I would like a civil debate on abortion with you faggots...

I would like a civil debate on abortion with you faggots. I am a proud supporter of abortion; I believe people have a right to their bodies. Want to get rid of a pregnancy because you are not finacially capable, the baby is autistic, you are not ready, or becomes a health issue? You have the right.

I am a right leaning trump supporter; I am also not religious (atheist). The religion of Christianty, Judaism, Muslim, and all should be a whole separate thing when it comes to politics. These are your personal belief systems; but they are not everyones. As a biology major who graduated after 8 years with a masters degree I can tell you that abortion is completely justified. Fetus's can't retain memory, dont have a human body structure, and have no way of processing human like thought. Its like you christian cucks cry everytime you cum since you killed so many babies

Abortion is good

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It should be government funded and we need to get rid of single motherhood. Any child not growing up with two parents should be adopted

Wants a civil debate.

Immediate calls us all faggots.

Yeah nah mate. Didn't bother reading anything else you said. Who knows, I might have agreed with you???


I think about abortion this way: Abortion is murder, and nobody should have the right to murder someone, even if they are still in the womb. I do support abortion in the case of rape, incest, health danger, and birth defects.

I just a have one last question though. Why does it matter if a kid is autistic? Just raise him right and he/she won't be a furfag, brony, weeb, or anything degenerate like that.

Divorce rates are high and I have a single parent, my mother has raised me with full passion and love for the 20 years of being alive. My father was a physically abusive alcoholic who ruined my entire childhood and caused me a shit ton of mental issues over time. Alot of them are better now but still healing. Also adoption is pretty bad man, I know so many and they are fucked up


Awww did the mean man say a bad word? Aus is fags

Ok, but what about the babies right to theirs?

>ayyy lmao

>I believe people have a right to their bodies.
No, you don't. Otherwise you'd oppose abortion.

>why does it matter if they are autistic

Look boy, autistic people cant hold a well paying job, they are not socially acceptable, and have a hard time attracting mates. Sorry man but they should be put down. No child should experiance that horror

Oh gawd you killed a few cells what a madman

Thats not a baby, thats a underdeveloped fetus that is barely even anything.

Does this count as Gore? Surely must be under politics.

Fetuses are not even at tne stage of complete sense and thought

you're not a people until your gills turn into your inner ear, mandible, and jawline

a fetus has vestigial gills for the first trimester or so

but go ahead and tell me you don't believe in evolution either

So a miscarriage oh man I am so horrified!!!!111

What about minor autists? I am a mild aspie, yet I have a decent standard of living.

>abortion is good
then why is it unhealthy societies are the ones consumed with high abortion rates but healthy ones see a decrease in abortion?

Using Russia as an example. They had sky high abortion rates until recently, but recently their country is in a better position than it was previously.

Sure you could say that's not abortions fault but the economy's. However you notice abortion doesn't actually do anything good for a society. It encourages degeneracy and "empowers" women to be careless at the price of a permanently scarred cunny, which girls have no problem paying since it mostly effects men's quality life not theirs.
>get to be scandalous without consequence
>get to have a used up and scarred cunny
>men pay the toll and are forced to accept you anyway.
>could have child birthing complications down the road because of your abortions.

Why should a society strive to condone careless and damaged vaginas/minds?
The only argument for abortion is that "im racist and it kills a lot of blacks in America" however thats not helping America improve. Thats only keeping the cancerous nigger culture going and growing, which is now growing so much its reaching OUTSIDE of the USA. Global niggerdom is an epidemic and enabling things like abortion are a key part of those cancerous mentalities that fuel their "culture"

The decline of moral responsibility bring nothing good to a society, and ultimately contribute to the bad.

Not category true.

I hate letting women make decisions but I also love killing babies. It's tough, Sup Forums.

That's the process of an abortion. See

>Not category true.

please rephrase this into real people words

Citation needed and if you are I believe you ahpuld,be cut from society. Possibly killed or put into a home until you die. Natural selection son

Because it is democratically run, terrible policies and people expecting free shit. Im not about that life. I believe in freedom and the american dream baby

>women who get abortions are overwhelmingly minorities and/or people who don't want kids
>women who don't get abortions are mostly white women who actually want the kid
What's the problem here again?

Evolution is true. Not relevant to the debate.
How exactly does gill development apply to ethics, exactly? Seems like an arbitrary point.
Some fetuses do have functioning nervous systems. Especially as they age.

My own wife went through pregnancy and it was a toll on her mentally and physically. She went completely insane... Pregnancy isnt a walk in the fucking park

There's other ways to reduce teen pregnancies

Who cares if a fetus feels something they cant remember anything and they are basically useless outside the womb

Also I meant categorically*, autocorrect messed it up.

I have two kids, and while it takes a toll on women that's not really an argument pro or con.

Teens wont,ever,because teens are mindless and aggresive against the fabric of society itself.

so you admit it does nothing good for a society?
The only argument you have left is "kill retarded people" but that could be implemented by a voluntary euthanasia program.
IE: abortion ONLY legal in extreme cases such as that, and IF the person consents.

Blanket abortion for anyone who feels like having one is a degeneracy enabler and failsafe for cancerous mentalities. It does nothing good, and you'll greatly struggle to disprove that. Actually I doubt it can be done at all.

Pro abortion, anti choice.

okay that actually makes sense lol

Thats a con because its not,worth the trouble if the woman cant,handle it

>I believe people have a right to their bodies
>I believe
so much for being an athiest
Also half of the genetic materiel of the baby belongs to the father so no its not your fucking body

So should we allow killing of Alzheimer's patients? What about infants? Is memory the thing that ethically matters? What about people under anesthesia, is it okay to kill them? After all, they won't remember anything.
There is a large percentage of the population that is useless outside the womb too, should they be killed?

Abortions should be free and easy to access anytime no matter the reason. We have enough humans no need to make more

What is the crime of forcibly aborting a fetus be?

Awww did I hurt your feelings boo fucking hoo. Atheism is the lack of belief in a deity not a lack of belief in political ideas you fucking g idiot

Again, see

Alzettimers patients should be killed off. They are weak

Gues we should start with this one.

Oh good one you got me on grammer whats next you gonna tell me democratic socialism isnt socialism? Commie pig

bioethics is quite complicated.. like the argument of the pile (when does a grouping of something reach the point where it is considered a pile of something) or the idea of balding vs bald, there is no easy place to draw a line in gradual processes.

A fertilized ova developing into a fully functional sentient person is much the same.

I'll grant you that abortion is fucking brutal, and I'm only for it in the first trimester because beyond that it gets increasingly brutal, but the fact is infanticide is not socially acceptable, so if we don't permit people to have a way of terminating unwanted pregnancy, then the 'best case scenario' is a bunch of unwanted children that are either abused or abandoned and become dregs to society. It's either allow abortion or legalize infanticide.

>As a biology major who graduated after 8 years with a masters degree I can tell you that abortion is completely justified
thats funny. i don't remember the part in bilolgy where we went over subjective morality, espically when it relates to abortion issues.
you are obviously a fucking retard who has never taken a biology class in your life. even worse than that, you are probably a shill

>we have enough humans
then abolish the world food bank.
The world food bank is the real reason for overpopulation and abortion is not ever going to cure that while such institutions exist.
Abortion breeds degeneracy, it does not solve population issues.

You have a really baby tier understanding of the world for someone "with an 8 year degree" it really attests to how our colleges are really just a brainwashing facility and debt scheme. But alas thats another topic entirely.
Here, educate yourself a bit buddy.

again you're wrong. Nothing in this world is free. You want to pay higher taxes so sluts can be sluts and encourage other sluts, which is simply asinine.

I would never agree to that, especially when you can't give me a single reason why that is beneficiary for my society to have.

Let be legal and available but people need to stop pretending they aren't ending a life. It's not murder as its legally defined but it's still a growing human, flesh and bones, right down to its DNA. Go ahead and abort it but don't kid yourself into thinking you didn't kill.

calm your tits why are you so eager to kill babies
such a lust for revenge



what about the objective truth that a group of cells without sentience is not a person?

>I believe people have a right to their bodies.
So do I. The problem is, a foetus is a sovereign organism and thus abortion breaches that individual's right to their own body. A woman does not own the foetus. To say otherwise is in direct conflict with Western values.

>My father was a physically abusive alcoholic who ruined my entire childhood

>Fucks Chad
>No condoms cuz he doen't like it and Stacy will take him otherwise
>Gets knocked up
>Don't abort cuz "muh moralz"
>Oh noes he's a violent alcoholic, how could this possibly happen to meeeee

Abortions need to be enforced.

the child nobody paid attention to
i cries every tiem

>civil debate

In South America they they're all no abort cathos as fuck, how is that working?

Besides, if Russia didn't have abortion, they would be in a terrible mess right now. The reason *why* sluts have abortion is more concerning than abortions themselves.

>civil debate
>you christian cucks cry everytime you cum since you killed so many babies
>Abortion is good

Life is not sacred.

Unwanted kids are a scourge to any societies.

Sluts have not sense of responsibility anyway.

Prove me wrong.

>enforcing abortion
>not killing adulterers

You're an underdeveloped fetus you fucking burger.

I'd rather not have Kebab k thanks