Why is Milo still banned and this sheboon isn't?
Why is Milo still banned and this sheboon isn't?
>Current banner
Black privilege.
Sjw's are running twitter. Aren't Anita Sarkesian (spelling?) some kind of admin?
>Slay all day
plz lord! have mercy!
Also she's quite a bitch, i'm surprised she's not banned as well!
What did she mean by this? Seriously, no joke, what he fuck is she saying? I cannot decipher this level of monkey speak.
Quads of truth!
Because he is an offensive faggot with no sense of professionalism?
A "comedian" using "yo mamma" jokes. That's rich. Daily reminder that women aren't funny and never will be.
I honestly have no idea what she is saying.
pls translate
>Im am a stand up comedian
Is that really all it takes to be successful? I'm going to get a sex change, make all sorts of edgy leftist humor, get stupid rich and famous, then publish a book on how it was all a ruse and that everyone is fucking stupid for supporting me
yeah she's fucked up, she retweeted some weird stuff too, including furries
Twatter is a company and they can do what they want
If you don't like it then don't associate/do business with them
I thought Sup Forums was pro-free market?
>Sri Lanka flag
Beautifull indeed!
Better yet, why have they done nothing about the fact that Milo got more death and bomb threats than she has?
I think there's two "e"s?
>im am a stand up comedian
Good, I thought I was the only one not understanding it.
She retweeted him being called the Uncle Tom of gays and plenty of awful racist and homophobic shit herself but because she fits the media's narrative she's untouchable.
OP never said to ban her, but asked about the double standards of Twatter. Nice use of liberal logic there, buddy.
Oh please. If Twitter started saying Black people couldn't use the service there would be a public uproar. Jack Dorsey is a closeted gay guy like Peter Thiel with a bone to pick trying too hard to fit in to a socially constructed narrative that doesn't fit reality.
holding blacks to the same standard is racist
Why does she look such like a Wyatt Mann racist charature of a black person?
Because Milo incited raids and harassment and this harmless moron is only embarrassing herself.
black woman > gay white man on the SJW victim totem pole.
He started a fight for no fucking reason and purposely started a fight with this sheboon. She isn't very bright, even for nigger standards but that is no reason to start drama for no reason.
Glad #Pozzed4Isreal is gone from twitter
Because stereotypes are rooted in reality.
Her Twitter tirades are pretty funny because it's obvious that she's illiterate yet she jumps at every b8post sent her way as if it won't make her look stupid.
Fuck Milo desu
The fuck did she even say?
."I feel like my wearing this water polo robe for several hours--ok days--had brought the USA luck. I shall not take it off. @USAWP slay all day!"