how did aegon conquer all the lands of westeros with his dragons without any of them being killed by a simple giant crossbow bolt?
why is dany losing in every battle of this war?
how did aegon conquer all the lands of westeros with his dragons without any of them being killed by a simple giant crossbow bolt?
why is dany losing in every battle of this war?
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one of them did get killed by a simple giant crossbow bolt
>why is dany losing in every battle of this war?
Because they have to stretch this shit out for another season. That's why. She loses now. She destroys Cersei later.
>why is dany losing in every battle of this war?
because tyrion isn't as smart as he thinks he is
>why is dany losing in every battle of this war?
so Jon's participation looks very important later
I hope Dany wears armour when she rides her dragons, she's a fucking idiot (well, more of a fucking idiot) if she doesn't protect herself, but then again, the show will anyway.
How would you improve the dragon? I would give him a light leather armor for his belly and also add few seats in the back for a few good men you can drop into strategical places like a helicopter. Also I would add a mounted crossbow you can 360 into any direction. Especially the other direction in which you are flying.
So why are people still watching this tripe?
I want Dany to die in the last episode or episode before that. Please Jesus and Allah, make it happen.
She has all the plot armor she needs.
For the same reason some people stay in a relationship or keep going back to their shitty job: Because they've already dumped so much of themselves into it and they don't want to throw all of that away. They want to see it through to its natural end.
Based Qyburn wasn't around.
It's pretty simple, nobody had giant crossbow bolts when Aegon showed up. And there was no time to invent them once he did, his dragons took six of the seven kingdoms pretty damn quickly.
so why isn't dany taking advantage of the element of surprise and using all 3 dragons at once and fucking shit up.
because apparently that would somehow kill more innocents than a protracted war and the siege of the largest city in the realm
Aegon didn't really fight extended battles, he just fucked up a cou ple armies in a few battles, then everyone pretty much surrendered and he burnt down some castles of people who didn't. Nobody wants to lay down for Dany, they already have an established kingdom, much better weaponry, and have heard that her dragons have already been wounded.
>why is dany losing in every battle of this war?
because D+D literally wrote off her best military commanders and left her with Greyworm who's training in warfare consisted of leading slaves to be used as cannon fodder
Tyrion sold her on the idea of trying to win over the love of the people, and not burning them alive with dragons while you raze a kingdom goes along way to that end
Probably because he was a competent leader and the battles were fought with a combined force of Dragons and an actual army, rather than Dany just flying in and doing bullshit with no actual tactical knowledge.
Such a bullshit excuse to not storm king's landing
what exactly are they waiting for
this pointless season will end with dramatic close up of dany finally saying they will take the city, but she still wont realize she's fucking stupid cunt and should have done it in the first place
Dragon scales get harder over times and Aegon's dragons were hundreds of eyars old. Dany's dragons are only about 6-7
He's good at administrating but terrible at war.
>first men came around 12,000 years ago
>technology hasn't significantly improved at all
When aegon conquered westeros the westerosi people had never even heard of a dragon let alone have extensive knowledge and weaponry to fight them as opposed to now. Also D&D has shit writing.
Human history isn't that much different.
>She has all the plot armor
Her becoming Jon's lover ensures her death as a sacrifice to obtain Lightbringer.
I would make a mold of that dragon dick and sell dragon dildos
In the books one of the dragons takes a scorpion bolt right to the eye during the initial invasion of dorne a couple hundred years ago. It's silly that they need to reinvent it
This is exactly my theory, GRRM said the ending will be bittersweet this would fit
She can't have children anyways , so she's almost useless besides becoming a sacrifice.
Dany should have taken all 3 to King's Landing and burnt everything down to the ground.
Yet everyone kept telling her not to do that.
Dorne was literally unconquered because they killed Rhaenys and her dragon
dornish fucking shits
but they say Jon will give her a child, so not that useless anymore
Wasn't she made infertile or something because of blood magic in season one or two?
technology was basically the same more or less from bronze era to the middle ages
it wasnt until the renaissance and the enlightenment that tech started booming
and it just increased exponentially
Dany is Jons aunt.
R + L = J
R is Dany's brother, prince Raeghar
This, if anything they're ahead of where we would be
Because they find it entertaining obviously.
Why are you guys responding to this thread acting like what he posted isn't blatantly wrong?
I see it only mentioned a few times....
He did lose a dragon to a balista and not only that, he lost one of his wives ya stupid fucks. Have you guys read any of the text? End you are selves.
All his dragons had riders and were massive.
Balerion was one of the largest dragons every recorded.
Also the people of Westeros had never seen one, so it's basically asking Japan why didn't they prepare for the nukes better.
Daily reminder that Qyburn is an agent of the WW and the Great Other
>"Qyburn" AKA "Qiye Burn" means "No Burn" in the language of the Fremen
>"No Burn" is clearly not a fire friendly term
What about artistic merit? Don't they question that?
will they ever invent black powder? sulfur, charcoal, and niter aren't that rare and qyburn seems to know his shit.
What is "protracted war"?
no offense but are you fucking retarded
Because the continent was divided among many lords and nobody expected a guy with three dragons to pop up and start taking pieces of land bit by bit. The only ones that managed to repel it were the Dornish. But we all know D&D have thrown logical consistency out in favour of hysterical normies screaming "YAAASSS".
Because had competent Air Force General Visenya Targaryen.
Cersei has teleporting Euron
Because Tyrion is full of shit and has fallen into the trap of thinking he's smarter then everyone as shown by casterly rock
plate armor doesn't stop a crossbow, why would dragon armor?
The steam engine was independently invented multiple times over history. It was just never used until we reached the limits of human and animal labor.
>Annoying Dany gets stabbed through the heart by Based Jon Snow
>Bittersweet ending.
Seems perfect to me.
>how did aegon conquer all the lands of westeros
He didn't Dorne remained "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"
>without any of them being killed by a simple giant crossbow bolt?
That is quite literally what happened and why his conquest ended.
>but they say
best character about to come Dany's bitch ass
Because during the conquest, the people of the realm were ignorant retards who had no idea how OP dragons were. There were many instances of kings and lords attempting to meet the Targaryen forces in the field and just getting utterly fucked by the dragons. By the end of it, people like Torrhen Stark smartened up and just surrendered to Aegon, but it took a while for people to get the message.
Now, everyone knows about Aegon's conquest and how ridiculous dragons can be, so they've prepared themselves by building ballistas, which they just didn't have the foresight to do during the conquest.
one of them died when aegon tried to conquer dorne via a scorpion bolt. Another also died in the dornish war, but we aren't sure how.
Belorin was the only one of the original 3 to survive and live out his days till he died of old age.
He's not really terrible, simply not great.
In a span of 12,000 years we went from learning about agriculture to sexdolls, you fucking retard.
Can we stop talking about Dany and start talking about how fucking cool Jaime is? He's such a brave knight. I love that archetype. Not a cowardly bone in that man's body. He's easily manipulated, which equals him out a bit, but that's what makes him such a good and conflicted character.
>why is dany losing in every battle of this war?- 65 posts and 8 image replies shown.
Did you even watch Episode 4?
Jon? He isn't best character.
One of the three dragons from the conquest, Vhagar, actually died during the Dance of the Dragons. It's rider was Aemond Targaryen and they were killed while fighting Prince Daemon riding Caraxes. Daemon and Caraxes also died.
If daenerys came in and demolished everything like she should have then not even showfags would be able to root for her. So they had to make everyone around her retarded instead.
prince or prinCESS, dumb cis het white devil male
jon snow is the one who dies for this fucking sword, you better believe it
i have a friend like this. I'de call him stupidly brave and reluctantly heroic.
People like this can be kinda annoying sometimes, no sense of real disire and just kinda floats as long as the one thing they want.
What? Vhagar was the last one to die
anyone have link to ep 4?
Look it up on Youtube if it hasn't been removed yet
You know Babylon was just 5000 years ago?
for fucks sake, dude. Just look.
That's just one clip from that channel.
See the rest yourself
>brave knight
>not a cowardly bone in his body
So stabbing people in the back and dirty-handed fighting = brave and not cowardly?
Also check em
the fuck are you talking about?
dragon's can wear thicker plate I guess
Because Balerion was fucking huge
>"inferior" Dornishmen had giant crossbows a thousand years ago
>”superior" Andals only now discovered them and after months of hardcore research
>inferior pagans had plumbing
>superior moderners only found it after a thousand and more years
>jon snow is the one who dies for this fucking sword
Jesus Christ I hope this, too many white male shitlord pandering we need less of them 2bh, you can dominate society but you can't dominate our entertainment bitches :/
1/10 b8. Apply yourself redditor
Dornishmen are objectively superior to the Firstmen and Andals. They weren't actually conquered by the Targs and have had a disproportionate influence on the royalty of Westros throughout most of their history.
He probably had a saddle and could therefore turn the dragon fast enough.
Danny on the other hang just holds on scale spikes. And hopes she doesn't fall.
Oh look a triggered nazi.
>nazis don't believe in equality
kys reddit impersonator
Why didn't they make armor for her dragons like they did Deathwing in WoW?
I thought dragons didn't die of old age they just keep getting bigger and bigger?
who else was rooting for /ourguy/?
death to all dragons
They die from greyscale
I really liked how Bronn could move the giant wooden anti aircraft gun around like it was made of balsa wood & mounted on a spherical bearing
Is that a joke?
>he easily pulled back the string that shoots a fuck ballista bolt
pretty sure he can take on the MtDew easily after this
nigga dont try so hard