What does Sup Forums think about this movie?
I think it could've been a lot better, has some things I've never liked in any vampire movie, while some others, are pure gold and I liked those a lot, overall its a solid 6/10 comfy vampire movie that didn't deserve """critics""" hate
Queen of the Damned
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I liked it. It was a decent vampire flick, although a bit cheesy at times. Definitely not as good as Interview with the Vampire though.
Agred, though interview with the vampire was flawless so idk how a sequel could have lived up to it.
Soundtrack was cool at the time, don't remember a single frame from the movie
No, it was a pile of shit. Terrible premise and a total letdown of an ending.
just a cash grab dont even compares to the book or the first movie
Definitely one of the most 2000's movies thanks to the soundtrack.
Interview is god tier vampire movie, so no, I don't think it's a good idea to compare the two
And the soundtrack is one of the things that goes in the good things sack when balancing pros and cons. Best vampire music, unlike the usual faggy depressive emo melodrama that reigns in other things
Objectively one if the worst vampire movies of all time
"You are bold... Like your music"
Smash cut to Korn voiceover on sexy vampire concert
Fuck off
Has Edward Townsend been in anything since? Brush went Hayden Christiansen tier career
I just don't believe Lestat would do that. Never read the books though. Thought it was shite overall, and I still want my $6 back for having to sit through it.
>the things I did for my galpals at the time. Young fool.
lestat's "singing voice" is that of korn's lead vocalists. that instantly took me out of the movie. lame as fuck.
Just saw it for the last night first time since it was new,odd timing op.
Rented it more than once from Blockbuster, favorite scene is when Aliyah is in the bar, slowly walking away from the camera,not even an ass shot but so hot.
Better than most vampire movies,but that could be because most vampire movies are about mindless most flix or twilight (them shimmering queers)
the book was much different, akasha wanted to kill all the men in the world except lestat and would have succeeded but lestat betrayed her like a pussy
Went to watch the video and fuck, I didn't know the Static X guy was dead
I read two of the books,breddy good stuff. Neither of them were the movie ones tho.
>no Louis
>Lestat went with the red head girl
Should've been gay vampire kino like the first
>Static X guy was dead
DAMN! Didn't know.
>half of an oxycodone pill as well as alcohol
That oxy is a nightmare,I only tried it under pressure and didn't really like it BUT I live in Florida and around 2007ish it was everywhere, I noticed that some doc in a box clinics,think strip mall, would have a line out the door every few weeks,it was illegal for one doctor to tell another Dr that they shared a patient that was prescribed oxy. Almost certain that law has been removed.
Google Florida oxycodone and see some shit,if you have a soul you will become angry or sad.
I don't want any yous,don't respond please.
It was enjoyable. Really wish that Lestat's violin piece had been completed or something.
its nothing like the book, they should have done The Vampire Lestat instead or fuck it jump straight to the body theif or something, only thing I liked about this was seeing the firegift, also lestat shouldn't have been able to fly at that point so that triggered me too
if it makes you feel any better eventually that girl gets a boyfriend lestat turns them both or maybe gets marius to do it for him can't remember, anyway they become a jolly vampire threesome that fuck around getting into hijinks
no she didn't she wanted to kill all vampires and eat them, the twins stopped her
I like the trashy music.
>Wanting faggy vampires
Come to think of it, it's Anne Rice's and her degenerate sex fantasies' fault something like Twilight exists.
Best vampires are all about drinking blood and being predators, not wanting to be sucking cock all day
But whatever... there is audience for almost everything.
Me, I'm glad they didn't go that way on this movie at least.
that is what they do. Rice vampires can't have sex their junk doesn't work, they are very emo and angsty most of the time though
Didn't exactly know that.
But anyway, I'm pretty sure the "homoerotic" appeal of vampires in her works is more a psychological thing than related to actual sex. Still faggy but without the actual porn I guess
basically yea, but tbf their all faggy mopey emos in a general way, girls guys all of them, that why Lestat himself is usually the best character in any given novel cause he's the one going 'everyone lighten the fuck up, we're immortal demigods can we please just have some fun'