I need some appropriate covers or panels to respond to this

I need some appropriate covers or panels to respond to this

What the fuck am I even looking at?

I wish you luck, user. Those women need to remember their place.

you want a cool covers thread?

How triggered did Sup Forums get by this?

Facebook meme.

this is the same friend that also posts shit like this

Rob "AAUUGH MY SPINE" Liefield

not very, they knew Mockingbird was shit already

Notice the pouches, women with no existent waists, swords, and no shown feet

but also shit like this

Kek, Batman is such a Fetish guy

Mockingbird featured a character whose name was Dick Profit.

That cover kind of pales in comparison to writing.


Who the fuck cares.
If she annoys you that much then you shouldn't see her fucking facebook.

the issue's not actually out yet so it's coming

it's amazing to me how willfully blind Sup Forums can be towards stuff. like treating that seriously

Dunno about you, but teenage girl killing a man, facing no repercussions for that because people aren't addressing REAL problems (like inability to talk about tampons?) seems like lackluster writing.

The Rapeman is the hero you need. That bitch ain't slick, she gon' suck yo dick.

>Dick Profit.

I kinda like that name.

Ugh, it didn't matter. It was supposed to be satire, so it was allowed to be stupid.

Just unfollow her? Dosent seem worth the time desu. Or just ask her to post the full sorce for that pic.


Is this the sort of response you were looking to give?

That or the part of the book where Diana sorta fails.
But that's not really a good reflection on Batman either.


Post this or the Spiderwoman butt shot

There was a book in the 1990's where wonder woman was working at a Taco shop. That had a great cover.

i remember more Hal on one of the covers for this story

1. She was taken by police, sorry the book is following her story?
2. It's about how shit we don't talk about with kids can fuck them up.

Taco Whiz.

oh well

Honestly Wonder Woman working at macdonalds was a really touching element to her character.

It would probably trigger the Living crap out of your feminist friend though. "Female oppression in corporate structure" rarrghh rarrghh rarrghh.

Batman is now patriarchy?
>pledged to be a slave, kissed the boot and she rejected him?
Why is it ok for women to get off on this power trip?I don't mind it as long as they don't bring it into realty but If I told anyone I wanted a woman to kiss my boot I would be the town creep and not the "you go girl' person


How about not respond to stupid shit on Facebook?


I would fuck batWW if she was a sub in bed

is that a star wars crossover?

If that wasn't Spidey I would think the pic is a promo for Snyder's new Superman film

>google "crossed" comic covers
>pick one
>post it
>call your friend a "fucky fuck fuck cunt!"
>also write something like ...
>"fun fact: fuckers get brutally fucked and killfucked in this comic"

>how to look like a faggot in less than 20 seconds

I guess judging from OP he thought it was a contest.

Post Frank Cho.

>please help me win my cancerous facebook meme war against le SJW monsters that trigger me to death
Fuck off.

>those faces
Jeph, I...

Wonder Woman in this story is an idiot who accepts a murderer into her house, attacks Batman for trying to being said murderer to justice (you know, that thing that superheroes are supposed to do), and then causes the murderer to kill herself because she was afraid Wonder Woman would kill Batman just to protect her from going to jail.
Batman pledges Hiketeia, which would mean Wonder Woman would have to protect him from any danger, so he could bring in the murderer without WW trying to kill him for it.
Only reason anyone talks about this story is because the cover and the scene where Batman pledges Hiketeia (aka "pledging to be her slave") in a weak attempt to show how cool Wonder Woman is because the only way to make a character look cool is to have them shit on another character

He's a multimillionaire who spends a significant portion of his life and fortune hunting desperate poor people and the mentally ill for sport.

Actually cool covers or bad covers we can make fun of


You forgot the part that all of the shit in that story happens "because fate says so" and for no other reason.

That, more than anything else, was the worst part.

Maybe you should stop looking for things to get upset at.

he stops them and then gives them a job. also while its a big amount of money, its not a significant portion of his fortune

No you don't OP. You'll play into their hands whatever you do.

What you need to do is unfriend that person, and preferably stop using facebook altogether.

then what's the point of using the internet?

Did you think Snyder was the first person to ever use religious imagery in superhero stories?

>Not only is he a furry, but he is also on femdom
Why is Batman such a degenerate?
Oh, right, no parents!

I see the message it originated from, but it quickly turns into vain, self-important bullshit.
>nobody can discourage me

>In this issue, Wonder Woman gets a job with her Gender Studies degree.

even pedophilic ships?

This, there are better ways to waste time and be annoying, op. Use Twitter.

Let's see what kind of triggering I can find in my cover folder...





>the issue's not actually out yet






All you need is good old Captain Marvel's Wisdom of Solomon and "Good Job, Son."



Have you considered ignoring her or unsubscribing so you don't see her posts? She's doing it for attention and likes, but you'll just be seen as an asshole for disagreeing. Yeah, there's a double standard, take advantage of it.

That show was so fucking funny, jesus.

The Japs can be really funny.

I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going

There's at least three reaction images on this cover alone.

I had a character like this in rifts
day 1 the gm ruled it was impossible for me to change a flat tire. Everyone agreed. Most of the time it wasn't a problem but there were a few occasions where i had to beg strangers on the street to help me. One time I let some dude take the tire off to get air. He never came back.

>that jizz on her forehead

That was really hot for some reason.

God, i need help, i'm almost considering fap to this shit.

Its actually pretty damn good. But fags got triggered by issue 3 and jumped ship.

I disagree.


>Betty vs Veronica

Oh the good old times, before Carol became trash, thanks user, now I'm nostalgic and deppresed.

if you followed your own advice you wouldn't be in this thread.


>Sup Forums, there's a WOMAN who's talking about how much of a woman she is! Let's get her!
Not your personal army, fuck off, etc.


You know what sucks about this thread?
OP is just some angry autist who doesn't even read enough comics to respond to this chick who has at least read that book in particular
Who gave him the time of day
Why did we decide that literally any female who presents symptoms of feminism deserves to be shat on
Why does this thread still exist, it's hardly a funny alt covers thread