Over 1 month of no happenings

If there is no major happening within the next 5 days of this post I will permanently renounce my faith in Kek .

The minimum requirement for a happening has to be atleast 100 souls to make up for 1 month of no happenings.

Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe Kek is preparing the ultimate happening?
I bet for nuclear attack on berlin by muslim terrorists.

That would be the dream. But terrorists are too dumb to understand nuclear physics

Then just a dirty bomb. Explosives plus radiation. Also fun!
I wouldnt miss berlin.

There have been no happenings because you have been lax in your worship.

How many 'Praise Kek's' have you uttered in the past months?
How many times have you rolled divine dubs in his name?
How many SJW tears have you offered up to him in sacrifice?

No, it is you who have let our mighty lord Kek down.

Praise kek for trips!

Good Good! embrace Moloch the true God of chaos.

Not Berlin man, I just got here

Why did you decide to life in a shithole?
Okay, maybe cologne, we dont need the ruhrpott anymore.

> No happenings
Where have you been?

President Obama increased the security. We are much safer than we were few months ago.

there will be more, don't worry my child

face the fact that kek is just one of the million made up gods

C'mon, what happened here in europe?

Did you miss the Milwaukee riots?

3rd day of rapes in sweden´s stockholms festival
but thats not a happening, thats just a daily things
i need to see something new , can you britbongs execute the londonistan mayor ?

KEK confirms happening's here

Kek has spoken.

Praise him you ungrateful heretic! REEEEEPENT!

I'm fine with happenings but in another country this time ok Kek?

We wait for the final results.
Already some dead swedish girls?

Sooon my friend,have faith.

dubs of truth

Kek is just saving up the meme magic

Big happening

Let us summon Kek!

No one cares about nigger happenings.

There must be a blood sacrifice in a major western country of atleast 11 or more souls to qualify for a happening.

kek delvers on his own schedule, not ours. bless the god of chaos kek and blessed be his memetic warfaring children

check these dubs , there will be a major happening in dusseldorf in 2 weeks.
praise kek

we must collect all the ways of praying/invoke/evoke Lord Kek!
>why not write what you know about Kek?
it's time to save our knowledge! spread the word to the young Kekist.
Those are "words of power" it works as a filter
>at least 100 sacrifices per month
>at least 4 praise Kek threads per week
>don't forget to upset normies for kek's
also we have to be serious about evoking or we won't have any happenings you lazy fucks!
Kek it's proving all of us before he decide the faith of this sick world.
>what else what can we add?

It's weird. I thought in that month where all the happenings happened one after another we'd be seeing frequent cases of refugees blowing up. The next happening will be big.

I wonder what the international intelligence communities think when somebody's high get predicts some kind of disaster.
Praise Kek?




Russia is doing a massive mock war drill against USA and Western europe; and USA in response is moving nukes into romania. Ukrainian forces are moving to crimea for the past few days. WW3 may be imminent.

Praise kek

Oh hey Hillary.

Shut up. Last two months were fucking crazy. Enjoy a moment of peace before it goes crazy again.

Damanit muslims your letting us down

>tfw you has high hopes for a Rio habbening
>tfw nothing happened except a few people getting robbed

KEK only gift those who are patient and praise him the most

Double dubs followed by a dub praise.

This is happening. In 2 weeks. Dusseldorf

Praise kek

>tfw a nuclear terrorist attack will eventually happen

Now, I am become Kek, the destroyer of worlds.

man do you even know the kind of happening Nov 8 will be? If trump wins kek will be in overdrive. He's never been that hard at work before.
He only had to work with a single country but now his influence is spread through out the globe.

Imagine, an entire world at one point in time under the influence of Kek. Serious shit is about to go down.

calm yourself

the priests of kek are focusing on other venues.
right now they are shitting all over Apple Inc.

you will have to wait a few more months before another black sacrament is performed and new chaos is summoned across the world

kek does not need your failth
kek is not jesus christ

kek only needs you to hit the refresh button

happenings will come, you must have faith.

hello rare american

press F to pay respects to any unassuming Sup Forumsacks in berlin, they inhaled fallout so that we may retake the holy land

FAKE priests, can thee true priests SHOW THAT YOU ARE ALIVE

Check'd and Kek'd

Do not worry, fellow Kekists. He is currently engulfing the world in his shadow. Once it is done, the fire will rise higher than we could have ever imagined.

Merkel will get assassinated

>Bitching at god because (You) can't read the news
Just wait for the US presidential debates f@m.

>muh priesthood rising
If your thirst for Abram's way is so great, then service your local mufti.
Kek didn't remove kikes from egypt just to adopt their ways now.


kek isn't real you faggots
happenings don't come everyday anyway
patience is a fucking virtue

ISIS/their handlers realized they were shooting their wad too early and hit the brakes, the spree of happenings put Sup Forums + the internet into overdrive so they're trying to stymie thought a little while they pivot

Give us an happening kek

calm before the storm

Kek has a big happening for the debates coming up for Trump v Hilary.

As followers of Kek, we feed off chaos in the world. Though we hunger now, I am certain He prepares a grand happening for us in the near future.


Oh well, kek didn't smile towards me this time, maybe i should just kill myself

Fek off, my brother and his wife and daughter are heading there in just over a month.

He listens

>implying it isn't how we plan our false flags
What is crowdsourcing?

Major happening on September 9th.

You have to go back.

only kek knows when & where

There was a terrorist attack on a beach of corsica just last week. Arabs attacked corsican teens with machetes shouting "allah snackbar".

Hopefully the french people will kill their kike-filled terrorist government and send the rapefugees they illegally imposed on them back.

deutshe bank will fall
NORMIES will be slay by mighty KEK
praise kek and ears up

we will see again in berlin

>he doesn't know about France

(at 1:10)

>he truly doesn't know about France
