there is no more based character
/got/ general
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Reminder that Dany is completely justified in executing Randyll and Dickon.
Traitors deserve death.
Dickon sieged and killed the very men he'd hunted with and called his friends
the rape sansa
I haven't read the leaks.
What happens with Jon in episode 6?
Dickon is a very fine lad, his father betrayed Olenna. He didn't have a choice but to follow orders.
It was beautiful.
I've rewatched episode 4 about three times.
Great episode
Where's the leak user promised? It's already been over 30 mins. I literally called in sick to work so this better not be a joke.
They are north of the wall, captured a wight, fighting and stranded, Dany saves them with dragon and the dragon dies.
That's what happens to those that betray their country and help foreign savages rape and pillage their neighbors.
So when Jaime deserts Cersei will Euron move in?
Besides Jaime and Bronn the Dragonslayers, who else qualifies for being /our guy/?
Gets bummed to death by the Dothraki. All 40,000 men. And their horses too.
user... is this your first day here?
never trust posts like that
>whole north rallies behind a bastard who was never legitamized
>they say he avenged the red wedding even though the frey's and lannister's who were the main orchestrators were still alive
>there are no black people in GoT
If only...
Sansa, what if every bad moment in your life was orchestrated by a single person.
Remember that time you were raped by Ramsay? It was me Sansa. I warged him.
Your mum
hope you're memeing, lad
The battle scene is the best one so far.
this picture will never fail to make me laugh
Every thread because it works
This and hardhome are great. I can't wait to see the battle properly with better res.
They literally shoehorned black people into the show. I can't even imagine the backlash they would have gotten if they had jalabhar xho in as Roberts court negro on the show
Who is best GOT husbando?
>This episode has been confirmed to be the shortest installment in the series thus far, with a running time of 50 minutes.
Yeah. Arya and Brienne gave me an erection
he used to be so cute
I was trolling the fuck out of Sup Forums with this line in 2014. Interesting that it has not lost it's power.
Daddy Karstark
I remember when GQ was decent
And now there are 3 Starks in Winterfell.
I expect when Jon finally comes back with bent knees they're gonna call for his decision to be ignored because he's a bastard, and then Bran will reveal his Targaryan heritage.
Lich King
Haven't you seen it yet? it got leaked. It's the shortest because the last 15 mins are drogon cgi roasting the lannisters alive. I believe it'll be the most expensive ep this season. Only s6 has jon beyond the wall for more action
Ahem ahem
He's no one.
If that's true why does he refuse to bend the knee?
Fucker is a traitor and i sticking to it
The final scene of ep 7 might be more expensive
>you will never watch got full of Sup Forums memes and callbacks
Why did he abandon Edward Kenway?
the rape sansa
The leaves don't rustle.
Can't wait to watch in hd
That pacing though.
>Bronn hears the ground tremble
>line is formed
>scared soldiers
>"we can hold them off"
>that fire blast
I didn't expect the dragon fire to be that destructive, it literally turned some soldiers to ash and it also seems to explode on the ground. Imagine all three dragons applied in one battle. There's no way someone would be unable to hold the realm with such power. Being able to torch the enitre army, any army, within minutes, not to mention drop of morale it causes
>Jenkem Haghar
>Daenerys goes on a burning spree against poor soldiers who are only doing their duty to their lord but cowers to Cersei and goes on a suicide mission for her costing her a dragon and their own men instead of killing Cersei
Thanks Dabid for keeping your shitty Lena Headey around just because you want her to make it to the end at the expense of other characters and the plot
And that's we have the Night King, so that no matter how OP the heroes get there will always be someone to push their shit in
>not battle of the bastards
these two guys know:
Viserion crumbling the wall? Yeah could be. But i think ep 4 had a shitload of dragon cgi in it that could have been harder to animate. They had dragons in the dragonscene again that ep too.
>"Ah yes, I was right there beside you the night it happened. I was there when Ramsay bent you over and shoved his fat veiny cock into your tight pink pussy. I was there and watched when it started to bleed all over his cock and when you screamed and begged for him to stop because it was hurting too much. I was even there when he took another turn and fucked your pale arsehole and shot his cum all over your ugly fucking face, and I was there when Theon cleaned up after him by licking up all the warm cum whilst crying like a little bitch"
We need to discuss how Drogon has a butt spike. Has to be the CGI guys fucking around. Still, i wonder if dany rides her dragon?
If Isaac can portray a character having a paradigm personality shift so well why did Kit Cardboardington find it so hard?
>this picture
This has to be fake.
>I warged into Ramsay when he came back for seconds
It is
Given to reddit by Lads himself.
It's legit
fucking leak deniers still exist? Hahahaha
How do you think she managed to stay on when he was tumbling through the sky?
Give one good reason for why you haven't dropped this show seasons ago.
To be frank, as the show going shitty, it's harder and harder to tell.
>so well
We will never know the intentions of the artist, nor he will ever know how much it made us laugh.
>based edmu-
>one good reason
I love it, i love the show, yeah it's got abit simplified but fuck it i love it
so episode 5 leak rumor was just a meme?
I don't have one
My life is pretty empty, it takes a lot to make me drop a show once I have a season or more invested
all septs should be reduced to ash
This one is fake.
And now her watch has ended.
Was it autism?
Is there anymore of this
He did do it well though
>100% clear that his character has a completely different demeaner than before, 100% clear the kind of headspace he's portraying
>no discernable change whatsoever
azor jon
supported him since episode one
best character
rightful king of seven kingdom
very nice
Bravo D&D.
I don't even want to know what your favourite film is.
My cat could show more emotion than that autistic fuck and it's been dead for two years.
it's a trainwreck, but now i want to see how it ends
The Dothraki enjoy fighting
A Khaleesi who kill-steals is no Khaleesi
Why didn't the lannisters just teleport to kings landing? What was with all this nonsense of logistics?
I want to use his throat as a cockwarmer.
how dey gon rebuild dat wall when night king dragon tear it down ;: /
>I can't feed my army because the Lannisters took all the food from Highgarden
>orders her dragon to burn all the food from Highgarden
Does Jon believe in R'hllor after he was brought back to life?
What's the appeal of Jaime?
>terrible attitude
>selfish, impulsive, arrogant
>willing to kill children
>My cat could show more emotion
whoah, its almost like you understand that he's playing a character who LITERALLY DOES NOT HAVE EMOTIONS