Niggers broke into ReviewBrah's house and took photos of all his shit to post online and intimidate him, and the shit is hitting the fan.
What would you do if you were being stalked by feral niggers?
Niggers broke into ReviewBrah's house and took photos of all his shit to post online and intimidate him, and the shit is hitting the fan.
What would you do if you were being stalked by feral niggers?
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Already a thread about this.
Use the catalogue.
It's ded, moran.
He's a Manchurian Candidate isn't he? He is right?
Why doesn't he hide in his closet by the entrance with two pistols and when they break kill them all?
Record it all with security cameras for court.
Is there a Misc thread on this?
Poor reviewbrah.
I hope he buys loads of guns and goes Charles Bronson on those pavement apes.
So is yours, "moran"
good, god bless those niggers with empowered fists
>he still thinks sage works
Every bodies from fucking Australia.
why are Australians so interested in this guy?
I swear if something happens to reviewbrah..
I thought Russia wasn't allowed to have internet.
So what he's telling me is I shouldn't live around niggers or Americans. The former I was already aware of but the latter is truly a revelation.
Guys, look at the very end of this video
he call himself star child and someone else turn off his camera, you can hear them moving off camera and the camera gets bumped without him touching it.
what the hell is going on?
imagine if its his dad doing it
I bet you faggots are using proxies and aren't even fucking australian.
Do you think he has telekinesis? At the very end he opens his eyes wider and begins taking a deep breath before it cuts off.
Makes me think he is actually a monarch mind control victim. his sleeper agent name must be star child.
He kinda looks like an alien now that you mention it.
have you ever noticed when his jaw comes unhinged and a second set of mandibles emerge to chew the extra crunchy food? At first I was like "woah" but then I was like "woaaaahhh".
Why the fuck are people doing this to him? Legit, who the fuck did he wrong? Burger King? Taco Bell?
Damn it man.
This mother fucker is a telekinetic alien mk ultra super solider and his real name is star child.
His food reviewing is just a cover so he can get in close with the hospitality and food industry.
>his life inst "on the line"
>this is not a "life and death situation"
autism is bliss
At first I was skeptical, but you could be on to something. He does look like he could be on something from the pupil dilation. When he says Star Child, there is a pause in his pacing and he takes a deep breath before the audible off camera noise and the end of the video. It's possible that he started switching alters before the video ended and his handler had to get involved.
Why would his dad stalk him?
Mindblown. How did he know? What do you think his plans are?
What if all youtube e-celebs are actually mind controlled and carefully handled just like their hollywood counterparts?
it's like a frog swallowing a fly actually
You know, we haven't seen the green van or the stalkers but he is dead convinced they are their.
What if...
What if his stalkers are his alternate personalities taking over?
What if this is his way of rebelling against the mk ultra monarch mind control programming?
>lulz confirmed
Can't be certain but I'm 99% sure it includes a three piece suit, fast food, a Kitana being unsheathed and genocide.
There are weirdos out there.
I hope the leaf gets shot
No one actually broke into his house. Some Canadian shitposter had some rare reviewbrahs and pretended to stalk him. Reviewbrah isn't actually being stalked, he's going crazy.
some people can't handle fame bro.
as soon as you become slightly famous everyone stalks you all the time.
he's internet famous so I'm not surprised people try to slander him and give him shit.
once your rich/famous/powerful in anyway your whole world changes.
I've just realized review brah has a really small mouth, watch his videos and look at the size of the bites he takes.
that's a prime OP picture user
nice, nice
Reviewbrah said it himself some time ago, he deals with paranoia since he was a child. He's probably losing it
What the fuck is that pic?
You a gang stalking rapist bro?
Gang stalking is real, though.
It's like CTR shilling. A dude pays some people to follow someone.
more than likely.
this is Sup Forums after all.
On a different note, a lot of youtubers are getting stalked.
I just like crying women, and lazily just added a picture at random.
Care to elaborate on this sick fetish?
look how happy she is though
the tears could be tears of joy & longing
not just pain
someone post the pics
this guy sounds eager for big black cock
Guys Im being stalked too
I've noticed a pair of my unwashed undearwear missing.
someone took them
were all being stalked, it's 2016
>Niggers broke into ReviewBrah's house
Call the police?
here, butthead
i took them.
they stank too much man, i just had to burn them, couldnt let you pollute the enviroment freely, i hope you understand
sure thing, buddy
He's schizophrenic
I havent watched any of his vids in more than 2 years
but I gave a few of them a glance and he probably has several mental disorders. he has become less awkward but more sad. he also appears to be a neet. he should start going to the gym and psychologist because as is his future looks very grim
>Autistic American YouTuber
>Discusses American culture
So why the fuck do you uncultured faggots care? Fuck off outta my country you race traitorous americunts
bro were entering the day an age where even if you are schizophrenic you won't be able to tell because all the crazy shit will be reality anyway.
ReviewBrah is eternal and universal.
you should re-post this to his youtube channel to make him even more paranoid
u can literally see the high lvl crazy in his eyes
we're all the same
australia, america
all is one, and we're all the same
those just look like tears of liver failiure
Sup Forums isn't the fucking Illuminati idiot.
its just so relaxing, you know
This is some harrison ford level shit, the whole world is against our man.
They broke into Pizza review dudes house? WTF he do, a bad review on stuffed crust or something?
you are right
when do we start a crusade against those niggs?
Check that like number I made.
Why doesn't reviewbrah have a gun? He should have shot their black asses
>child too young to remember this meme
Go to bed Emucuck you're supposed to be 18 to use Sup Forums
Kill yourself.
Are they confirmed basketball Americans ?
Why didn't he listen to misc and start lifting? I blame pol for ruining his life.
Dude is mentally ill
I blame estrogen for your juicy, voluptuous tits.
He's schizophrenic and he was doxed on Sup Forums.
No wonder he's been getting worse recently. Newfags just had to ruin him.
he's the illest of em all
he's hella ill
mentally the best
better than all the rest
He appears naive and they don't have much in the way of security. It's a common thing.
A dog and cameras, and personal night vision and a proper weapon (hunting bow or firearm), should fuck anyone over.
Heh. Poor dude.
I attempted to watch the Pizza Hut pepperoni review from a long time ago but it was just too painful.
>using a hunting bow indoors with night vision goggles
This is neither Australia nor Florida, that shit just won't work
The only motive I could think of him being stalked is he did a negative based review on something and some food chain wants him out of the game.
really have to catch the guys stalking him and put them through guantanamo bay questioning to confirm.
I think those digits are on to something.