Worst CGI in film and TV
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When we saw the deer, my dad and I just looked at each other. We didn't laugh, but we were so confused about why it looked so bad
Same. It was so shit I couldn't even laugh. I was stunned.
Any of the swinging scenes from Daredevil and the first Spider Man. Like a frigging rag doll.
That doesn't look bad, desu.
For a video game maybe, not a $300 million dollar movie.
The walking dead unironically has some of the worst I've seen deer included
Warner Bros: "How do you want your CGI, Senpai?"
Zack Snyder: "China"
That's so fucking ridiculous. What's it even supposed to be?
>Trash woman
>Is trash
Holy shit that's bad.
>go out of there way to film in georgia to save as much money as possible
this is there budget for cgi
>Walking Dead
Damn... so... this... is... the......... power...... of.... the........ TV................... whoah.......
Just imagine if there was a TV2..........................................................................................................................................................................................................
What the fuck is with this show? Isn't it the most watched cable show? Where does the money go? Why even fucking bother with this garbage? Why do people continue to watch it? Is it a study of Stockholm syndrome or what
how much force would it take for a chain to shear a human skull in half?
The argument is that they are old zombies and their skulls have softened. But if that were the case then they wouldn't be able to bit anyone. So the moral is the show is fucking stupid.
The dwarves came prepared with defenses for elven arrows. I don't see the problem here.
Between this and the cave woman talking, "Show him the up up" or whatever, I was left confused after the whole scene.
>Platinum remakes Katawa Shoujo
At first i really thought it Rick was hallucinating
Now post the boat in Fear TWD.
I think they spent all their CGI budget on the tiger. The tiger is actually fairly decent compared to the other shit in the show.
This really isn't that bad.
please kill yourself, it looks worse than warcraft cutscenes
Seriously, why didn't they just get a real deer? How much could that cost? Surely less than it costs to make a CGI deer.
Which was worse, the TWD deer of the LOST submarine?
what a travesty
I just wanted to say the guy who keeps posting the Vin Diesel thing is a faggot.
There's literally nothing wrong with this one.
Lost gets a pass because that was made like 40 years ago. The deer was made this fucking year.
It looks pretty good. Of all the bad CG in that franchise, that'll probably age the best.
Tarkin on the other hand wasn't that good IMO, but the girl I took to the theater with me had no idea he was CG, so w/e.
you'd do better with a stop motion resin cast
Holy fre*king heck! Is the Rock really that small? Lmao
>"Say that to my face, my wife's son."
When you see Tarkin by himself it's perfectly passable, it's the shots where you can see him with another human that really makes it stand out.
is he in lanklet mode?
Would it be so hard for them to use a real fucking garbage dump as a background?
Same. After the movie I explained to my wife Peter Cushing was dead, and she came back with "Oh did he die after the finished filming?" I CGI Tarkin did a good job.
The only good thing to come from Disney owning Star Wars is they use their good cgi skills on it. Just imagine how shitty that would look if it was just Lucas Arts.
bad like the movie
I guess this the best special effects winner in the next oscar
That's not too bad, just cringy as fuck
Why are you posting videogames?
its still unnatural but 1000 times better than tarkin and probably the most realistic cgi human in film
Come on man the Lost submarine looked fucking terrible at the time too.
>but the girl I took to the theater with me had no idea he was CG
this is becoming more and more common and it makes me weep for the future of movies since im not a fucking retard and i can distinguish between people and cartoons
It's not that easy to get filming permits in New Jersey.
is it autism? how does this not immediately stand out as uncanny and cartoonish?
This is the most confusing thing ever to me because I don't remember the sub looking bad AT ALL, like it didn't even look like lazy CGI, much less look like something out of Goldeneye. None of my friends ever commented on it either. I can only assume that it's down to lower-definition tvs back then? But even then I remember other stuff being obvious when watching, so I just don't fucking know how the fuck I could miss it.
Except it looks like a videogame from the 90s
Yes, on a shitty TV with cable broadcast and low rez it's harder to notice.
Why is Disney doing this "young CGI versions of old actors" in every fucking movie now? Carrie Fischer, Michael Douglas, Robert Downey Jr, Kurt Russel, Johnny Depp...what are they planning?
Probably because you were aware Cushing is dead and you need something to complain about on a Korean underwater basket weaving forum?
>that reflection or shit clipping through the wall by the light at the left at one second in
>mfw finding out everything but the window is practical
do you faggots wait everyday for this thread to show up?
also this from dindu panther
I dunno man, but the Kurt Russel one in GotG2 was fucking impressive.
It looked nearly perfect.
In future they're going to have actors sign their likeness over to Disney in their contracts, so that they can keep making movies without even needing to hire actors anymore (and long after they're dead too)
>thinking they are CGI and not Disney Imagineering animatronic robots they will use to take over Hollywood
Why did that one guy fall asleep midfight?
it kinda seemed they blew their whole budget on that because after that everything seemed like weird aesthetic video game shit like pic related
looks like the human parts of warcraft lmao
>you now notice the steps on the left clip into position as it appears in the frame
This. I don't know why Sup Forums memes about Leia so much when Tarkin was 100 times worse.
Because they've already done the initial investment in getting the tools and team together to do it and now they're making full use out of it, probably cutting down costs every time because they find out cheaper ways to do parts of it or because the team just doesn't have to spend as much time on it. All in the hopes that one day they'll be able to do flashbacks or prequels without having to hire a second actor to play the part, which breaks immersion no matter how you do it.
Why is this always posted? It doesn't even look bad. Especially since it takes place in a heavily stylized and over-the-top film.
Peter Cushing was already a weird looking fuck in real life, so a bizarre looking CGI version is less distracting.
Yeah, because autism isn't about noticing details others don't.
I've heard a bunch of stories about women not knowing its CG. It's probably do to:
>most women not watching Star Wars 100 times as a kid
>not knowing anything about the OT actors
>not thinking a studio would actually spend money making a CG face when they could just hire a look-a-like
>women not paying attention during movies
>women having much lower rates of autism
He floats up and never makes contact with her.
I had no clue that Kurt Russell was going to be in the movie so on the first shot I actually thought they'd just gotten some young Kurt-lookalike and dressed him up like 80's Kurt for some joke, like Peter was envisioning his dad to be the 80's icon. Then a split-second later I realised it WAS Kurt CGI'd young. Just the fact that I thought it was a lookalike in makeup rather than immediately thinking it was a CGI thing amazed me.
No, I think it's just easier to make something that actually exists look real.
Interestingly, the Kurt Russel shots actually involved a lot of practical effects. Watched an interview about it. They shot the scene with Kurt Russel in makeup, then shot the scene with another actor who had a similar body type to young Kurt Russel, then used CG to composite the shots and touch it up.
>not posting the directors cut
Because Leia was the final shot and Sup Forums doesn't have the patience or memory to meme about things that aren't at the start or end of a "long" movie.
Mortal Kombat Annihilation might have the most bad CGI effects per capita of any movie.
Aside from the comically bad CG backdrop when they could have just as easily made a practical room. Then yes.
But then again, trying to talk to prequel apologists is like trying to talk to a deaf retard in a foreign language.
It was a practical room. Only the window is CG.
It's always the worst when it's a combination of stupidity and CGI
I thought that was a screen cap from a commandos game
>Yeah, because autism isn't about noticing details others don't.
It's not though. Varying degrees of Prosopagnosia is common in people on the autism spectrum, along with various input becoming overwhelming and blended together so they can't pick out details because it's all a hot mess.
>Only the window is CG.
what did he mean by this?
Because fuck using suits.
It's a neat idea if they could ever hop over the uncanny valley, though yeah they are beginning to overuse it a bit.
It's even worse when you see that those ninja stars aren't aimed at her
They're so far off target it's just plain retarded
"I'm a stupid retard that reposts things I hear instead of using my eyes or brain" probably
What's missing?
Something about the translucency of the skin?
Why the fuck does the CGI copy have more wrinkles? It's not like they're small wrinkles that wouldn't show in the pre-HD era either.
Why the fuck does CGI Tarkin look like the Napoleon: Total War intro?
>people are actually defending the awful tarkin scene