Do fat people deserve to be beaten and shamed?

Do fat people deserve to be beaten and shamed?

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No. We need a surveillance state and roving death squads to enforce fat acceptance.

wow i hate natural selection now

good luck with that, user

plenty of fat guys can whup ur ass

Based Lexi

All that armor and still lost

That was actually a good clean fight. 10/10 sportsmanship.


Yeah, because there were no niggers involved.


It's amazing how white people are even better at resolving conflict with violence, in a civil and organized manner.

Why the fuck is everyone filming shit like this and putting it up on youtube? Fucking nigger behaviour, but why do white people do it? Fucking trash, go live in your pathethic trailer park you disgusting white trash punks. Goddamn.

beaten? no.
shamed subliminally? fucking absolutely


I've got some bad news for you OP...

Drumpf is an old fat fuck
so yes they deserve it just because they look like Drumpf

Back to the shed, Amin.

we should kick out the illegals and fat asses should be forced to work construction jobs.

>Do fat people deserve to be beaten and shamed?

Yes, Americans deserve to be beaten and shamed :^)

This absolutely BASED Frogfag speaks the absolute truth.

>This absolutely BASED Frogfag speaks the absolute truth.
>And basically
>You are a fucking idiot


>American white trash

>American white trash


>Looks at white violent offenders prison population

Yeah man they dindu nuffin

Fucking biased faggot.


>Hey stop, let her get up
>lets her get up
>fight starts again when both parties are ready

I don't care what you say, leaf, thats a clean fight. A white fight, if you will. I've never seen colored people do that, outside of organized/televised fighting.

Are you incapable of logic?

Why are Americans so fucking stupid?

let's be real.

the big girl knew that other people would get involved if she went full tilt on the skinny chick.

skinny girls are pretty but jesus. you don't win a fight against someone who has a 100 lbs on you with weakass swings like skinny girl took.

Are you?

>Why are Americans so fucking stupid?

They are bred this way.

Rekt. Maybe that bitch should lose some weight. Fat people deserve bad things, they are weighing down the nation.

Fatty can win easily if she sits on opponent.

>This is a civilized fight because they are WHITE hehehe
>To you though, other people from other races all fight like barbarians (not true)
>Meanwhile millions of white Americans have been imprisoned for violent offenses

I swear, stormcucks are fucking retarded. All the resort to is anecdotal evidence and all of them think that correlation=causation

Must be true. I've never seen a country of dumber people.

Nah, as a chubby guy who has fought before you're wrong. Things like balance and coordination are built through sports or athletic activity during childhood or hard training as an adult.
Sure, a chubby male could win a similar weight vs weight fight because he played football/baseball/hockey when younger so he knows how to throw his weight around. Fat chicks don't have the same experience.
And you can tell in the video Lexi used the hairpull to guide the top heavy land whale around. She didn't have balance or coordination.
Bring in a high school volleyball or basketball player female and she'd throw Lexi around even with some added drinking weight.

this video annoyed me for some reason, seeing two women fight always makes me uncomfortable.

>I've never seen a country of dumber people.

If it weren't for Jews, the U.S. would have no nobel prize laureates.

Are you implying its not a civilized fight? They literally get off of eachother, theres no stomping, no mobbing. Just two people fighting. You don't see that in any fight between hoodrats. Bringing prison into the conversation literally does nothing, as many more brown people are in prison for the same things when you compare population sizes. Fucking canucks are god damn retards.

>seeing two women fight always makes me uncomfortable.

I guess it reminds you of how your mom used to beat up your cuck dad regularly.

Nobody was serious injured in the making of that video.

All fat people should be shot


Very true

Oh wow a prize invented and handed out by jews seems to surprisingly go to a disproportionate amount of jews.

It's like showing off that white Germans got the most iron crosses as a race.

I am not talkong about the fight at all. I am talking about your ability to generalize, jump to conclusions, resort to ancedotal evidence and ignore common scientific principles.

>durr canuck

Yup it's a white trash stormcuck

>Nobel prize
>"invented by Jews"

Britbong education. Not even once.

>equating a military medal to an award for scientific distinction

You fucking retard. The nobel prize has been won by so many people who are not Jewish but have made major advancements in science and medicine. Americans are just fucking stupid.

Nice trips. But it's more like Muslim education if you think about it

If they were sexually desirable at all I'd demand that they be publicly raped.

Fat people always just collapse in on themselves. The fat bitch's right leg gives out due to her shitty mobility and weight.

>But it's more like Muslim education if you think about it

Very true. UK should be renamed to "Isle of Pakistan".

Inb4 there are no jews in Scandinavia.

Not an argument achmed.

i love white trash

>killing 80% of Sup Forums's popluation
not a good idea

well if that fat girl literally tackled her as hard as possible she could have won but shes fuckin retarded... well they are both fucking retarded lol

Kek. Not so great Britain afterall

> he has a leaf on his flag and expects to be taken seriously

Go ahead and try.

>on Sup Forums

What the fuck do you even think you are doing here? 95% of the people here want to see you burned alive and country leveled by nukes

>Not so great Britain afterall

They were never great. They got cucked out of India by an anorexic pacifist wearing diapers.

The myth of British greatness is a forced meme, pushed by toothless underachievers.

Found the hippo, guys.

underrated maymay

>95% of the people here want to see you burned alive and country leveled by nukes

They wish that fate on us too

This is true. It's hilarious how they colonized most of the planet, have always been historically imperialist, and now the tables have turned and they are getting colonized by Muslims and have the audacity to cry and scream like little girls. God I fucking hate the English.

It's ok we have each other

>God I fucking hate the English.

We all do. It's what makes us human.


Found the oxyMORON guys.

yes, not sure about beaten but at least shamed until they lose the weight

Top kek. I suspect number is higher

Indeed, I will drink to that.

>Amerifat calling others morons

I got a better one.


>American high school
top kek

It was always two nigresses going at it where I went to school though

I was just messin' you two are probably alright or whatever. Peace straightbros.

The freedom of Americans is an insult to me. I'd have them all in zoos.

Its an insult to god too; which is what makes it so deliciously perfect. You'd never fully understand the "un-irony" of it Merkel.

>Try to fight fat guy
>Leans into me
>Ends up pinning me
The only time I've ever escaped such a tactic is when I've been able to scrape their eyeballs, even then that didn't get him off put postponed suffocation and loss of energy until somebody broke it up since he was freaking out so much
Don't worry he didn't go blind and we made up after


How dare you call me straight. Apage, Satanas!

Dude, its a fucking leaf......
You know better

Reclaim your nation with that fire Hans

now kiss, faggots.
