
white pussy is MADE for blacc dicc

Did they design this season specifically to trigger Sup Forumstards?

it's funny cause they're eunuchs

very good very good

Is there anything that doesn't trigger them at this point?

HBO should make a series where sex and sexual allusions are banned. Also, they can't swear. Might actually have the first good TV show in a decade.

give me 10 good black men and i'll impregnate the bitch

>you don't like black cock in white pussy so you're from Sup Forums
jesus christ


Hourly reminder that this just further proves what everyone already knew: that White is what is most desirable/the endgame trophy and state of being for all darkies.

>I'm so obsessed by Sup Forums that I have to mention it in every single thread

You look like a fucking bitch in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of niggers it’ll be your fault. All right?

Be straight with me man, do you really not realize how pathetic you sound?

So OP's pic reminds you that much of black dick that you get triggered by it? jesus christ

Prove that it isn't the case. You can't.

Your own women are less in your eyes when placed next to the platinum trophy that is the white woman.

Women aren't possessions, they're not fucking trophies for you to go after. Her body, her choice.


Upvoted my glorious enlightened buddy

When did I ever say that I thought women were possessions? Tell that to the darkie men who view them as such. Stop reaching so hard, Habib. We see you

They would have gotten triggered by S1 hyping up the Dothraki so much and Daenerys falling in love with one if the show had been popular back then.


aren't the dothraki based on the vikings

u mite b homo dude

I don't think the vikings had a horsepusy culture dude. Vikings are boatpusy.

You guys are way too obsessed with this race shit and you're taking it too far.

>inb4 someone starts going second by second and screencaping any scene that has a black and white color together.

What am I looking at?

dude it's obviously based on the mongols/huns

Mongol horde. Ironmen are vikings.

L'origen du monde.

>sweeping in from the east
>firing arrows from horseback
Imagine having been raised in such a safe space that history has been sanitized to the point where the closest real world example to the dothraki was Vikings. It's like they never taught you about all the brown rape hoardes like the mongols or the Huns

Just another day on Sup Forums

there's more where that came from

underrated post.

Remember when the battles weren't a minute long and Casterly Rock was built into a cliff?

Not really since we never saw Casterly Rock in the show until the latest episode so we don't know how well protected and defended it really was.

In the books yeah its impregnable and actually build on a huge mountain, but a show is a show.

I highly doubt that much thought went into it.

Are you american?

i don't

Dothraki are Turks or Mongols

He even says so, that he's impressed by Pre-Islamic Turks and their Mongol allies

Wasn't the "sex" scene between Missandei and Grey Worm longer than the Casterly Rock and Highgarden raids put together?

Black men coming from the sea, "seamen" if you will, inserting itself into the white gaping orifice.

Truly interesting.

You think the brown people that we're reminded are afraid of water are based on the sea faring people nords?


This is the kind of subhumans attracted by GOT threads, congratulations /tv

>this whole thread

better than being literally mentally handicapped by liberal delusions.

>implying the way literally everyone lives their lives is a dichotomy determined by burger politics

Why are you people unable to detect joke threads?

>Alternate nightmare reality
Most influential anti-Trumpers (i.e. 95% of people in mass media/Hollywood) believe him to be a literal fascist and/or Russian puppet.

oh yes, we live in an alternate reality...

>it's OK that I'm delusional because a few hundred people I've never met and will never interact with are too

>Sup Forums is one person
You are the delusional one.

If you think that it would happen, then you don't get Sup Forums at all.



you know we're having a laugh, right? wait, do you think we actually watch this shit?

>implying they wouldn't


>heh i exist ABOVE political discourse
>i'm too smart to be boxed in by having an opinion LMAO
>debate me
nice try brainlet

I'm not an american retard

the castle isn't white. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>nothing means anything
Bravo reddit

>started watching got because i was told there's no niggers
>it was true
>except it only lasted for the first season
What are some shows or movies with absolutely no niggers/shitskins?

>this has now been posted more than a 1000 times in just a few months




The thread is set up to trigger post-elections arrivals like you that vaguely know of Sup Forums.

>joke threads
Not really.

Is that filthy frank on the right

Stop being a racist user.
>Captcha: Pringle 3000


Can confirm. Am viking stock. Get hard when I see a sexy boat.

>castles can be described as "impregnable"
Does that mean that storming a castle is considered impregnating the castle? I'm sure there's been porn drawn of this idea already.

>Someone makes one vaguely Sup Forums related shitpost
>autists screech about Sup Forums for half the thread

You faggots are like that kid in grade 5 that would hear somebody whispering in the back of the class and shush loud enough for the fucking ayys in alpha centauri to hear it