Did she eat out grey worms ass after he finished eating her out, it would only seem fair?
Did she eat out grey worms ass after he finished eating her out, it would only seem fair?
He fucked her, right?
>A nigger says "I ain't paying"
This is news?
he slipped her the grey worm
anyway who cares about these two
>Sup Forums seriously claim they wouldn't fuck this
>Sup Forums seriously claim they wouldn't fuck either
I've seen this posted at least 3 times just in the past couple of hours. I know you're triggered but take it easy on the shitposting.
The Aegon plotline is crucial, we need to find more screentime to fit it into the show, so unfortunately we may need to make some cuts into other characte-
Yes, my pet? What is it?
But Dan, we already filmed the funny bad pussy scene you wrote.
But we're running out of screen time enough as it is an-
As you desire, my sweet. *Sigh* Looks like we'll have to cut Aegon.
This is the dumbest story line in any show ever. One of them better turn out to be super important
>The Aegon plotline is crucial
Said nobody ever.
Pretty fucking obvious he's a Blackfyre pretender, and imagine how much time they'd have to spend on the show explaining the Blackfyres and all that fucking history to the drooling retard showfags just for the benefit of a red herring.
I don't get it. She dindunuffinwron but Sup Forums keeps treating her as a threat.
Explain yourself Sup Forums.
>Having such an obsession with a Sup Forums board you instantly think about them whenever a person with anything that isn't an Irish shade of White pops up in front of you
Get help, you're way too far gone. Try to maybe get laid, but with your mental state I'm almost sure a hooker would pay you not to fuck her.
never relax
That shit was so fucked up on her part.
>I want to see you
did she want to weaken him before battle? also are eunichs full package removed or do they still have something left?
Writing 101 :
They are there so Essos, as a whole, has a "face" in the story.
If they weren't featured (intimately) then Dany would just be leading an army of faceless mooks.
Grey Worm and Missandei represent soldiers and slaves she freed over there.
That's basically her only visible indication she did something of note in Essos since she surrounded herself with Westerosi advisers now.
>also are eunichs full package removed or do they still have something left?
IRL traditionally they are just castrated
But Theon would probably be considered one too though.
they're important because they interact with the other one and maybe greyworm will die and she'll be sad
wasnt it pretty much canon that he has nothing down there?
She's the spy.
This girl is easily the most attractive on the show. Hot damn.
grey worm is a beta male
If she had straighter hair I would but pubehead is disgusting. Not too big a fan of bubble lips either.
Rosabell is hotter
>getting this uppity about a shitpost
uh BoOoayYY fAlLsss Yn
Into the trash it goes.
no you need a penis to fuck a pusy
>it's a missandei wants children so greywom reluctantly agrees to get cucked episode
That picture has literally nothing to do with anything posted in this thread. Did you consume a lot of lead paint chips as a child, user?
What's it like to be gay user? Srs qstn.
>being this angry because a shit-eating tripfag with nothing to his name exposed you as a virgin
Settle down bro
Can people explain this to me? Like I get that it's some made-up premise for an anime and eventually something kinda similar to it was made in real life, but why is it reposted so often? What's so funny about it?
They had lesbian sex. He had his balls cut off as a kid or teen. Nigga can't get a boner.
She must have sucked on his empty scrotum or fingered his asshole.
>can't into anonymous posting
oh boy...
The same reason why baneposting is funny
what the fuck was the point of this scene??
she finger banged his prostate while he grinded on her pusy
They're both slaves who were never supposed to experience love, and here they are, under Dany Muh Dragons Khalesi they're enjoying all their freedom.
Where is the video? The show is shit, but I want to see her naked.
to show even eunuchs get more sex than jorah mormont
>getting this uppity about a shitpost getting uppity about a shitpost.
But he is probably going to take King's Landing and rule as King until he gets killed in the book
If you get castrated, can you orgasm via prostate stimulation?
Are you? Because I'm pretty sure that's a dude
I want to see you naked.
>It's her turn.
thx bb
Will there be a scene where the women wonder if Jorah had is pillars and stones skinned?
I fucking love this board
I thought all the unsullied were just castrated. It wouldn't make sense to cut their dicks off. They have to piss without having to worry about infection from the wound.
yea, it'll just be a dry one
But if he got his balls cut off as a kid, would get any sexual stimulation from anything?
The nerves are still there in his dick, but I think the lack of testosterone wouldn't let him get hard. I don't know. Also I realize what they were going for with making them all Eunuchs, and they obviously had no idea at the time what hormones are and how they regulated your body, but depriving your male soldiers of testosterone is a pretty shitty idea.
wtf I hate racism now
>those numbers
that's it, Jorah is finished, only thing lefty to find out is if he will arrive to see Dany kissing Jon or having sex with him.
they did it to make them super disciplined and less impulsive. It's an army that doesn't rape and pillage, it simply kills.
Greyworm will be the one to kill her when it's revealed.
It's an army that has no muscle mass, high pitched voices, no body hair (which at that time would actually be helpful in stopping infection) and underdeveloped heights. Like I mentioned before I understand why they did it, but they unknowingly crippled their army by doing so. Of course, we're talking about fiction not real life.
Assuming they only castrated the Unsullied and didn't just lop everything off, they can theoretically still get hard enough to penetrate and orgasm, just not ejaculate. Of course they made a huge deal out of him eating her out so I guess they did lop everything off.
But won't that just mean that one of them betrays her as she grows more and more imperious?
he will probably help jon have sex with dany
Cut his dick off
Well they shouldn't be, and I don't think they are in the books, super soldiers. They should just be super obedient and fearless hoplites fighting in a phalanx.
How do they piss? Do they insert tubes in the wound? How does the wound not get infected? Was this explained in ASOIAF?
Testosterone plays a pretty big part in being fearless as well. The reality of the situation would be you would get an army of Varys' with at most, a few Brienne's in there.
No, they removed the prostate as well.
In the books the Unsullied are made eunuchs by removing both the testicles as well as the entire penis. Varys also mentions being traumatized when he saw his dick thrown into a fire after removal, so I would assume that it's standard practice to leave nothing.
The fact that they would still have nerves left is why they take everything. The guy selling the unsullied to dany goes very in depth regarding their creation and maintenance, like the fact they regularly drink a mild poison that dulls their sensation of pain. To demonstrate this he walks up to a random dude in formation and slices off his nipple in front of dany and the dude doesn't flinch at all
If this sounds like gratuitous torture porn then congratulations, you've realized GRRM writes the series with one hand down his pants.
Still not as bad as "the more she drank the more she shat"
Slightly off topic but does Missandei remind anyone else of that trap from 'The Crying Game'?
>Testosterone plays a pretty big part in being fearless as well.
I would say testosterone plays a big part in over coming fear and also impulsiveness. But 15 years of hell could probably beat the fear of death out of you too.
They don't need to be super strong, they aren't fighting in gladiator pits or in hand to hand combat. The difficulty of the training would easily weed out the weaklings.
>so I would assume that it's standard practice to leave nothing.
I havent read the books and always wondered. IIRC they refered to Theon Varys and Unsullied as "cut". By that measure I just assumed that the sullied meant everything because it was clear from Theon and Varys.
Its nice that they made it clear in the books though.
>"the more she drank the more she shat"
This part is actually a shining example of where DND diverge from GRRM. GRRM was willing to actually showcase that Dany is susceptible to all the flaws and humiliations that normal humans have. Just because fire can't burn her doesn't mean she won't get diarrhea when she drinks bad water. DND take the moment where she comes out of the fire unscathed (hair and all) and just use that as the template for the way she functions as a character.
Was Sam from LOTR an eunuch?
would this work?
That doesn't change the fact that that particular scene was terribly written. There are better ways to portray character flaws than that.
>mfw the only black people on the show are slaves
>, it would only seem fair?
She pegged him for that deep prostate orgasm
no, you need a counter force in your feet to actually exert enough force to lift someone up
>implying you wouldnt
his ass is thicc
He has no balls, he has a penis im prety sure
>Takes people two hours to point this out
Without balls his prostate is useless
she has arguably the best body on the show. at least currently I know some of you Ros faggots are gonna try to reply
salladhor saan and mr eko tho
nice d&c tactics, Shlomo
The Wiki of Ice and Fire thinks, based on book, Unsullied have no dicks. It's the only way to really be sure sex is never an issue for them.
Castration is a thing that's been in existence for a long time and people weren't just falling over from dick infections. You could remove like 95% of the penis and just leave a little piss nub or I'm sure there's a way to just leave a tiny hole for the urethra, not some gaping wound.
no, there was also a black pirate and a rich black scam artist
shut the fuck you drunk mick bastard, nobody likes you. The only thing your shitty island is good for is dodging corporate taxes