Thank God this pure liberal propaganda nigshit trash is doing poorly. Kikes...when will they learn?
Thank God this pure liberal propaganda nigshit trash is doing poorly. Kikes...when will they learn?
>kathryn bigelow
And again pol proves what a bunch of teenage morons they are
>movie about how blacks burned down detroit
>polcucks STILL bitch and moan
wow it's almost like they're just a bunch of edgy racists or something
Dude seriously, get offline for a few weeks. You care about this way too much.
>been out for 1 day
>implying we have numbers
This reminds me of how shitposters tried to make Colonia look like a huge box office flop when the fact is they barely put it in any theaters. I've never been more ashamed of Sup Forums than when they pretended limited runs aren't a thing.
What makes you think she's not a liberal?
Ive seen her movies? Her entire filmography is grounded in stark reality and is insistent about placing credit and blame what they belong regardless of ideology, this has been most clear in her last 3 movies. Because polfriends are children who only care about identity politics and know nothing about movies they are expressing uninformed opinions on the matter
I just don't know if i can take this movie seriously with that guy from star wars and that guy with the eye brows that reminds you of that spaz kid in grade school
>grounded in stark reality
Except literally every person that's ever been in the military has confirmed the Hurt Locker to be complete bullshit.
Nice try though
i feel bad for Boyega, only decent actor in this piece of shit movie
Sup Forums is tumblr for boys
tumblr is Sup Forums for girls
pottery, i've already seen this coming for many years
>Sup Forums is seen by the general public as hive of scum and villainy
>tumblr is seen as innocent
True pottery.
>Went to go see it because it was shot in my home town
>The theater is practically empty with a few people spreaded out
>Hated every minute of it
>Walked out
This was the first movie I've ever walked out of. Don't watch this movie, don't even think about torrenting it, it's not even worth the waste of Internet.
Not watching for the simple fact she abuses Shakey cam
Bigelow is a cunt who thinks she's Tony Scott except that she's only made ONE ood movie and that was because of James Cameron's involvement; POINT BREAK!!!FACT!!!
It's a small budget movie anyway so they can absorb the loss as a tax write off or something.
The important thing is that it's out and it will be praised by critics and its message will be discussed.
>Sup Forums is seen by the general public as hive of scum and villainy
>tumblr is seen as innocent
>dude it's inaccurate because they didn't dip tobacco and the main character had a death wish lmao
Literally kys
I live in (metro) detroit and I'm white and even I find the movie to be offensive. Some pigs shot up a club and then there was a chimpout it's not that complicated. Just hollywood making money off of others pain and suffering
>movie about black people
>only white girls and black man
>not a single black woman
Pretty fucking racist if true tbqh
>Mark Boal was born on January 23, 1973 in New York City, the son of Lillian Firestone and William Stetson Boal, Jr., a producer of educational films. His half-brother is Christopher Stetson Boal, a playwright and screenwriter. His mother was born to a Jewish family and his father converted to Judaism.
it is just check the trailer they are having a party and its only black dudes and white girls
>Nothing that happens in this hellish sequence (or in the eventual, futile courtroom trial that exonerated the errant cops) conveys the boiling point of social frustration that Spike Lee caught frighteningly well inDo the Right Thing. When Bigelow depicts history through a horror-film template, she isn’t practicing Lawrence’s passion, Pontecorvo’s conviction, Lee’s agit-prop, or Hersey’s journalism; she merely abstracts reportage into artsy torture porn.
its kinda ridiculous actually
Bigelow is an actual CIA shill, fuck her.
>decent actor
He was good in that aliens movie where he hardly talked
our guy
>armond white of all people actually understands the point of do the right thing
cant believe the idiots who shit on him
Is Armond the only intelligent nigger in existence?
Tysonfags fuck off.
>alt right whining intensifies
Girl from Orange Is The New Black is in it
It's very unrealistic. The soldiers just come and go as they please, dude.
It's inaccurate because the sniper scene is pure garbage and makes no sense, they don't understand the different roles of weapons, they don't understand contractors, they don't understand how people react under fire, they don't understand chain of command, they don't understand how soldiers actually act regarding threats, etc etc.
Hurt Locker is more like COMMANDO than a realistic action movie.
You can like it if you want, but it's not accurate at all
>female director
>movie about niggers
Feels good bros.
>Angelica Jade Bastién
>Detroit was directed, written, produced, shot, and edited by white creatives who do not understand the weight of the images they hone in on with an unflinching gaze.2/4
every other movie she's made was about white guys and she's dating the jewish writer of the film
Can't wait for John Boiyega to take to Twitter and blame racism for his film's failure. Nevermind the fact that SJW media is trashing it more and more for being directed by a white woman, because this fucking cunt will probably take a potshot at Dunkirk for being too white while he's at it. I sincerely hope Nolan sweeps the fucking Oscars. The fallout would be amazing.
>"Heard that new movie came out yesterday, seems pretty good."
>"Which one?"
>"You know.. Detroit. The one about the rebellion there?"
>"Yeah, it seems okay. Maybe we can see it. I just hope they don't glorify the rioting."
>"Oh come on, now you're just being racist."
He *is* a contrarian faggot 99% of the time though. I'm not even saying he needs to fall in line with other critics and suck Marvel's dick. I'm glad someone calls those films out for their bs. But this fucker gives positive reviews to resident evil films and grown ups. He's clickbait and nothing more.
yea it's portrayal of war is so inaccurate according to some neckbeard on a mongolian knitting board
I'll make it simple for you user -
>Are you black?
> Yes?
Well, congrats you're not racist
> No?
You're really hitler
Some of the funniest racial jokes I've ever heard have been black people making fun of Latinos and Asians. Even if you pretend they aren't racist towards whites, they're still pretty racist.
>is insistent about placing credit and blame what they belong regardless of ideology
obviously not the case for this movie :^)
>le neckbeard
>Her entire filmography is grounded in stark reality
The Hurt Locker....."stark reality".......