/bb/ Big Brother 19

HOH: josh
Veto: Marky
Nominations: mark,elena,jess
Temp Comp: Temptation Competition for a week before nominations. It's optional. The winner gets safety and the loser is a 3rd nominee.
Competition winner: cody
Competition loser: jessica

previously on /bb/

cody's about to cook food. time for all the paulfags to meekly try to make nice with him.

so who is going up in mark's place?

xmas or raven

>tells Meatball that Raven was the one accusing him of shower creeping
>Meatball replaces Marky with Raven
>Cody,Mark,Kevin,Cowboy evict Raven, Meatball breaks the tie


rare Cody/Elena moment

jess definitely needs to start carpet bombing people with dirt. she's got 5 days to go nuclear.

post some rare jessicas in memory of best girl

Mark and Cody both deprived of their waifus might actually be a serious problem for Paul and Co. Mark is proving to actually be good in comps when he is pushed into a corner and Cody is seconds from going John Wick on the house.

can jess still get enough votes to keep her

hell no

i wont miss jess at all

So how the fuck has one side of the house convinced all of Cody's allies that if they just come to their side of the house everything is fine and they won't be targeted?

Don't they realise they are on the bottom?

>that arm

fuck i underestimated how much i wanted jess to stay

its a disease called being retarded
and these houseguests have it big time

I think the season would have panned out a lot better if Paul wasn't in there.

its a stupid house

Does anyone see an actual way Paul doesn't win at this point?

It would just take someone saying at some point during the season that Paul is running the show.

If Maven,Kevin and Jason/Alex find out that he has a final 2/3 deal with all of them and has a deal with every person in the house.

yeah. there will be at least one week where he will need to win a clutch veto


What is Raven wearing




So, has every week where Jess and Cody need a Veto/HoH to stay alive ended up being a fucking crapshoot? The candy crush crap, the golfing bullshit, OTEV. Good work Grodner.

>it took paul over half the season to split up a duo with the rest of the house on his side


Jesscort has a nice ass but the rest of her is irrelevant. Don't forget who the best girl is and I can understand why jess is scared of her.

OTEV is a season killer confirmed
this is just like Fridgette

the same thing as actual street walking prostitutes

im just glad alex got to play OTEV

stay mad haters

>Based xmas cockblocks Cody and makes him cry
>Based mark cucks Alex in otev and makes her cry

Today was a good day

except with fridgette the good half got evicted first

He will face a really bitter jury because so many people think they are his super sekrit F2, depends on who shills for him in jury house, I actually think it's good Jess is leaving now because she would definitely shill for him

I can see Whistlenut or Kevin turning on him by final 6. Xmas too

Christmas deserves to make final 5 at least with the power move she made today

Will go down in big brother history

what move

hey guys, when responding to this post, please keep your comments in line with reddiquette

please be joking


marcellas was an entertaining gay

when you see a waifufag post
>do not give it a (You)
>click Hide

dont tell me what to do

hey guys nice all new cast you go here

sure would be a shame

if someone were to ruin it

*run it

When marcellas talked about kaysars musk, my dick was hard.

If they had brought back Vanessa this season as well as Paul to balance the scales so there isn't just ONE vet to worship like a walking god would Paul have been evicted already? or would they have worked together and been an even worse timeline.

>Jess threw something in the comp and almost hit Raven in the head..
that should be fun

is this a waifufag post? can one of this subreddit's mods clarify this for me?

your dick should have been hard whenever kaysar was on screen

I think this is def one of the most unenjoyable BB's I've invested time into watching and following. I remember 15/16 being pretty dismal, and not being THAT interested in any one since 14. but I don't think I've ever been this annoyed with a season this early. Hopefully it picks up, but I think in general maybe this show is just officially shit now. My own victim noises aside, do you think future seasons will stop following this shitty trend, or is this show doomed?


they will bring back vets every season. if they bring back good vets then it can be a good season

>better face
>better stomach
>better NATURAL tits
Sure thing, pandafag.

>they're showing BB16 to new HGs as a reference for what kind of show they want
what do you think

>yfw when you realize next weeks HoH is gonna be another crapshoot or quiz comp that they can air live because they need Sunday's airspace to show the temp comp

Alex's tits looking great tonight


why are the girls so mean this season? there hasn't even been a girls alliance at all


will the houseguests have to eat dry cereal in the morning once elena leaves? ;_;

God damnit I fucking fell asleep waiting for feeds to return ....

MIssed like an hour and a half of shit. And a bad outcome too

this cast is so shit that they arent doing alliance names

>crapshoot hoh comp
>10 hours of animals on the livefeeds
>fish on bbad
>paul trying to takeaway spotlight from josh
>otev veto comp
these first days of the week has been pretty shit


>jody moping in bed until jess DR
>everyone else giddy and yucking it up
didn't miss any comfy talks

Paul is using Maggie's cult strategy from BB6. it's most effective on the female cast members for some reason. turns them into rabid bitches.

paul is the house
you have to do what the house wants or you are evicted
paul only made an alliance with alex because he thinks america loves her and did it for production
there has been no alliance with names

xmas muscle tits are looking pretty good tonight desu senpai im drunk

I really wish this wasn't true.

eh i think im done w/ the season... was hoping for one last chance for necessary power shift but at this point this cast of fools is too annoying to even watch and a mere glimpse of paul's face enrages me. hopefully cody steamrolls for a week or 2 before getting the ax tho

Well thats good, thanks

alliance names are gay nigger cunt faggots, never been a good one

see you tomorrow

Maggie was able to win as a first timer, without advantages and with production working against her.

it will be a bitter jury no matter who makes it to F2.

this season might have the most bitter jury in history.

youre smart enough to be on bb19

hey Paul!

cant be more bitter than bb14

Its just natural progression when you get too many ditsy girls in a confined space for too long

they all think they are better then each other while all being one the same plane of stupid, so they devolve to saying catty things like 'i just hate girls'

The only girl in the house that was intelligent was blackie but she let the paulmist get to her too easily


the reason is women are stupid

I'm not saying it's not a good strategy. it was. It's just disgusting to see play out. I'm shocked nobody has tried it again until now, honestly. I can't respect it like I did with Maggie, though. Paul had 4 free weeks to brainwash the cast while he was in the free and clear, obvious DR tips about any plots against him and a free cult of his choosing with the bracelets. I'm aware that Jess and Cody were given some help by production too in the form of the hex and the Battleback, but that is drops in the bucket compared to the 10 mile headstart that Paul got.

what is the cult strategy?
just get alot of people on your side to rally against the showmances?

seems like a simple plan desu

>bb19 can't possibly be worse than bb18!


name one alliance name that was good and not cringey, then, since you think you're so smart.


the bb19 feeds have already surpassed the entirety of bb18

i want to kms hehe :)

forming a cult is easy when production asked all potential houseguests "What did you think of paul from last season?". only let the ones in who liked him. give paul a literal cult recruitment bracelet to hand to the good girls who liked him. give paul 4 weeks to socialize with all the girls who liked him. this shit was written for him from top to bottom.

the gaylords

sixth sense/scamper squad

santa monica van boys


Holy shit. Even if he wins he's pretty fucking bottom tier. It's essentially how Boston Rob won. They casted his entire tribe with returnees who loved him before the game while Russel got newbs who hated him.

Ya as soon as he whipped out the fucking friendship bracelets, and once Julie mentioned the first temptation, I said fuck this, no matter how far he gets it doesn't mean shit at all, its all been Produced for him.

the bomb squad

mediocre at best, mildly cringey, like when white guys call each other dawg
don't think this was real but hilarious if so
literally ss is the cringiest name aside from quack pack
are they homeless?

the real question is why does production want paul to win so bad?
