Was there ANYONE who deserved their trap?
Was there ANYONE who deserved their trap?
The guy who smoked cigarettes. He probably bothered hundreds of people with secondhand smoke.
RIP in Peace, Crawling Dude
How exactly was he supposed to survive that?
This, he was going to die from lung cancer anyway so the trap only sped along the inevitable while saving innocents who won't have to be bothered by secondhand smoke now.
>I never killed anyone, they didn't try hard enough to live, nobody in my traps has to die unless they just don't REALLY want to live
>But in the very first movie, in Amanda's trap, either she had to kill that guy to get the key, or she would die. There was no way at least one person wouldn't die. Not to mention in the later movies where you do shit like strap people to a carousel where 4 out of 6 are guaranteed to take a shotgun blast to the chest at point blank, you fucking asshole
>..Oh yeah. Shit, maybe this cancer is affecting my brain
the motel rapist in IV
It was Amanda's choice to either save herself or let the other fellow live, she made the ultimate choice
Never seen 12 Years A Slave? People can live without the entirety of their back skin since only nerves.
While I don't think people who smoke "deserve" to die, I have no fucking sympathy for them
Anyone who started smoking in the last thirty years has no excuse for not knowing how fucking bad it is for them
Not to mention it makes you stink, stains your teeth, damages your sense of taste, and wastes a shitload of money.
The way I see it, cigarettes are just legalized eugenics, killing the stupid.
Saw 1-3 were the only good ones, everything else after those are just torture porn that needlessly drags on the story of Jigsaw.
I agree the first three were the best, but I unironically think the others are fun for the fans
Only good thing about 3 was the traps. Best in the series.
Though you couldnt fucking escape any.
What about the drugged guy she gutted? Where was his choice?
The pendulum guy in Saw V
This nigga here
Public Execution from Saw 3D, the Flame Jelly trap in the first film, Obi Tate's death, The Razor Box dumbass bitch, The Pig Vat, There's a few more.
It was Hoffman's traps. He wasn't supposed to at all.
Out of 7 movies. Two people.
>Judge doing his job deserved to die
Those retards who had the "you need to bleed so the trap will get enough weight to release you" trap
Hey dumbasses, the trap isn't going to magically know if it's blood in there - just fucking piss in it
People who literally didn't deserve their trap
>Flame jelly trap
>Razor box
In the first damn movie people should have seen Jigsaw was crazy. I wonder if James Wan believes those victims deserved it or the entire point was Jigsaw is about as hypocritical as Tyler Durden
it wasn't his test, his fate was in her hands, but never in John's
I didn't know the Saw universe ran in Spielberg-time
That list is obviously people who didnt deserve it so he's either sarcastic or Jigsaw himself
doesn't one of the apprentices usually monitor the games though?
I assumed he failed a test and thats why he was there
>Kidnap random guy and give no context as to why he's there
>Drug him so he can't move
>Force a woman to choose between gutting him to save herself or let herself die
How fair
I used to love these movies. The other night I threw on Saw VI and it suddenly hit me - why the fuck am I watching this?
The next box set after the new trilogy is done should have optional accuracy : youtu.be
when the fuck did John ever say his tests were fair, he just gives them a chance to live
Defend this
The Judge was clearly bad at his job.
>the chick from the Public Execution
>Obi Tate
>Didn't deserve it
But 7 had the most based protag
I know this has to be well trod territory, but has anyone ever come up with a ballpark figure for how rich you would need to be to afford to run an operation like jigsaw's?
He has multiple properties all over town. Granted, they're all in disrepair, but they all have electricity and water and I'm assuming heat. That by itself starts it in the multimillions, but he has all of his intricate one of a kind specially engineered traps he has to build. I can't even imagine what those things have to cost to research, develop, fabricate, and test before they're finally ready.
Anybody got any estimates?
which one had the guy who was trying to save his "family" but it turned out instead of being a mother and her son, the "family" turned to be a sister? because she was pretty hot
>cheating in college
>deserving your guts splattered with a buzzsaw
My mom was the biggest whore in college yet turned out to put all her kids through college and works charities in asia.
You think she deserves being split in half?
Your mom services Asian business men cock on the side
She was making them commit crimes and toying with them both for her personal gain.
Nostalgia for your edgy teen years. These movies were my family's outing every Halloween.
Hey guys! Saw is my favorite horror movie franchise!
He was an engineer all his life, it's not unreasonable to assume he had saved up millions of dollars
Also the kinds of properties he owned would barely be worth tens of thousands, maybe 200k at the most
And this is assuming he actually owned ALL the properties and didn't just use abandoned ones (we know he owned some of them, but it's probable he didn't own them all)
>The children were told to cover their eyes as cinema bosses tried to correct their mistake, but it took several minutes to rectify the problem. The children would have seen images of a man with his foot cut off, as well as a woman being killed by a buzz saw.
That's better than watching Megamind.
I'll split your mum in half mate
Explain to me how the judge was bad at his job
>work for health insurance company
>deserve to die
Just more proof that Jigsaw was bitter.
6, the worst of the series
Nothing wrong about this opinion, user
Surprised they didnt sue. Sounds like a stunt.
Fun fact, there's a deleted scene (or deleted from the script I can't remember,) where John is lying on the operating table near death and suddenly breaks down at the realization that he was the reason other people died and was effectively a murderer and not some savior.
Saw movies disturb me and I'm a grown ass man. If I were 7 and I saw that opening scene I'd shit my fucking pants.
they fucked up the whole premise the first few saw movies where actually good
SAW is only disturbing if you put yourself in the place of the victims or, like any decent human would, view them as having done nothing wrong. If you pretend they deserve all the agony they're about to get then its enjoyable.
The point of the traps wasn't that they were bad people who deserved to be in them. The point was they didn't appreciate life. They smoked, they lied and cheated for monetary gain, they even tried to commit suicide. The first guy in the razor wire maze did so and the idea was that he would cut himself again if he was desperate to live.
In that context, the traps make sense, but as the franchise went on, obviously you had people who were trapped just for the narrative. Notably the guy in VII who definitely deserved it, as he had lied about being a trap victim and made tons of money off it, but had to go through trials involving otherwise innocent people (including his clueless wife.)
Trapping someone who tried to commit suicide in a death trap? What the fuck is the point?
>The point of the traps wasn't that they were bad people who deserved to be in them. The point was they didn't appreciate life.
Yes, because sawing my fucking limbs off is really going to help me change that.
>including his clueless wife
It was at point you just accept Jigsaw is a vengeful bastard just as flawed as the victims he forces to kill themselves or suffer bloody mindbreak
If the person really wanted to do it, they would have likely succeeded. If they just wanted attention, they don't value life, so putting him in the trap means he can either stay and die, or fight to live.
It could. Depends on the person really. If nothing else, that missing arm will be a permanent reminder of her sins and very well could prevent her from doing what she was doing.
Granted that wasn't his doing, and all of his apprentices seemed to get the wrong idea, vengefully killing people who they thought deserved it.
but if she chose to sacrifice herself, Jigsaw would have been the killer after all, since he put it on her
Jigsaw is a murderer
That's stupid. Even if someone wanted to die, they'd still try to fight their way out of the fucking awful torture devices so that they could kill themselves quickly and pain. Nobody wants to die in horrible agony.
These movies are retarded. Do people really like this bullshit?
Holy f I just realized, Jigsaw is the most fucked up batman villain.
Up vote me, see if I car.
>Anyone who started smoking in the last thirty years has no excuse for not knowing how fucking bad it is for them
Oy vey don't smoke those cancer sticks goym!
>Hey dumbasses, the trap isn't going to magically know if it's blood in there - just fucking piss in it
Hey stupidface Jigsaw is more than likely watching you through a camera and will just effin kill you if you try to cheat.
If Jigsaw was so rich then why didn't he get better health insurance?
No it really couldn't. Even if you made it without a scratch you'd be terrified that whenever you come home at night or someone all alone a person in a pigmask will kidnap you and put you through some hellish scenario again. Trying to justify Jigsaw's traps is stupid he's just a crazy old man with a twisted sense of therapy.
not to forget he also owned that 'gideon' factory which was later turned into an amusement park
Well if you actually appreciate life and stop doing whatever dumbass thing you were doing, even out of fear of a pigmask man, then mission accomplished.
Criminals go to jail in part because they're afraid they'll go back if they stay criminals.
saw 3d is very bad
saw v is like a gory csi episode
>he thinks a person that smokes deserves to be kidnaped by jigsaw and tortured or killed because the John has a twisted view on therapy
You're a fucking idiot