Pajeet Cops Best Cops Video Thread!

Other urls found in this thread:

Police joining the clean India initiative.

Pajeet cops playing Blind Man’s Bluff with fellow criminals.

Pajeet cops helping people to enhance their booty.

Context? Is this corporal punishment, or are Pajeet cops just allowed to rough up criminals way more casually?

No that's not corporal punishment, that's how we arrest our criminals, after this we put them in lock up and either wait for their bail or present them in court.

If the court allows the police remand, then our police gets the legal orders to beat them until they confess.

>Beat until they confess

Dude.. my dick moved from seeing brown people suffer.

I need help.

Full screen no blur

See AMERICAN COPS, you don't have to shoot niggers. Just beat the living shit out of them like the cops in India do.


Yes, we don't play good cop bad cop, its all bad cop bamboo cop here.

You need halp!

>If the court allows the police remand, then our police gets the legal orders to beat them until they confess.

Lmfao, what did they do to get these public floggings?

No not help. You need some pussy and a better country to live in.


Yes, you can learn something from our cops

This is the reason our shit tier country still isn't Brazil 2.0

Petty crimes. Heinous crimes get 3rd degree treatments

What was their crimes?

Does the police this to the upper caste or westerners as well?

kek, every time.

Is it mandatory to wear diapers in police uniform?
Those pants look so clean, no poo in sight

Yup, we have uniform penal code. Bamboo knows no gender or color.
This is done to petty crimes like theft, domestic violence, eve teasing, drunks, traffic violation etc. etc.



>Pajeet cops playing Blind Man’s Bluff with fellow criminals.

Lol when they were hitting those guys with black bags over their heads I lol'd irl

What I dont geht is why dont htey put them on the ground and stretch them properly?

It would annoy me that you cant beat them properly because they always move and try to dodge

Do they get jailed and fined as well, or is the beating the punishment?

But I mean, the police wouldn actually dare to do that to upper caste guys?

ok guys, wich one of you did this?

Yes. Half pajeet/half gora. Those beatings reminded me of when I went to school there for a few years. Teachers don't fuck around there like they do here in the states.

>legal orders to beat them until they confess.

>the cops laughing and having a good time

Fucking pajeets, man. This is gold. I like how they randomly make them do squats as well. Wtf?

Had to look up what the fuck "eve teasing" means.
>Eve teasing is a euphemism used throughout South Asia, which includes (but is not limited to) India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal for public sexual harassment or molestation (often known as "street harassment") of women by men

Working hard to keep citizens fit.

You are welcome

Its more fun our way

Yes, the beating like reading Miranda rights to them before arresting.

Nah, they do. Unless you got an amazing lawyer or knows a politician/other high ranking cop you are gonna get the bamboo


Yes, teachers here beat children just like cops


Well criminals have a right to stay fit burger.

Wew, I thought the upper caste in india still had god status

>Yes, teachers here beat children just like cops
No shit. I thought she was kidding until I saw the 4ft stick come out.
>Nah, they do. Unless you got an amazing lawyer or knows a politician/other high ranking cop you are gonna get the bamboo
I was out drinking with my cousin and as we left he was speeding. The cop pulled him over and my cousin just bribed him and the cop took it no questions asked. Is it common for them to accept bribes? I was freaking out because here that's serious shit you get in.

Here comes the BAMBOO

See, Pajeet cops even enhanced your vocabulary

Bamboos don't believe in gods, humans do.

Yes. Bribe is common here.

>Yes, the beating like reading Miranda rights to them before arresting.

My sides are in space. Must be pretty amusing to be a law abiding citizen in India.

My fucking sides are in space.


>Yes. Bribe is common here.
Up to what could someone get away with? how much INR is a good bribe? 1 lakh?

Who needs wrestling when you have got this

You are welcome

Unless its a murder. Most bribes are usually for keeping a blind eye on traffic violations, illegal constructions, etc. etc. Price depends on how good you are at bargain.

Poo in the loo aside, got curious

How often pajeet cops give the stick to innocent?
Is there any documentation about that?
I like what I see, but I get the feeling

>"Something happening there!"
>"Get the bamboo"
>"Sir, we didn't have clear visual of that scene"
>"Ajeet, get the bamboo or I'll smack your ass so hard, your poo flies over the loo into the zoo"

Thanks for the bribe info. I'll buy you a Limca if you're ever in Bombay.

>I'll smack your ass so hard, your poo flies over the loo into the zoo

Why should lady cops have some fun?

Well is our police corrupt yes most of them are. Yes some of them beat innocents but city cops are nice and usually try to help citizens. Where I live (Delhi) cops are very good and only give bamboo to those who deserve but in places like U.P. the system is so corrupt that people usually cremates the homicide victim as police never bothers to show up.

I like Maaza/Frooti/Slice.


>gets smacked with bamboo until he shuts the fuck up
>cant blame them for being white males

do we need to bring in the indian police force to stop BLM?

Time to go for a ride.

We won't mind if you do.

even when you try to look cool, youre still poo

Bro, youre killing me.
> the beating like reading Miranda rights
fuckin lold

What a shit country

All that Limca and ThumsUp and you choose Slice. Shame on you. I also miss Maggi masala

Did they poo in undesignated shitting street?

Our police is best at dealing with protests


You are welcome

Yeah, having BLM protests really made you a shitty country

I love Maggi Masala.


Shut up, faggot. Pajeetbro is bringing the bantz. He flings poo better than you.

Documentation? Just look how retarded these monkeys are

They used an MRI to """prove""" someone was guilty of murder

So you can quell a riot, but you still can't devise appropriate plumbing? India, what the hell?


Idk man, I think China and NK have you beat.

Do misbehaving women get the stick too?

i dont get it either but at least they dont just stand there while people throw rocks at them kek

I liked previous poolideos, but this one is..
There is no actual control, no disiprin.
Doesn't seem officers either who could manage the troops, sticks flying all around.
Seems like there is just one poo-king with the greatest bamboo stick just swinging it like he is the conductor of this poofest

Nah, they don't allow people to riot so there is no riot to control.




Exactly, that's better riot control than allowing one to happen at all.

I am talking about ACTUAL riot controls in ACTUAL democracies.

India, where the fuck are all the doors to your cars?

And... what stops them from confessing to just make the beatings stop?

What do you mean?

Much filthy jails full of dangerous criminals and dengue mosquitoes.


>beat them until they confess.

Can't wait until India's first manned space rocket blows up in the stratosphere.

The questioning will be hilarious

If americans did this to their blacks they would have a better chance at keeping them in line.


>Can't wait until India's first manned space rocket blows up in the stratosphere.
Never gonna happen

And your black would be afraid to commit crimes like most of our population is.

looks pretty effective tbqh

It is very effective.

Man if only french law would do this instead of giving a 5star cell to a main terrorist and giving 6 month of jail for basic terrorists,
I mean come on! the guy tryed to join Syria SIX FUCKING TIMES!(talking about the guy who beheaded a priest)

All the videos I see of India are filled with cars that don't have doors.

Filthy jails full of dangerous criminals and dengue mosquitoes? How is that different from the cafe down on the corner?

>Never gonna happen
No shit, the rocket will never make it to the stratosphere.

This type of policing is the reason that we are not Syria 2.0 even with the 2nd largest muslim population in the world.

Our cars do have doors, may be you saw Jeeps.

>Filthy jails full of dangerous criminals and dengue mosquitoes? How is that different from the cafe down on the corner?
A lot as your chances of dying in jail is 1000 times more than in the cafe next door.

You do realized that we have already reached the Mars.

Watching too much crime patrol bro ?
They don't do shit like that,and it's certainly not legal.
My brother was in for a DUI and they treated him pretty well all things considered

I never said that our police sucks, I said our police usually only beats those who deserve it.

Flinging poo at Mars doesn't count as reaching it.

Also, in the videos posted in this thread, there are vans and cars without doors. Where the fuck are they. Never seen a single Pajeep, only cars and vans without doors.

ayy I am so proud ;_;

>Calling an Orbiter a poo
>American education.

Also the van without the door is a destroyed van.

And the Green-yellow thing without door is called an Auto-Rickshaw.

top kek

In India, it is given you will be given 3rd degree torture in jail to get a confession.

In many of the videos above, wherein police are beating criminals on Street is s tactic called area domination, the local goons are paraded and beaten pretty badly in their area, so local innocent public know who the real boss is.

Of the most common torture police use is called aeroplane, they oil up a smooth stick cover it with chilly powder and it's shoved up the criminals ass hole.

The police are experts on torture without leaving any visible marks.

I guess they don't want to deal with paper work, so they just punish them on spot, because they know India isn't going to get fixed any time soon.


If it ain't broke...

Do you live in some shithole remote Isolated area ?
95% of the time police doesn't bother with this shit because almost all of the police administered confessions get thrown out of court anyway, all the defendant has to do is have a semi-competent lawyer and say that he was coerced into confessing

Seems you do not know how police work, the torture is to build the case, gain information.

>What was their crimes?
Being a filthy american backpacker

pajeet cop: "Did you murder him?"
suspect: "No!"

**beating continues indefinetly**

wtf, no pajeet saw a flaw in this?

Wow, I like how they beat the shit out of them with a stick.

this is better than boring ass cricket tho

I can't image why the police were so brutal. Was the protest against the building codes that forbid toilets or something?

No cop risks beating up an innocent guy and getting suspended unless you are from a law less shithole like U.P/Bihar and that too not in major cities like Lucknow/Varanasi.

Stop watching crime patrol or move out of UP/Bihar

britain teached them well

haven't laughed so hard in a long time. We should beat the shit out of criminals like that over here.

Kek. Stop watching American law and cop shows, here courts legally send criminals into police remand to beat the confessions out of them.

No oven mitt Russia, in murder investigations evidence is gathered first and then beating is performed to solidify those evidence.

Cricket isn't boring but still thanks.

Yes, our police doesn't beat innocents but the same doesn't go with criminals.


Yes you should.

>oven mitt Russia
kek now Croatians will always be oven mitt Russians to me

>Cricket isn't boring but still thanks.
oh it fucking is. if it had random beatings with the cricket bat then it would be better

they were caught pooing in the loo

Every video I've seen of a brown person being beaten they always scream and cry like a child. Funny shit

Its boring to you because cricket and baseball are too much alike yet so much different.

You barely know about cricket and we barely know about baseball and when any of us (Americans/Indians) try to know about it while watching it, it just seems like an idiotic rip off of the other.

This is why you love baseball and find cricket boring and we love cricket and find baseball boring.