My dna results came in today and I have to say I really was NOT expecting this. Do you think these things are legit? I feel like just fucking ending it all

Why? I don't see anything wrong with it. You're only .3% nigger and .1% sand nigger.

Get the proper DNA test not the shitty internet thing that baits 52%s

hes yellow as a school bus

Are you of latin american ancestry, metis, part eskimo??

>paying to give a corporation have your genetic information

I didn't know I was this much fucking native I have blue eyes

How the fuck can you not know your own roots? All my ancestors moved to this country after 1900 so I'll never understand it.

How do you not notice you're 40% native american?

As a white man, I would accept you as a fellow white.

Still beats being a nigger. Be happy for the things you don't have, leaf.

My white brother

now you can get benefits from the gov, good work

I didn't know my dad only seen photos he looked like a Med

My mother claims to be pure French
I don't look that native maybe that explains why I can't grow a beard though

>All my ancestors moved to this country after 1900

disgusting as fuck, crawl back to whatever shithole you came from


Well that narrows it down.


Stay poor, flyover friend

that makes no sense, why would having colonial ancestry coincide with being in a flyover state? I'm from the Northeast you stupid foreign shit

Listen amerimutt, you have no ancestral connection to the land you live on. You're just as much a foreigner as every african american. So stop this pathetic larping right now.

>tfw you will never be wh*Te
whew close one...

>I don't look that native
post pictures



Stop caring about your ancestors. You live in Canada which is like the default vanilla server. You can be anyone you like without caring about muh heritage.

what a supreme gentleman!
I hope you don't shoot up schools

come home mestizo man

im fuckin white



canadian native americans are eskimos, not amerindians. OP should move to greenland.


el luz extinguido...

a*Banian detected

Wow,what a fucking surprise,hapa.
How much do people mock your eyes

El mutto de slavia...

kek all these mutts.

>calls others mutts
>is mutt himself

>0% Kaaniverta
Valitse toinen

el dios mio

Ta үхэхийг хүcч бaйнa yy? Би чaмтaй yyлзaх бoлнo



>t. Garjalan Tazavaldalainen

Another victim of the phenotype == genotype mindset.

hahahahahahahaahhaahaa You simple fool.