Hillary Piss Bags, volume 2
Hillary Piss Bags, volume 2
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Does this mean she is one of us famalam? Or maybe it's a trick
What am I supposed to see here?
catheter, present in many pictures of her
>this will probably be our future president
Even Rome fell eventually
Sad to see someone go so far down hill.
That woman is really full of piss and vinegar.
TRUMP 2016
that's a microphone cord recording the sounds of her vag m8
t. CTR
I can't stand the thought of Hillary making it to the WH. (she won't) But I have three words for you folks pointing out her frailty: L B J
Oh shit, you're right. I #Cath4Clint now.
Sup Forums :
- if you make up stories about Hillary, the moderator is ok with that
- if you make up stories about Trump, the Trumpshill moderator gives you a ban
They feed her meth before each rally to get her excited, just like Hitler took meth
>.50 has been deposited to your account. pls remember new talking points come out Sept 5th
Nice touch with the demsoc in the background
Sup Forums :
- if you post facts about Hillary, the moderator is ok with that
- if you make up stories about Trump, the just moderator gives you a ban
Sounds about right.
>one leaf has been added to your BLACKED account
>t. very famous and smart doctor
They did that with Kennedy too,
Her physical condition is closer to FDR
Whatever you want to see, user.
>Piss bags
does news has a base? i mean souce?
>so far down hill.
Tell your boss in the Kremlin to fuck himself.
>mfw mods deleted the happening prediction thread
Wait, does she have fucking fibromyalgia or something?
Don't forget her seizures
yeah, quads confirmed pissbag leaks
Hahahahaha is THAT what you're gonna go with?
Is CTR's next trick to beat us going to be flying squi-rell and moose?
Piss bags are only the start of her troubles
Why does that DEMSOC sign look like something straight out of 1984?
Because it is. ;>)
pepe always makes me giggle
You only hurt your own cause making up bullshit like this daily. No one takes you seriously anymore.
At this point Trumpfags are just throwing everything they have and hoping it will stick.
You do realize that increased shilling means we're on to something, right?
I don't do the whole "shill" roleplay thing. Sorry.
>0.02 $ have been deposited into your account
but on a serious note, how do you explain the seizure videos and the non-shopped pics?
Fuck off shill, those leaked emails proved plenty.
More proof! Yay!
I thought you people didn't like gaslighting. Guess it only applies to your own.
Ok now, that's enough attention for the shill.
He's been exposed, now it's time to ignore him so he goes away.
Does anyone find it hilarious that the lefts only defence against "le hitler trump" is this decrepit bitch who looks like she's going to keel over and die at some random point in the near future?
>mfw its just a vibrating egg with external powerbank
>every time she comes she has seizure
Yes, exactly what I'm thinking. Although I find it more pathetic than Hillary-ous.
You hear what those 4+4 chan faggots are going to do?
They're going to show up at her public events with strobe flash lights, whistles, air horns and other noise makers in hopes of making her have a seizure in public.
They literally want to see her shit her pants in public.
Fucking sick fucks. I'm a Trumper and even I think that's fucking low.
>mfw this guy isn't allowed to travel with her anymore
Memes have taken away her doctor, her rally resting stools, and forced her to appear more active by standing longer, walking further, and not being assisted physically. Now she's gone and cancelled a week's worth of rallies.
>Do you think she sits there and has the constant concern that she may smell like piss? >Any shots of her bumping her leg, or snagged pant leg that she grows over concerned to?
>Any wet ankle shots?
Bad shoop m81
Clutching at straws
Crawling in my skin, trumpboi
Good. I hope she dies and they get thrown in jail.
Lmao. Quality stuff. Bitch knows the facade is cracking.
>Trumpfags are still making up fake illnesses for Clinton
I think that image needs to be updated in light of Milwaukee burning
If you're in the mood for worshiping a bunch of fucking psychotic murderers at least get it right you CTR faggot
Mr. Brock, explain this.
That's fucking weak, faggot. Any other CTR faggots here, this cunt is terrible at his job. (Also likely a woman)
I have found the Tavistock connection.
She's monarch programmed.
you hate that we use your tactics against you.
try going into, i dunno, reddit's "pol" and asking a Trump question. Instant ban.
Go fuck yourselves, mods, ban these fucks
Keep up with the lies Trumpshills.
Your desperation pleases me.
No it isn't.
I've seen pepe for so many years but i never understood the scat angle, when where and why did pepe become scat pepe?
Don't forget she's an actual literal cuck.
Roosevelt had polio. So what?
People didn't know that when they elected him.
>trying to steal our memes
>believes polls
325000 people recently voted on some MSNBC web poll, "will you vote for Hillary?" 80% said no.
More like average length of ramblings by the orange muppet.
Poopoo peepee is the shit and pis version of Pepe Sup Forums created in order to prevent normies from stealing Pepe. For a while normies were using "sad frog" until we shit up the Internet with pics of him pissing, shitting, murdering and raping people, and supporting Nazism. At which point normies stopped using Pepe because he was LE WHITE SUPREMACIST IMAGERY.
When normies tried to take him. It was an effort to make him unfit for kike use.
You can keep your online "polls".
I'm looking at the bigger picture.
Nice counter cherry pick.
We should do the same thing with the v for vendetta anonymous mask. Fucking kikes and leftist retardation have made the Guy Fawkes mask into a socjus symbol.
>But I have three words for you folks pointing out her frailty: L B J
>three words
>L B J
Fellow burgers if you haven't registered to vote yet. Register now
Not sure if you're registered?
Need to register?
TRUMP 2016
Shills don't want us to vote. This makes us a dangerous demographic.
Wow thats actually genius.
You are completely wrong. Wronger than wrong.
>Web poll
Literally nothing
Remember Hitler Did Nothing Wrong and Gushing Granny should be official mountain dew flavors, according to online polls. Female baby boomers don't know how to get online, let alone vote for an MSNBC poll
t. Trump supporter
thats actually brilliant
wtf I love dubchan now
Please let it happen God.
They patched her. She wants out.
Why is it sick?
If she's fine, nothing will happen but some tards getting ejected. But if it's true, they could be heroes. If just for one day.
>Her most recent physical examination on March 21, 2015 revealed a healthy-appearing female. Her vital signs showed blood pressure 100/65, heart rate 72, respiratory rate 18 and temperature 98.7. The remainder of her physical examination was normal. Laboratory testing revealed a normal EKG and normal laboratory testing, including cholestorol of 195, with an LDL of 118, HDL of 64 and triglycerides of 69.
>In summary, Mrs. Clinton is a healthy female with hypothyroidism and seasonal allergies, on long-term anticoagulation. She participates in a healthy lifestyle and has had a full medical evaluation, which reveals no evidence of additional medical issues or cardiovascular disease. Her cancer screening evaluations are all negative. She is in excellent physical condition and fit to serve as President of the United States.
>Signed by Lisa Bardack, MD on July 25, 2015
>source ABC news opinion poll
>pro hillary propaganda machine
>the woman who laughs at the death of gaddafi and shows little care for her wrecklessness over the benghazi situation is seen as more empathetic than trump
top kek
fucking germany, why don't you go suck off an immigrant?
LMAO I just logged on pol after 2 months (remember carl the cuck?)...this is something different, i'm so proud of you. This is the best meme. Praise kek.
>logged on pol
>logged on
>this is the best meme
> I just logged on pol
>(remember carl the cuck?)
> i'm so proud of you.
>This is the best meme.
Who even speaks like this on Sup Forums? You're either a female shill or a cuck leaf. Either way, you have to go back.
silent majority lol, here take my kid.