Why is no one talking about this?
Why is no one talking about this?
what that mean
It means China will start controlling your internet instead of the US
because people aren't quite sure what it means yet and the MSM will never tell them.
when people don't fully understand something they avoid it instead of learning it.
Obama will get away with this without even a mention from the MSM. Americans will barely know it even happened at all, and the ones that do know its happening aren't sure what it means yet. Very few people even know what ICANN is.
it means the donaim naming services (what makes up the dot.coms we use) can be dictated by russia, china and Saudi arabia
basically full world censorship, deletion of oppositing websites, shit like that.
>Very few people even know what ICANN is.
That includes me. Care to explain what that is?
basically internet globalism.
im not even surprised, really
>lets put a nigger in charge
the fact that threads get constantly buried is telling they want nobody to know this is happening.
this is unconstitutional, congress needs to veto, but lol Lame Duck session. fucking jokes.