/bb/ Big Brother 19

HOH: josh
Veto: TBD
Nominations: mark,elena,jess
Temp Comp: Temptation Competition for a week before nominations. It's optional. The winner gets safety and the loser is a 3rd nominee.
Competition winner: cody
Competition loser: jessica

previously on /bb/

Just a reminder that Paul is 5'7" and taller than all the girls in the house


*blocks your 500k*




Based xmas made Cody cry

She broke him

And the thread goes silent...


after this week, Cody will go full frank the tank mode


>mfw i finally got cody to crack

bullying hurts alphas too :(

he's either won or come in 2nd in every comp so far right? other than the one jess won

never cry till after the veto ceremony

jesus christ get it together

DR making sure Josh doesn't launch a perfectly-timed pan attack. Now who's the production pet?

these 2 are hilariously delusional

>victim noise

Now all of you realize Xmas is controlling the game

josh told xmas he wants to keep the noms the same


Pretty much, yeah. I think he's only lost one so far

fucking viet cong. Can we give Cody a flamethrower temptation?

josh is the only person that listens to her. everyone else thinks she's looney on meds or annoying because she's always angry

you know what at this point i want jess and cody to fucking go they had countless chances and yet squandered them because they are too stupid to know or play this game

cody talking about 300

>only week you have influence over the HoH
>cave to rat king's bs



>Paul saying if it's a word comp they should pick one person to form words and the rests of them get that person letters
He just can't help himself. has any other playing in BB history been this pathetic in their tactics?

Christian Slater?

>they try this and still fuck up by missing a letter or misspelling their big word, giving Jess the veto by default
given how easily this season swings between best and worst timelines, I wouldn't rule it out

Is she wearing Cody's boxers hiked up with the waistband rolled over onto a piece of rope? what the fuck.

>They make Alex the person spelling the big word

shit strategy

josh's hoh-itis is hilarious

veto players are Josh, Elena, Mark, Jessica, Alex and Christmas

rent free

alex lost to cody in the temp comp by 6 seconds

>Josh throwing the veto to Jess

if jessica doesnt win veto
josh and paul will fight for votes

the meatball mist master talking to cam rn

>Have temptation that lasts the whole season that could potentially save your own game
>use it before fucking jury to help Paul's game

Is this one of worst moves in big brother history?

lmao panda btfo

it will get ugly after the eviction but i dont think alex and kevin will go against paul yet which means jason too

what the fuck that's not the pic I chose

josh saying he can win jessica vote in the jury


I'm not seeing it, buddy. the house is too misted by Paul to think about getting Elena out over Jess.

corey hivemind

>Cody not playing in veto


Wait what? She used her fucking temptation? What a dumb cunt. I hope it's a physical comp.

not hivemind
459x445 listed but was changed to the pic below it


josh wants elena out
josh wants the house to respect his hoh

I don't know If I should respect Josh for trying to hold his ground, or if I should still hate him
I'm glad he wants to save Jess, but why does he want to?


When does veto happen?

please please please Jess win.

cody was picked and she replaced him

he just has HOH-itis. it makes no sense whatsoever. it doesnt help his game at all

This hasn't happened yet

fucking cunt

josh knows cody and jess hates him
elena is sneaky and will do anything to be in the winning side

So Josh and Jess are our only hopes for winning veto right?

What a dumb bitch

>caring about what the HoH wants after veto ceremony

DR manipulation homie. They'll be working hard to have Jessica not lose. It's going to be a some sort of physical comp like balance beam or some shit.

Will Strengthlessness even count in the scrabble game? seems kinda sketchy

xmas should have taken into account that the garden has been closed since the hoh comp which means its most like a big physical comp build and she wont even be able to play

Cody is now the biggest target in BB history.


Reminder if Jess is evicted Thursday Cody is 100% walking out with her. If Jess wins, it'll be a great week of Paul getting BTFO. If she loses, going to be the craziest live episode of BBUS ever.

>i dont want people running my hoh
>lets xmas run his hoh



What's better for Jess, someone on her side playing with her, or someone who can't even compete, meaning more letters for everyone?

cody playing would have been better for her game and xmas took that away and cant even play

I heard that Shelby and Paul had a one-night stand. True? Proof?

WOOF WOOF[/spoiler[

Alex and the fags are gonna be going for Misunderstanding as their word and Jess is gonna go for Strengthlessness. they both have the same amount of letters so what happens? do they have to go again? never played scrabble in my life.

sorry shelbyfag, it's true

whoever had the quickest time

after brendon used 'understanding' 2 seasons in a row, bb assigned value to each letter like in scrabble, so it's no longer 'longest word'

>Paul to Josh- I dont need to put him (Cody) down. I want to rattle him up so he performs poorly. There is a difference #BB19
sup paulie

Performs in what?

All Paul ever does is rattle himself thinking about Cody


Should i be sad right now?

These people are fucking retarded.

These clowns are going to lose so hard if this is a spelling comp. Wow.

strengthlessness has less vowels so jess would win

Not yet, there's still hope. Jess just needs to go full alpha and win the veto.

Cody is staying so all is well

she also has to find 5 S's and 3 E's

Jessica is the better player of the two.

If they stick with the point system that they had last year, Jess will win by a single point with Strengthlessness. she should have gone with Pizzazz though. would have been hilarious.


she's the reason Alex and Kevin never trusted him

>triggering his ptsd so he kills you and gets thrown out.
good plan desu

bb17 - gayson roy spells z (3pts) o (1) n (1) e (0) s (1) for a total of 6 points

>yfw they give Alex the spelling job and she spells Misunderstanding as "Missunderstanding"

*evicts victor*

If I'm production, I dont want Jessica out. So I'd make the comp something like a damn balance beam.