Why do high IQ people overwhelmingly support Hillary?
Why do high IQ people overwhelmingly support Hillary?
>High IQ
>Posts unrelated image
>Image is a survey of university programs
>Universities are the most liberal places on earth
>Wonder why HRC support is high there
I hate my countries posters. Saged.
The more intelligent the individual is the less racist they are.
because they are brainwashed. it takes an enormously high IQ to outsmart the brainwash all by yourself. most get raised like this, so there's no chance for escape
>Universities are the most liberal places on earth
What's the least liberal place on Earth then?
>democrats promise to pour more money into unis
>uni professors vote democrat
hmmm... i'm really starting to think over here
They have a very exploitative economic system working in their favor right now and they don't want it to end.
They would much prefer to keep raising taxes and then handing out welfare and unemployment checks so people can go shopping at the company store, than a massive reduction in income tax, massive increase in tariffs, and national prioritization of internal production and full employment.
All "liberal" causes are carefully designed to serve the economic interests of transnational corporations.
Sharia law countries prob
Because if they admit true intentions they'd be shamed out of a job?
>anonymous poll
IQ correlates with income. If you have a higher income you tend to live a more sheltered life, meaning you don't come in contact with the poor minorities. From this follows that you have little to no understanding about their behavior.
because they know if hilldog wins she will have her opponents murdered
I thought that applied only to liberal arts.
>Why are people who live in a bubble out of touch with their surroundings?
Yeah, any anonymous poll on this subject isn't worth shit simply because of how important this narrative is. Normies will do anything you say if you tell them they're "intellectuals" for being shabbos.
Stability. Trump doesn't believe in climate change and wants to curb free speech. He would probably defund these programs and halt scientific progress.
Sup Forums is pretty high IQ though....
Why do people who work for the government vote for anyone who happens to be for growing government?
I have literally no idea what the fuck you just said nigger...
>Mental Health
>80-90% blue
>Asks a question based on a faulty premise.
Go away shill. You're not convincing anyone.
Why do people who are more prone to criminal activity overwhelmingly support Hillary?
This. These people are not geniuses, they're merely just far enough above the rabble to choose what feels "reasonable." They don't necessarily have nay knowledge of history or politics.
Sup Forumssters are damaged goods, basically PTSD-people whose mothers and sisters been raped by the BBC. /po/ is literally Hitler famalam. And yeah Hitler did nothing wrong
Good job user.
/po/ are fucking madmen.
>Trump doesn't believe in climate change
Oh no! think of the... the... penguins?
>curb free speech AKA falsified mainstream propaganda
Oh no! Think of the journalists! They'll have to work a little harder! Imagine having to cite sources like filthy academics!
>tfw petroleum geologist
feels good man
They vote for the people that pay their bills by irresponsibly slowing out money to purposeless academia. Notice the more conservative subjects have greater applicability in the private sector.
For those interested, here are the not handpicked data.
Seen how non-STEM profiles like OP are easily manipulated by the prospect of "being the smart side", I strongly suggest we handpick our own few prestigious jobs and make such graphics.
Surgeons, bankers, engineers or airplane pilots are right-wing, we can start there.
High IQ people have a much higher rate of mental disorders.
I'm just saying... appeal to high iq doesn't work on Sup Forums because the same appeal (that high iq people are correct) would validate Sup Forums's choice as well.
>Sup Forums is pretty high IQ though....
Unironically believing this....
Sup Forums is literally the dumbest board on Sup Forums, even behind the fetish nerds.
>Sup Forums is literally the dumbest board on Sup Forums, even behind the fetish nerds.
naw. You're a newfag or a shill if you think that.
Sup Forums has a very high density of very intelligent people.
Because Jews have above average IQ.
> They hurt my feels, how can they be so dumb !
Don't let the door hit you on your way back...
Any place that involves working for a living
>Astrophysicist most blue
Great, they gonna import denegracy in space age.
High IQ are usually socialist, not necessarily in Marxist sense though. You can be socialist and nationalist.
In any case succesful people enjoy status quo and Hillary is status quo.
Inside the *actual* thoughts of a leftist.
>le scientists are good at science thus they're knowledgeable about everything maymay
these people have spent the past 8-12 years focused on exactly one discipline often to the exclusion of everything else, they're not an authority on anything that isn't related to their particular field and anyone who says otherwise should kill himself
t. scientist
Strong intellect in a certain field does not necessarily mean it will carry over to other fields. It's a bit of that "the more ignorant someone is of a subject the more they will be outspoken on the subject"
Put it this way - an Astrophysicist or an Epidemiologist or a Mathematician is very smart and intelligent when it comes to their chosen study. But there is no guarantee they will be as smart or as knowledgable about another subject - say international security, terrorism, immigration, ect.
You don't ask a brain surgeon to tell you how to run your economy, you don't ask a astrophysicist how to solve crime issues.
Mostly fields that are supported by government grants. Also, academic leftist indoctrination. Highly intellectual people are just as susceptible to cults as anyone.
You posted this thread yesterday but I have a tested 140+ IQ and am voting Trump. Nice bait though.
>90% red
top kek
most of those industries require government grants and contracts to continue their projects, thats why
also, citation needed on this bullshit.
This tbqh. Physicists in particular love giving their opinions on things they know nothing about.
Wtf I don't want people to think Im dumb. Im a Hillary Supporter now!!!!
If that doubles my IQ I will finally be able to become an Islam teacher.
Don't Look at my flag goyim
You have to be high IQ to go far in education, education makes people more liberal, abstract and theoretical in their political views.
This isn't a good thing.
Poorer, less educated people have a more naturalistic and patriotic political view.
But I guarantee if you find really really high IQ people they will abhor leftism and liberalism.
If you had a 140+ IQ you would be supporting Hillary.
niggers tongue my anus?
How does a bunch of circles with red and blue colours in them supposed to prove anything?
Low IQ individuals like you need it spelt out to them that the circles represent what proportions of those professions are voting Hillary (blue) and Trump (red)
No. I fail to see how it proves anything. I could literally go onto paint and do the exact same but in favour of trump.
>tfw welder
Feels pretty good
You could but it wouldn't be representative of reality nor meaningful in any way...
High IQ people tend to think crap such as equality and socialist bullshit trying to make it fair for everybody. the truth is 99% of humans are dumb as fuck and don't deserve shit and also there is a distiction between knowledge and inteligence. As in just because you read a book doesn't mean you can figure it out or figure shit out.
But thinking that all people have the potential to be productive memebers of socity and will behave that doesn't mean they will, thus we end up with this bullshit of "gibs me dat" "shitlifesmatter"
Give them a finger and they take the whole hand
I mean even niggers can learn to do simple math and a simple tasks , but how often they are able to control their animal instict and be fathers to their children(which produces better humans) or dedicate 30 years to the pursuit of something greater(which makes it better for all of us?)
But ye High IQ shouldn't mean inteligent, the smartest people of the planet are the dumbest.
>starving wolfs in a war torn part of the forrest , hey guys lets invite them into our homes ... We know they are like us and will understand our ways and behave like any other dogs, then the raping is killing happens and we pretend nothing happens because we don't want people to panic ... because we have high IQ.
because they are less likely to be fucking stupid, duh.
This how is the image initially posted representative of reality?
What makes it more factual than me going to paint and drawing some more red doughnuts?
argument on a level of that pictures autism.
Hey looks guys see how blue this doughnut is. It doesn't mean anything but it'll help me shill Sup Forums more but.
Well, it's credible because it's done by Social Science professional, who themselves strongly supp-... Oh wait yes, it's shit.
Social """""""SCIENCE"""""""" right.
Probably a minority that's bootyblasted
>High IQ people tend to think crap such as equality and socialist bullshit trying to make it fair for everybody. the truth is 99% of humans are dumb as fuck and don't deserve shit
>But thinking that all people have the potential to be productive members of society and will behave that doesn't mean they will,
Why do you assume that we high-IQ liberals believe that everybody can, will, or even needs to be a "productive member of society." That's a very puritan assumption that everyone needs to work all the time, and that not working means you "don't deserve shit." Hell, the concept of deserving is inherently illogical.
Guaranteeing a satisfactory quality of life to all sapient members of society, regardless of productivity, and letting said productivity account for one's luxuries is closer to what most High IQ liberals I know believe in. In all fairness, when they explain it, it sort of makes sense: if the world doesn't NEED everybody to be productive, then why should everybody be productive. You just need a china-style one-child law to prevent overpopulation (which of-course you could buy the LUXURY of getting out of.)
>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer
I have a 150+ IQ and I'm voting Trump too
Trump supporters don't warrant a full argument. You don't waste your time forming arguments against people who believe in inner-earth, anti-vaxers flat-earth, or folks who believe in lizard-people, and similarly you don't waste any effort on people who still can't see Trump for what he is.
The image you posted has nothing to do with IQ. Try again later. You've also committed a logical fallacy by even attempting to make such an argument. Check the sticky.
I literally went and wrote a whole post but it got rejected for too many lines. Let me give you the abridged version.
1: Why is scientist on this list when there 80% of the fucking listings are also scientists?
2: Why isn't Economist on this list?
You mean, you can't form a good argument.
Poland, we are literally in nat-soc mode now.
We're not really that stupid, we just pretend to be.
When it comes down to it Sup Forums can have some very in-depth political discussions.
>Sup Forums has a very high density of very intelligent people.
Two words for you to look up, dummy: dunning & kruger.
Um, I'm not leaving just because you're all stupid. I'm here solely because its a giant shitshow filled with retards. If you rejects were actually intelligent, had money or power, or even lived outside your parent's basements,.this would be terrifying.
But in reality, you're just curious amusement.
>I have a 150+ IQ and I'm voting Trump too
Why would you lie on an anonymous internet message board? I don't see the point.
>We're not really that stupid, we just pretend to be.
That's kinda the conceit that you guys use to live in denial of the fact that you're actually literal retards. Those of us in the peanut gallery see it pretty plainly, but you "redpilled" folks are so deep in the echo chamber that you convince yourselves you're all deep thinkers.
For the same reason "Fan-fiction Writer" isn't.
They cannot think they only see
Found the redditor
Get back to me when you've been on Sup Forums for longer than five minutes.
Because Hillary supporters like to overstate IQ
Coal mines or logging sites?
>Get back to me when you've been on Sup Forums for longer than five minutes.
Literally the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "la la la la i'm not listening."
I know it doesn't feel good to admit that you're stupid. But with acceptance comes the possibility of making the most of the hand you were dealt. Not everyone wins in life, kid, but you don't have to be a loser either.
Definitely this. There is a shocking drop off in employment in what we would consider high iq fields over about 130. While being two standard deviations above average is certainly smart, it's just smart enough to be a know it all prick without really reflecting on why you think you know it all.
they are living in rich communities without problems with minorities and therefore they are able to be "compasionate". it makes them feel better and above others. they are selling out countries and their countrymen because they will never have to deal with decision they made.
The hypocrisy as you also are posting on Sup Forums and seeing as you view Sup Forums as a collective for whatever reason, you must also have been delt a "bad hand"
>The hypocrisy as you also are posting on Sup Forums and seeing as you view Sup Forums as a collective for whatever reason, you must also have been delt a "bad hand"
Don't confuse the tourists from the locals, junior.
you`re right i shouldn`t waste my time on making a argument against you.
>If you're not part of the liberal hivemind you're automatically stupid
Fuck off, Pablo. If you seriously believe that having a high IQ gives automatically gives you political merit then you're a fucking retard. The average astrophysicist or mathmatician understands the political landscape no better than a janitor or a farmer. It's fucking hilarious that all of these """geniuses'""" fail to realize that Hillary is not Liberal in the slightest, but instead a corporate funded, incompetent, powerhungry warmonger who can apparently get away with anything.
Sup Forums is not a collective, there is no membership for Sup Forums.
There are no locals on Sup Forums, we are all visitors.
I've got to get out of this hell hole. This site has ruined me and my social skills.
>the only republican leaning professions are "geo-"
Lmao. People who blow up rocks and tear up the Earth for material gain are more supportive of Republicans. Makes sense.
Im coming poland
People with higher IQ's tend to be specialists in certain fields. Like a chef who can cook a really good pasta and because of this they assume they can cook all foods really well.