Sup Forums ylyl
Sup Forums ylyl
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fuck you
Your flag
You're a retarded kike if you think that's funny.
Did you make that? It's awful...
Wow, that's a pretty unnerving image. I hope that was the intention
Can someone post the .GIF about socialism, seizing the means of production & spongebob ?
Thanks in advance
Is that what they call Jewih humour ?
Cause it's shit
Proof Trump is a kike plot
I think that gave me cancer.
This makes me enraged, not laugh.
This thread is now changed to deciding the time for the next shoah.
Fuck, I nearly spilled my drink
I lost. 1000x over.
Ok, so we do it like last time? Set up Volkswagen factory and gas them?
So that's where the extra gazes came from !
Yesterday preferably
I come to these threads looking to get my sides BTFO....I am so depressed now.
Hopefully you haven't given up...
Post more abed
I just spat out my beer. Well played, well played indeed.
Look at his tiny hands!
You made me sad.................
If you are still in after this you do not belong here.
fuckin lost holy shit
>Satan supports commies
wtf is a tv licence?
you pay an annual fee for the privilege of being able to watch the (((BBC)))
Its alright britain, we pay for BBC hand-me-downs form via corporation for public broadcasting which gets "grants" from congress.
Your way is better, at least you have the choice in not getting a license.
this is gold user :^)
holy fuck they're cucked
Please tell me shit like this doesn't still go on in the UK...
Fellow burgers if you haven't registered to vote yet. Register now
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TRUMP 2016
Shills don't want us to vote. This makes us a dangerous demographic.
extra tax
god damn
I know this is off topic but does anyone have that crazy artical talking about the fact that women are losing out because men are getting more joint custody of their kids?
Based Daily Mail spreading awareness.
who did it Sup Forums
Was this made by Hillary shills?
nice picture faggot. you couldn't hold the camera steady because you we're blowing ahmed?
>underaged Sup Forums autists can't grasp this ironic approach at realniggahours comics
baka tbhfam