I am ashamed to be Chilean

I am ashamed to be Chilean.

Descended from the founding families of this country. My ancestors were the conquistadors of Chile . I have relatives presidents, congressmen, senators, artists, etc ..

My father inherited at age 21 with his brother lands that belonged to my family since 1600 in southern Chile and the two bastards lost everything, everything. Thousands of hectares.

Now I live between Chilean mestizos hating myself for that.

What the fuck I do?

When i finish my college I want to move to Canada or Australia.

This happens to any of you?

You are not white

Make Chile great again faggot. Only the weak run.

Mestizos are taking the power.

>When i finish my college I want to move to Canada or Australia.

Go to Canada, they only suck of dogs. Australians suck off each other which is much more disturbing.

No, you must stay and make your country worthy of your lineage again. Never abandon your heritage that's the most cucked thing a man can do.

>i have relatives presidents, congressmen, senators, artists
wtf? is that something to boast about nowadays?


Latinamerican countries have a caste system

It's nothing to be ashamed of. You should definitely not choose to go to Canada. That's where the shame is, that is the land of shame. I would rather be a bum in Chile than the King of Canada , being the King of Cucks makes you the biggest cuck of them all.

That same sort of thing happened to my girlfriend, not exactly but sort of similar. Don't be ashamed of your nation or your families history though.

You'd probably like Australia

I am very proud of my family history and the country that my ancestor built.
I know that many americans or europeans can not understand me but we have a castesystem in latinamerica. Imagine yourself living in a mexican neighbourhood in america and being you and your family the only whites there.
different values, customs, way of talking, culture..

I would like Australia.

>When i finish my college I want to move to Canada or Australia.

Fuck off we're full.

move to spain and help make the country of your ancestors less of a shithole

Conquering the world on horseback is easy; it is dismounting and governing that is hard.
- the great Khan

Why/how did they lose it?

I would be ashamed to be chilean too. Land stealing niggers.

is that fucking drake from uncharted

yeah, go to Canada
least you'll fit in

forever 2nd place falklands fag, you are a sandnigger looking mongrel chorizo-dependiente

My paternal grandparents died when my father was 21 and my uncle 24. They were "señoritos" and dont know shit about admistrate that ancestral lands.
They wanted to sell wood but failed and then sold the lands. My uncle was a man who literally drink all the money, spend it in prostitutes and married 4 times.
My father lost his part in pinochet times, wrong business..

When i was born my family was poor as fuck, living in a farm without electricty

You are a descendant from Pedro de Valdivia and the other conquistadors? The sameones who struggle during 400 years to defeat the Mapuche, i dont see nothing to be proud about your ancestors senpai

OMG texas is so weird

and you still feel superior to the rest of the population coming from such a shit family, kys

Fight in the upcoming European race war mate. It's what I'll be doing.

Pariente del solar de Pedro de Valdivia, por parte de Oncas de Melo, si.

A los mapuche los corrimos al BioBio, contando con un puñado de hombres.
El contigente de soldados era mínimo y aquella zona no se podía pacificar con tan exigua cantidad de soldados.

De todas maneras me parecen un pueblo respetable y abogo porque el estado de Chile les devuelva sus tierras ancestrales.

Un mapuche es gallardo y altivo.

Holy shit user, you murdered him.

Why don't you move to Israel, kike?

Superior not, different is the word.
Our culture is different.

200 spaniards against 5000 mapuche.
Spaniards won.

Stop going on paro and protesting through the streets. Finish Costanera centro. Learn how to cook some decent food. Stop immigration from Haiti. #MCGA

according to this
your family had much more problem than the regular non aristocratic family. If you come from such a superior dinasty probe it, that is the problem with you cuicos, you think that your craddle makes you better, when in reality is your grave

this, don't move. grow a pair and become enthused with improving your own nation.
pride and nationalism.
a country is its citizens.

no they didn´t, it was a stalemate and the war go on for another 400 years, until Clnel Saavedra on the 19th century brought the (((pacification))) of Araucania

you are him?
Pretty much, eveery white chilean is a Conqueror. We don't have immigration (except for english, germans) in almost 400 years. If you are white chilean (spanish name) is totally possible that your familie were Conquistadores

That's nice, what does it say?

Cuicos son los que creen pertenecer a cierta clase pero no pertenecen.

Esto es algo que no puedes comprender.

Una persona de arriba los ve diferentes a ustedes desde su forma de comer, caminar, hablar, moverse, actuar, etc..

cheerio mr Darwinian chap tot tot tot, watch out for the crocs

Battles in the araucania were like 200 spaniards against thousand of indians.
Spaniards conquered central Chile and some parts of the south near to the forts.

¿How the hell can you defeat 600.000 mapuche with 1000 soldiers?

La lejanía salvó a los mapuche, aunque también hay que destacar su espiritu guerrero.
No te engañes.

what to do ? you already said it : study , get money , get out ( if you want ) unless you literally lost everything there shouldn't be any problems

Canada. I go twice a year, summer to BC and winter to Quebec. You would like Quebec better.
>French is easier to learn than Chinese
>people are friendlier
>us latin beaners are considered exotic amongst the ladies
>roads arent as congested

Just avoid the big cities. They are liberal and trashy. Go out to the countryside. Houses are cheaper in QB as well. Chinese have run the prices up in BC.

Take advantage now bc Canadas immigration program.might change as LeWeed Man decides to let in more refugees.

nigga your family histrory is a mess, your are the equivalent of Don Quijote. I dont care what you think of me when you might see me on the street, because you clearly lack the ability of self reflection that help people to improve themselves, your aristocratic blood is nothing more than a vain attempt to pretend that you worth something, you are a LARPer on real life, nothing more than that, the castizos and mestizos arent taking anything from your family because your own family gave it away though gambling, alcoholism and bad bussiness

>Latinamerican countries have a caste system
Maybe Chile not us.

Stop making sweeping generalizations about your shitholes.

I don't go around saying "Latin America has a problem with immigration" or "Latin America has a problem with Peronist crooks" because only we have those problems.

>le exotic meme

There's already tons of spics here

are you not afraid of being doxxed by posting a real pic of you ?

¨*I'm assuming that this is actually you

"La wea fome culiao..."
What did they meant by this?

*muffled reggeton blasting in the background

dont forget u have zero medals. none. goose egg!

fucking cancer m8


>La lejanía salvó a los mapuche, aunque también hay que destacar su espiritu guerrero.
>No te engañes.

you don't have to reply to this, i'm a burger who only learned latin and occasionally watches lucha libra, but if you do tell me how close i am to understanding what you said.

>the legion salvoed the mapuche, they destroyed their warrior spirit. no more engagements/fights.

Damnit, I knew Huns were better than Mongols.

Wrong. It says nigger... Especially to the untrained.. (new fags need not apply)

One thing to do is write this history from your post. Would make for fascinating book. Become some kind of ex-pat speaker or historian.

>OP is a spoiled faggot crying because his own kin are massive retards
>Literally the cancer killing the country

Nothing to see here move along fellas

bantz be lackin

their isolation saved them ,( lejania comes from lejos - away) aunque means although , you must remark their warrior spirit

So : their isolation saved them , although you have to remark their warrior spirit

move to argentina or uruguay, bro. similar culture just more white.

This x100

This weak fuck pretends to be better then the rest, when he's just a piece of shit. Cuicos are seriously absolute shit tier, at least poor brown people have the excuse of not having money for being stupid useless fucks. Cuicos are literally inbred weaklings.

Make the country great again you absolute shit tier traitor instead of being 'Ay soy tan europeo, no tengo nada que ver con esta cultura oye'

You fucking pleb

so for a burger who only ever learned latin would you give me a 3/10 on my translation?

Replace your star with a leaf, Start a green revolution, Trudeau will send boots on the ground to help.

No sé si estás troleando o no, pero no veo porqué le das tanta importancia a tu alcurnia.

Si tener antepasados importantes realmente le transmitiese algún valor intrínseco a la gente, tu papá y tu tío no habrían perdido esos miles de hectáreas, porque habrían sabido cómo mantenerlas (y quién sabe, hasta adquirir más).

El genotipo y el fenotipo llegan hasta cierto punto no más, la epigenética, que tiene que ver con nuestras desiciones, aprendizaje y factores ambientales, es mucho más importante a la hora de ver en qué nos convertimos.

>I want to move to Canada or Australia.
that's your inner spic desire to ruin white civilization with your mestizo genes.
Fuck off, Pablo, we're full!

pls no coon runes

In my experience with Chilean tourists they're actually pretty nice and everything. I just don't want them to stay permanently.

No way he can recover from that

>"that's your inner spic desire"

That phrase really made me think...

Do you think white people have an inner desire to be destroyed? Why to you keep inviting brown and black people to your countries? I don't think it's just pathological empathy, it's like white civilization itself decided that it's time to leave this world for good...

I would give you a burger/10 and one without cheese

We should all move to Best korea, Sure we'd racemix, But we could also bring good Propaganda Materia for the greatest leader

>Having national pride
>Wanting to live in Canada


Our borders are as open as Justin's anus after a night at the gay disco

>it's another guy on so full of himself that likes to lie to people on a guatemalan tortilla cooking textboard forum episode

>find source of income
>get rich
>rebuild family legacy
>return to Chile a rich man
>buy your way into politics
>Communists thrown out of flying helicopters

Just stay there cunt. Sick of everyone "thinking of moving to Australia". Sydney has been ruined because of immigrants.

Is dat Oberyn Martell?