What's the best kept secret in the film industry?
What's the best kept secret in the film industry?
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Why he wears the mask
Well the longest best kept secret in film history is actually matte painting.
It was used in secret since the black and white era but it wasn't until 1980s that people outside of Hollywood knew about it. Even big names like James Cameron didn't know of existence early in his career.
Jews control Hollywood
Dan "Get In The Van" Schneider
tom hanks is actually a genetic engineered homunculi
I know, but I can't tell you.
If we knew, it wouldn't be the best kept secret in Hollywood, would it?
Film is a shit medium for storytelling.
Tom Cruise being gay. People think it but none of us are sure.
Patrick Stewart was a real person who died and was re-created with CGI for Star Trek: The Next Generation. Because CGI was not very good at the time, the creators made him bald.
Scientology knows
CGI doesnt cost tens of millions of dollars to make its just the work of a few fat neckbeards and a PC.
Disney are a Satanic Cult that plant subliminal sexual messages in all their movies to corrupt the minds of children.
>its just the work of a few fat neckbeards and a PC.
So you're saying that a bunch of have to huddle around in front of one PC?
they take turns, day and night shifts.
Guys like Cruise, Bradley Cooper Will Smith are sexually fluid.
They have sham relationships to appear more natural but Hollywood can't market that non-sense to middle Americans.
all male actors are gay and all female actors are sex slaves for producers.
According to Corey Feldman, Corey Haim was molested on the set of Lucas by a very successful producer. Feldman also claims he was molested regularly and 'passed around'.
Could be bullshit, but might not.
lol gay
why does anytime someone mentions this shit they go the full retard satanic cult route?
open your eyes and see.
all the Disney whores like Miley Cyrus failing their programming and going full on Satans Slut is not a coincidence.
Wasn't it Miley Cyrus that had a conspiracy where she was supposed to have been murdered and replaced by a lookalike because "reasons" by "the man"??
>what is Occam's Razor?
fucking lol how have I not seen this before?
it's like the history channel but with self awareness.
not the biggest but Nickelodeon caters to a lot of fetishes look into her eyes and tell me she isn't broken
Sup Forums makes so much more sense now.
(((Who))) runs it and what for.
It's about their globalist agenda. In a nutshell they want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
TL;DR they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
>Jews control Hollywood
inb4 jidf mod ban
He's an example to all of us.
It's not so much a secret, but how every film is carefully engineered to "lose" money. You'll notice at the start of a film, numerous companies appear as having made it. Each of those companies winds up at the end of production having made no profit on paper.
Probably cause you're new as fuck
But why?
Less taxes. If you ever find yourself negotiating a check from a studio company don't ask for a percentage of profit ask for a portion of the gross revenue.
(((money laundering)))
That has nothing to do with how the film is made or the finished product though. It's called Hollywood Accounting and it's just legal loophole bullshit.
It's the reason Forrest Gump and LotR TECHNICALLY didn't break even (and the producers could fuck Gump's author and Peter Jackson out of their points)
Pretty sad that it is buried by reddit shitposting
>literally gets paid to shitpost
where do i sign up for this JIDF
he's trolling user
>james cameron
>didn't know about matte painting which was a common standard from the 1930s on
Fucking hell, jews are ugly as sin.
do you mean the backgrounds being painted?
Frankenstein 1930 had obvious (but beautiful) ones
>Those sources
Lmao, good troll.
Damn, the JIDF brings me back to 2011.
Is it sad that I'm nostalgic for 2011?
>Those sources
That's not what ad hominem is.
Kill yourself
don't worry, they're still here and invited some friends
pretty much this
it is pathetic, not sad
>blocks your information
You're confusing between backdrop painting and matte painting. Before the 1980s people thought it was an painted image on the background via blue screen, but the real secret was that matte painting was done on the foreground via a transparent layer.
This raises a good question. Many people are responding to this thread with things that would be embarrassing or hurt the prestige of film if they were open about it, but that's not all that will be secret in Hollywood. What *trade* secrets, like Matte Painting, are there? Are there still such things that are kept underwraps except for those who need to know, say, to prevent Bollywood or European production companies from being able to replicate the,?
>james cameron didn't know this was a painting in 1977
Digital de-aging/facelifts seem to be the new Hollywood secret: vulture.com
My friend works in the biz and he actually told me about this a few years before the press got a hold of this. Of course, at the time, I didnt believe him.
B-list actor Jeffery tambor likes to dress up in women's clothing and likes to bite teenage Hollywood hopefuls. Blood is always drawn.
>*clears throat*
James Whale‘s adaptation of Frankenstein (1931) is probably the first American film to use the glass matte painting effect. A glass matte involves an artist painting a realistic background onto a sheet of glass, leaving a space blank where the action will take place. When re-photographed it can look flawless, depending on the talents involved. Whale’s primitive use of the matte in Frankenstein was later perfected and taken to new levels in Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977).
The development of matte painting is attributed to filmmaker Norman Dawn, who first used it in the 1907 film Missions of California. The technique was simple, but pulling it off required skill.
If I was a kid, I would assumed that hangar is a super detailed scale model.
Exactly. But no one outside of Hollywood knew about this for a very long time.
>was kept secret for 100 years
>no one could tell they were paintings
>not even james cameron knew this was a painting
seems legit
>Nickelodeon caters to a lot of fetishes
Literally only feet.
To a kid, maybe. But no adult with two working eyes would. It's doesn't even look close to real.
>it looks so real
It's for braindead retards who need imagery to understand anything.
Ofcourse you could tell with a hi-res image. You're not thinking the limitation of a tv screen of that era.
pedophiles runs hollywood and child actors are actually prostitutes that are pimped out by their parents
Jew pedophile cult.
>mfw I genuinely didn't know that matte paintings were done in the foreground until late last year or this year
All this time and I always assumed it was backdrop paintings like they do on stage because that seems the obvious thing, until I saw some youtube video explaining how effects were achieved in old silent-era movies.
>Ofcourse you could tell with a hi-res image. You're not thinking the limitation of a tv screen of that era.
>watching star wars on TV in 1977
>implying people didn't see it on a format that kicked the shit out of 480p, 1080p and 4k
What is 70mm film you may ask? 70mm is a film format with frames that are larger in size and wider in aspect ratio than the standard 35mm film. "From an audience standpoint, it's a much crisper, brighter, and ideally more uniform and stable image," said McLaren. Essentially, the difference between 35mm and 70mm is similar to the difference between DVD and Blu-ray, if switching from DVD to Blu-ray also made your television bigger.
The wider, sharper image allows viewers to see "details in these films that you have just never, ever seen before," as McLaren puts it. He also points out that most theaters project films at a resolution of about 2,000 pixels, which is comparable to Blu-ray. However, the restoration scan of the 70mm film resolution Lawrence of Arabia was scanned at about 8,000 pixels, "and the negative had even more information than that. There's just so much more going on in these 70mm prints than even on your Blu-ray."
>the 70mm film resolution Lawrence of Arabia was scanned at about 8,000 pixels
Is summer almost over, yet?
>Is summer almost over, yet?
I hope
Checked. Sup Forums's not dead.
There's a shot of Chris Evans in Civil War where only the bags under his eyes shift as a change in expression during a line, and I was thinking this dude was some kind of acting master who could isolate his facial muscle control like that, but it being digital seems more realistic now.
yes it is
James Cameron might known its a painting but what he didn't know is how they implemented it.
Just check out his earlier work like the first Terminator, he didn't use any matte painting. He obviously got hold of the secret once he got bigger Hollywood jobs.
No, he's several of them working in tandem.
lul. The absolute state of Pottery.
>where only the bags under his eyes shift as a change in expression during a line
>implying that's anything special
You might have had a stroke if you can't control your facial muscles like that. If anything actors always oversell simply because retards won't pick up on it if they do subtle things like you usually do.
let it go
matte paintings were taught/used at usc film school in the 1960s per george lucas who was a student there
frankenstein used them way back in 1931... it was no secret how they were implemented... a bevy of films used them under a multitude of different producers and directors way before star wars and james cameron
this whole discussion is illogical and gay
So show me its body.
many celebs are clones
u gay
It was once a 'Hollywood' secret technique. Don't you find it odd that all your examples are 'Hollywood' movies?
Find a pre-80s non-Hollywood movie that used matte painting and I'll rest my case.
hollywood WAS movie making pre-1980s you summerfag