I'm not going to use your stupid red pill meme from the matrix that the wakalski brothers stole from Necromancer, but this shit is pretty suspicious. I am surprised none of you are talking about this. I think we all should look into this and see if someone can recover some security footage.
Assange lawyer dead
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Get the fuck out of here!! ANOTHER ONE?????
Saw this on jewtube this morning.
I wonder if they are going to hunt everyone who signed up for the lawsuit down, after she rigs the general?
>am surprised none of you are talking about this
Lurk moar faggot
I would not be surprised. Dude America is so fucking scary now. It's like they aren't even trying to hide shit anymore
the plot thickens
Another one to add to The List:
>hit by train
holy fuck how dumb can you be
>inb4 conspiracy faggots think some jason bourne type agent killed him.
Grow up faggots this isnt a movie
what to do when violence is the only language they understand?
dubs says next one is death by candlestick in the billiards.
No shit it isn't a movie, haven't you heard the expression reality is stranger than fiction? No movie could ever even hope to be as fucked up as the world really is.
You don't find it odd how people involved with this stuff supposedly commit suicides at like 200% the normal rate?
are assange's leaks against hillary actually doing anything?
gtfo cisgender scum
>suicide by train
I want off this ride.
Also, I prefer 2 shots to the back of my head before taking a flying leap out a high rise window.
Wait for them to go after the wrong person.
That's the problem with it, can't go after them, they have too much control of dissemination to the people.
Only way to stop it is if the normies are aware of the truth, the actual truth. Has to be disseminated from the right source.
Supposedly they are leaking something big. After the announcement an article showed up on yahoo where clinton was basically saying anything wikileaks says is a lie. Then this happends. It's too coincidental.
that happened in april 2016
that's old news
that was 'apparently' a suicide
Did you break your neck tipping your fedora on that first sentence?
Why is this article dated for April?
>hit by a train
>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer
We can be scary. We just have to stop hiding.
No because the red pill shit is a retarded meme. It always has been. And the matrix is gay because its a rip off of William Gibson.
Thanks for correcting the record
What's the right source?
bad goy!
There can be only one thing to do.
That's the billion dollar question, haven't quite figured it out yet.
I know it's nothing related to them though. Has to be a platform they can't co-opt.
That's probably why we need to stop hiding shit too.
Every meme is retarded.
No on cares about the latter.
I gotta look into this, these two motherfuckers really went rogue and became trannies or something?
Fucking insanity...
Didn't a wikileaks lawyer die last year when he was hit by a train?
...deemed not suspicious, cos you know trains just randomly go around killing people.
LOL wut
Do you not into books?
>cos you know trains just randomly go around killing people.
I know, better watch out, you might be on their tracks.
Doomtrain is a good guy tho
Was it the train or the sudden stop that killed him?
In 2014 there were 827 deaths by (((train))). The body count continues.
Someone's trying to send a message?
Don't fuck with (((trains))).
Another tragic suicide. Why are all these people so depressed?
He was in the UK
Right, and since the UK is so wired with cameras you'd think that at least 1 would have been able to have recorded the incident.
Where's the footage
You mean the footage of the lawyer committing suicide by being pushed into a train? Hilary probably deleted it.
Hold on mates, I'll just grab it for ya