ITT: write the dialogue for when Justin Trudeau appears in Marvel Comics.
ITT: write the dialogue for when Justin Trudeau appears in Marvel Comics
If you fight mansplaining, the patriarchy wins
Walked past a comic store and they had a sign about this Trudeau comic thing. WTF?
wtf i hate the patriarchy now
If you take the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos, he wins.
Ugh, what a crappy likeness.
This always annoyed me, WW is standing there and has restrained a person who has done nothing wrong, then allows someone to assault him because he's being annoying.
"I am a faggot. My wife is for muslims only."
Liberals, like niggers, think it's okay to assault people who offend them with words.
It's an odd world, really.
Back in the day, dictators threw you in jail or attacked you with thugs. Today, "peaceful" and "tolerant" """"activists"""" will do the mugging and jailing.
>lasso makes you tell the truth
>it doesn't stop mansplaining
>mansplaining is the truth
>If you save people from villains; the villains win
Here comes Ironman
Fucks my wife as hard as he can.
He's a billionaire
But I'm a huge cuck so I don't even care.
I want to believe the issue will play out something like this.
>western comics are so bad they're nothing but the author's soapbox
And people wonder why weebs exist.
This. DC is based. Marvel is shit.
wtf did i just read lol
The story of a CIS boy who wasn't afraid to love a Trans girl. Shitlord.
"WLRBLEBBGLGRGLLBLBRGLRBGGB" he said, managing to fit the 4th cock into his mouth.
Th-that dude with the cape's g-gonna fly up from Metropolis and s-smack my s-shit, ain't he?
Guilt Pleasure Trudeau comic when?
>mfw he might not be subject to the 'no real persons' drawthread rule anymore