>Eddard, take my son and claim he's yours to protect him from Robert, who I have no way to know has declared himself king and even if I did know that I would also know that it was the Lannisters who killed the Targaryen children, not Robert. Tell everyone that he's your bastard son and don't have Robert legitimize him as a Stark even though that would be extremely easy and make his life way easier. Turn the identity of his mother into some grand mystery that will weigh on him his entire childhood and make him the subject of noble gossip his entire life. Make him eat at another table to alienate him and give him an idealized view of the Night's Watch that you know isn't true, so that he'll die young and surrounded by murderers and rapists and never have any children. Don't tell your wife about me, either, for no reason whatsoever.
What did she mean by this?
Eddard, take my son and claim he's yours to protect him from Robert...
>and Eddard, please stop my baby son from wiping his cock on my forehead please
Lyanna Stark looks like THAT?
>Ned, promise me you'll kill this rape baby. the last couple years of my life have been hell on earth and I don't want the seed of the madman who did this to me to live on. Kill the boy ned. Kill the boy. Promise me, Ned
>Sorry lyanna I see where you're coming from but I can't kinslay ;^)
>Make him eat at another table to alienate him and give him an idealized view of the Night's Watch that you know isn't true,
that was fucked up
ramsay was even treated better than that
We all know R + L = D
He wasn't alienated in the books, but he did have the unreal view of the Watch.
>he said on Sup Forums
drop this racist show
To be fair. Ned was literally a retard.
Fucking retard doesn't know that Robert will kill the baby for being Rhaegar's child
That was my initial thought too. Even sick and without makeup she's the girl-next-door type at best. That's awesome and what I prefer but she's hardly the most beautiful woman in the kingdoms.
The show is the only version of the story that will ever be completed. The books don't matter anymore.
letting him eat at the top table would legitimise him as a possible heir, and usurp Robb. We even see this happening, he's head of House Stark instead of any of the legitimate children
Literally no one but Ned and Robert said she was the most beautiful woman in Westeros. That was Cersei.
isn't her the red priestess from Mereen?
This, the books may as well be the fan fiction at this point
I think Littlefinger mentioned it too. Or at least something like it.
The rape, Sansa. The rape.
its just a dinner table though
"Imma just waltz on into this lions den of inbred murderous cunts and spill all the beans. Nothing bad will happen at all"
A tripfag not understanding social norms. Why am I not surprised.
Snow's upbringing was essential to prepare him with the skills for the challenges he's faced and will face. Being hungry for success and having to put in the work is character building and is why Rob and all the other true born heirs were either incompetent or disinterested. I mean look at what a luxurious upbringing does to celebrities children? Jaden Smith is living with the fairies and Clint Eastwood/Arnie's sons look like a pale imitation.
This is the opinion of a neet loser on a tobasco brewing forum, the children of the famous don't need to work a day in their lives and live in luxury my opinion is irrelevant.
Why trip? Are you supposed to be someone special to us?
not a real answer
This bitch is so hot. She's Irish, but speaks fluent Italian too. Fuck she is so hot and good to cum too.
I wonder what part he got rejected for.
Just in case you didn't know:
Jon Snow = son of Benjen Stark and Lysa Arryn
Robb Stark = son of Rhaegar and Lyanna
God you are all stupid af
Here's a thought:
If he's so concerned with black culture and black people in general being represented in fiction and film, why don't he and other likeminded celebrities dedicate a portion of his fortune to a fund sponsoring black authors to craft intricate, compelling stories that incorporate African myth and culture instead of trying to insert them into stories based in European traditions and concepts?
Because him and people like him are bullying, parasitic assholes.
>Ned, claim Jon as yours and not Benjen
>lol making your wife think you cheated on her and is raising your bastard right home will go well
>African culture
there might be some neat stories about spears or dying of malaria or something. just keep them away from european culture
>why don't niggers work instead of complaining and demanding handouts
Gee, good question.
Jon Snow
>Turn the identity of his mother into some grand mystery
well yea if robert knew that she was his mom he would be pissed because robert originally wanted her to be his wife not cersai
robert loved lyanna
haha, silly identity politics. why do all these people care about identity politics when no one cares about identity politics? i'll ignore the blatant fact that everybody but me cares about identity politics and it'll go away
>posting this off topic article to talk about black people because you're obsessed with them
>protect him because as a Tarfairyan he's got a death mark
kys op
Nah, he would have been REEEEEing long before if that were the case.
I'm guessing it's an S7 part in Westeros that he was completely unsuited for.
>Eddard, teach my son how to read and speak the common tongue so that he can actually understand what's going on and not say nonsensical shit unlike OP
>cock head
The thumbnail gets me every time
Good point with Arnold, that's why Joesph Baena is a brown adonis and his shriver boys are a twink and a lardass respectively.
It's fitting. Look at busts and renderings of Cleopatra. She's not unattractive, but she doesn't look particularly beautiful, certainly not the most beautiful woman in the world.
>war was started because of this
>Promise me, Ned
>I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted... someone took her away from me, and seven kingdoms couldn't fill the hole she left behind.
Checkmate, niggers.
Lyanna already didn't trust Robrt because he started father bastards while betrothed to her, and he had a reputation for having a short temper. He also started a war over being rejected, and she would have known that he'd personally killed Rhaegar at that point. Robert was a violent, angry man with serious oneitis, so it isn't much of a stretch to imagine Lyanna would assume he wouldn't like knowing she had a baby with Rhaegar.
And we know Ned was autistically devoted to carrying about promises. If Lyanna made him promise not to tell anyone who Jon was, he wouldn't have. For the rest of it, blame Cat for being such a cunt to Jon for no reason. Ned was always good to him, and it was pretty obvious that most of those decisions came from Cat.
>I don't want to marry Robert, he'll never be faithful
>runs off with Rhaegar
To be fair to Rhaegar, everyone that isn't Bobby B. seems to think he was a great person, and I don't think there's any indication he cheated on Elia with anyone but Lyanna. And given that it's possible he divorced Elia and married Lyanna, it wouldn't even be cheating, technically. The guy might have pulled a dick move by running out on his family, but he wasn't a complete manwhore like Robert. He also also compelled by his belief in the prophecy and thought he needed to have a kid with Lyanna.
Fuck off. He didn't, he could have married Lyanna as a second, but he wouldn't divorce anyone.
its canon now
>he could have married Lyanna as a second
polygamy is illegal in westeros
>but he's the prince
Arya looks like Lyanna in the books. What did you expect?
>thinking Rhaegar, gentle, kind Rhaegar raped Lyanna
>Thinking she and him were not on a mystic quest autistically trying to prepare for the long night
>Not realizing She was the Knight of the Laughing Tree and thats why he crowned her the Queen of Love and Beauty.
and arya and lyanna is supposed to be beautiful in the books so >MUH BOOKS is not an argument, its bad casting
And everytime a million replies not realizing this is fake.
Didn't Danny Glover try something like that and find that no other blacks in the business wanted to help
Aryas has a horse face. She's not a beauty.
Lyanna was probably very plain but had a nice personality.
I still maintain my theory, given the descriptions of Elia, that Elia was sick and Dying, and the Dornish being like they are encouraged Rhaegar to find a wife before she died.
Lyanna was always described as beautiful, and Arya was mentioned to resemble Lyanna in personality not in appearance
Promise me, Ned
>I have no way to know Robert is king
How do you know this? Word travels
>Robert wouldn't hurt a child
He would hurt the child that Rhaegar had with his wife-to-be. Robert hated Rhaegar as it was just for the kidnapping. Finding out he'd been cucked would really set him off
>Have Robert legitimize him
Catelyn would be pissed
>Tell Cat about his real parents
Loose lips sink ships. The more people that know, the higher the chances of Robert finding out. It would seem awful suspicious if Jon was being treated normally by anyone
The only part I didn't like was how Eddard did idealize the Night's Watch and didn't stopped his "nephew" from joining a order he knew was passed its prime and full of rapists, murderers, and thieves. What was the point of even protecting him if he is just going to go full celibate, die young, and never further the family line?
Why do you think she doesn't know whats going on? She is fucking Rhaegar willingly
You guys are fucking gay. Lyanna is a fox.
>Too old
>Horse face
Yeah that's Lyanna all right
What the fuck why do real life people not look like digital drawings of photoshopped models at all times? Especially right after giving birth, crying, sweating and shitting herself for hours? This is why females are cancer.
I think Edd hoped Jon would go because once he's there he has no claim to the Throne and be safe because of the Nights Watch's neutrality. It was purposeful I believe, he knew Benjem would protect Jon.
Honestly he was warned by his Uncle before he left to join. In the books though there further motivation why he joined mostly Cat.
Oh h-hi there, user. W-would you like to put a little Jon Snow in my belly?
>stories that incorporate African myth and culture
Remember when /tvpol/ shat all over Black Panther for trying that? There's no way to please you whiny fucks.
Your last point doesn't feel right because by taking him in Ned has already shown how different he is from Robert. Robert barely acknowledged his bastards. Furthermore he wouldn't know if Jon was treated kindly or not.
Also, there's no excuse for him not telling Cat. He could lie to everyone, including his children, but he was a fool for not telling his wife.
>brown hair
>brown eyes
The patrician's choice.
>but he was a fool for not telling his wife
1. Ned never liked Cat or loved her as much as he would have her, Cat was betrothed to him, they never had that connection.
2. Ned promised
3. Cat is a stupid bitch that made stupid decisions
because he isn't african. he isn't really european, either. he bitches and moans because he doesn't have a real identity. he's similar to a lot of americans in that regard so that means in generations to come they'll create their own hollywood and turn out capeshit
You don't think people would find it weird that Cat wouldn't be acting resentful towards Jon Snow?
The whole point is that Jon being treated like a normal child would be really fishy. I mean you already have characters like Littlefinger that were able to put 2 and 2 together to figure out who Jon's parents are. All you need to look at is the whole timeline surrounding Jon's birth. Anything beyond that and it would be painfully obvious.
She knew the war was over when it was Ned and not one of the bodygaurds or the prince who came for her. And if the war was over that means that the targaryens would get fucked up and her son would probably be a huge target for anyone not a targ loyalist. Letting Jon Snow join the nightswatch was a way of making sure he'd never make some attempt at the throne if ned decided to eventually tell him, and letting caitlyn know was also a small risk he wasn't going to take.
Caitlin hated Ned early in their marriage. Took a lot of sex to tame her. She was pregnant with Rob when he went to war.
Legitimizing Jon would have cost him a happy marriage.
He kept him alive but he wasn't going to humiliate his wife and first born son by legitimizing Jon.
>I think Edd hoped Jon would go because once he's there he has no claim to the Throne and be safe because of the Nights Watch's neutrality. It was purposeful I believe, he knew Benjem would protect Jon.
This. Remember that no one expected Benjen to go missing. As far as most people were concerned, the NW were just hanging out at Castle Black and occasionally fighting small groups of wildlings. New probably didn't expect Jon to ever be in real danger up there, especially with Benjen watching over him. He probably even figured he would have been safer in the NW than out of it, like Aemon.
IIRC, he never explicitly told Cat anything about where Jon came from, just that Jon had his blood. It was Cat's choice to be a bitch and treat him like shit because she assumed he was a bastard. From Ned's point of view, he was a lord and warden of the north, and it wasn't really up to Cat to question his motivations. He had promised not to tell anyone about Jon's parents, and he didn't, he probably assumed that his wife would have understood; after all, his fatal flaw was assuming everyone else took honor as seriously as him.
She's not pale looking at all what are you smoking
>brown hair
Who fucking cares? Sean Bean was blonde
>brown eyes
Kit Harrington has brown eyes too. It makes sense
Pure autism.
Ned didn't want the kid. He agreed to take care of him and keep everything hushed up as a favor, but he wasn't interested in legitimizing him or giving him an incredibly great life.
Cmon man that's a face I could love every day until the makeup ruins it in 10 years and it ages like milk
she's ashen in the OP's pic because of blood loss and the ordeal of childbirth. maybe that's what he meant
this view makes the most sense. Jon was an unwelcome responsibility
literally google John Boyega GoT
This is how I imagined her.
Well, why don't they? There's literally no excuse. They have 9 god damn months of preparation to look good for "the most important day of their lives" but like everything else in their fucking lives, because they're held to some kind of standard and being counted upon, they only do the bare minimum (give birth) and expect a million accolades for being so good at being a parent that the baby didn't die while inside her
I won't tell Robert if you won't ;)
He was a complete unknown at the airing of the first episode of the first season of GOT. I doubt they would've even considered him at all except as an extra maybe or some other not very important role.
7/10 at best. I wouldn't start a rebellion over her.
When something is made I don't like, I'll call it shit and not watch it. I don't demand that it change and fit in more alcohol, pregnant white women, or anything else I like. I just don't fucking consume it, that's the proper response.
He is so fucking dense that he doesn't see "not paying to see only one type of person" is the proper response to something you feel. Don't support it. That's all you can do. If enough people feel the same, then that thing won't be profitable anymore and something will change and fill the void that it leaves. Niggers and women want the entire world to bend over backwards for them and thank them for the privilege of being their stepping stool.
Do you think he wanted to be Rhaegar?
Does Benjen know Jon's true origins? I can't believe Ned told no one about it, not even his own wife.
Ned was bound with honor not to tell anyone.
Also telling anyone, even his wife could catastrophically complicate matters down the line.
If word somehow got out his entire house would be marked for exterminatus because he's harboring a Targ.