now user, we know you're a pleb you don't have to take pride in it
Void was ok. I wish there were more monsters.
Somewhat related, what are cronenbergs best movies?
>getting this ass wrecked and shitting up your own thread
Damn OP.
Desperation isn't a good look user
>yfw never ever a culture series or movie anthology
They did tho... that looks exactly like the HALO from the game
this is the cover of consider phlebas from 1987
Minority Report
You are now my brother. Moon was a mediocre movie at best. Weak acting by Sam rockwell. The twist came way too soon. The character interactions were completely unbelievable.
The manga/book this is based off of is great as well. What a fantastic adaptation of the concept.
Until they adapt the hyperion cantos im afraid you're going to have to deal with
>Plan 9 from outer space
>Flash gordon
>Flesh gordon meets the cosmic cheerleaders
>Forbidden planet
> The outer limits
>She wolves of the wasteland
>A.I. Artificial intelligence
>Scanner darkly
>Blade runner
>Dr. Strangelove
>Mary shellys frankenhole
>Ex machina
>Beyond the black rainbow
>Born in flames
>12 monkeys
>Zero theorem
>Burst city
>Cat people of the moon
>District 9
>Children of men
>Cloud Atlas
>The matrix
>Universal soldier
>The fly
>Planet of the apes movies
>Death stalk
>Dune extended edition
>Dark city
>City of lost children
>Rene lelioux movies
>From beyond
>Hell comes to frog town
>Jupiter ascending
>Inside out
>The one
>The tuxedo
>Jurrasic park
>Logans run
>Mars attacks
>Memiors of an invisible man
>Message from space
>Minority report
>Radio free albemuth
>Repo men
>Repo the genetic opera
>Attack of the killer tomatoes
>Swamp thing
>Silent running
>Slave girls from beyond infinity
>Southland tales
>Donnie darko
>The box
>Space pirate captain harlock
>Space station 76
>Starship troopers
>Star trek
>Star wars>The lawnmower man>The running man>Total recall>Suburban commando>Super mario brothers>Terminal city ricochet>Terminator>Aliens>Testament>Tetsuo
>The congress>The ice pirates>The last chase>Life aquatic with steve zissiou
>The lobster>Waterworld>The postman
>The rocketeer>The purge series>The thing>The whisperer in the darkness>The giver>The martian>Secret of nimh>The signal>The skin i live in>They live>Seeking a friend for the end of the world>Tomorrowland>Transcendence>Under the skin>upstream color>Wall-e>Treasure planet>Wierd science>World war z
This was a meh movie.
>Kill Command (2016)
ma negro desu
>Super mario brothers
Seconding this. Vastly underrated
good movie but the two leads making out when they're knee-deep in the shit brought it down for me
>Steel dawn
>Mad max
>Yor hunter from the future
>The brood
>The terror within
>American cyborg steel warrior
>Bad taste
>Crimes of the future
>Thirteenth floor
>John dies at the end
>Le dernier combat
>Neon city
>Omega doom
>Saturn 3
>Starchaser legend of orin
>The hidden
>The humanoid
>All the frankenstein movies
>The sender
Interstellar was really good.
Interesting recs, thanks. I haven't seen or heard of Hunter Prey, Cargo and Kill Command and might give those a try.
Which one would you say is the best of these?
This. Great sci-fi right there
is The Culture literally the best fictional society to live in?
>live forever
>change sex at will
>make drugs in your body with zero addictions and zero bad effects
>no need to work
>everything is free
>have sex with literally everything
>become a bush if desired
>Is it the surface of the sun?
I've always found it a great movie in terms of the atmosphere more so than the story. Weird how despite being filled with prominent actors it still has an almost indie feel to it. Prepare thyself for a jarring third act
I've seen Cargo and Kill Command.
Cargo is happening on a spaceship, Kill Command is happening on Earth with robots, the CGI is very good. Pick your poison.
Cargo is a German film btw with horrible English dub.
Just take solace in the fact that there isn't enough talent or money around to do it properly. Even if it were made it would never be good enough.
It's pretty great up until you want to do something actually important.
All the Culture offers is pointless distraction and hedonism until you grow bored of even that and choose to die.
The most interesting thing that could happen is if a Mind finds you useful for some Byzantine plot its hatching and uses you like tool.
Assuming that you weren't created for that purpose anyways.
Just watched Coherence.
Shit ending, to be honest.
GSV muh fuggin dick
>inb4 (((critics))) saying the Culture novels are boring af
Brilliant novels. What do you do as an author when your civilisation is as overpowered as fuck?
You write about human fallibility. And Minds.
>not wanting to be born as a grand strategy board game master
>GSV muh fuggin dick
There probably is a Culture ship named that.
But it's a gay cartoon. The trailer looks like a fuckin Tool music video or something.
Also worth noting The Culture weren't the most OP civilization either. There was plenty of other level 8 civs kicking about at the same time.
Not to mention The Sublimed.
>wanting to have your life carved and manipulated so that you have no choice but to be a grand strategy board game master
Yeah, but those weren't relevant. They were literal gods who didn't give a fuck.
Straw Grate
>Monkey's Paw Doctrine still applies
Is that real? I gotta see that now
>MFW culture ship names
that's a big list
>Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The Mere Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans Of Wrath
I enjoyed kill command, although some of the acting is terrible and the trailer makes it seem silly.
That was just a nickname though.
If Grey Area wasn't so uptight, it'd be right to adopt it.
>GCU Pure Big Mad Boat Man
That's the Culture right there.
Old kino is best.
blood music
>you will never talk with nanomachines in your body that make you perfect
This isn't actually good, is it
Damn son
you're a special kind of stupid user
what the fuck is this? DUKAT DID NOTHING WRONG
Cargo sucks
Gantz fucking sucks
>tfw will never, ever, get a Halo film focusing on the Covenant's religion
As much as I'd like a Halo movie, I don't want it to be some shitty military movie. I want it to be about the rings, the forerunners, and the Covenant's obsession with them.
Hunter Prey looks like a cheap star wars fan film. You can't use actual obvious metal for armor anymore. It doesn't work like that. Maybe if they had altered the footage and shot it in black and white the movie could have been barable.