Time admits that we're winning



Some excerpts

>Now the web is a sociopath with Asperger’s. If you need help improving your upload speeds it’s eager to help with technical details, but if you tell it you’re struggling with depression it will try to goad you into killing yourself.

>Trolls are turning social media and comment boards into a giant locker room in a teen movie, with towel-snapping racial epithets and misogyny.
> A Pew Research Center survey published two years ago found that 70% of 18-to-24-year-olds who use the Internet had experienced harassment, and 26% of women that age said they’d been stalked online.
We're not doing nearly well enough

>But trolling has become the main tool of the alt-right, an Internet-grown reactionary movement that works for men’s rights and against immigration and may have used the computer from Weird Science to fabricate Donald Trump. Not only does Trump share their attitudes, but he’s got mad trolling skills: he doxxed Republican primary opponent Senator Lindsey Graham by giving out his cell-phone number on TV and indirectly got his Twitter followers to attack GOP political strategist Cheri Jacobus so severely that her lawyers sent him a cease-and-desist order.

>The alt-right’s favorite insult is to call men who don’t hate feminism “cucks,” as in “cuckold.” Republicans who don’t like Trump are “cuckservatives.” Men who don’t see how feminists are secretly controlling them haven’t “taken the red pill,” a reference to the truth-revealing drug in The Matrix. They derisively call their adversaries “social-justice warriors” and believe that liberal interest groups purposely exploit their weakness to gain pity, which allows them to control the levers of power. Trolling is the alt-right’s version of political activism, and its ranks view any attempt to take it away as a denial of democracy.

really makes you thinks


The latter two paragraphs are pretty accurate.

Memes are already normie culture

Don't fuck it up more and make some idiot teens call themselves The Trolls unironically, like the new faggot Anonymous

Wtf i hate Sup Forums now

>losing the Internet
>implying it was ever theirs to begin with
And now I understand why they don't mind immigrants gate crashing communities, ruining them and then complaining about it.


>Time admits the victimization Society lost
Lets troll them for it

Have these people even been on the internet for the past say 2 decades?

We did it, Reddit! We won!

>The internet outside of early Facebook did not exist until the last few years.

I think so, but in a filter bubble that had so many cracks it was easy to burst it.

I love life. It really is amazing in so many ways.

>feminists are secretly controlling them

Wait a minute. AFAIK no "alt-right" commentator makes this claim about their ideological opponents. Not Milo, not Chateau Heartiste, not Roosh, not Judgy Bitch, not Vdare, not the dozen or so YouTube ones, not the Murdoch Murdoch jokesters.

Someone tell me what Time means by this. Guys? Um help?

Hahahaha how the fuck is cyber bullying real

>for men's rights
>against immigration
Jesus Christ how horrible. Nice one mr ((((stein)))).

The abrupt ending that just presupposes his argument is maybe possibly probably correct is amazing:
>She looked at me like I was an idiot. “Why would I do that?” she said. “The Internet is the realm of the coward. These are people who are all sound and no fury.”
>Maybe. But maybe, in the information age, sound is as destructive as fury.
(((Stein))) got told by a woman who actually was harassed online "nigga, just close your eyes" and he pulls a "your tears say more than real evidence ever could."

>"There’s such a culture of viciously making fun of each other on their message boards that they have this very thick skin. They’re all trained up.”
Don't know about this, india is always pretty butthurt when referring to their defecation traditions.

Articles like this only make the problem worse. This seems to be a topic being talked up more and more, certainly the upcoming election in the US has something to do with attacks and such.

I say it makes the problem worse because it makes it seem there must be a active solution to solving the online harassment issue; there's not. Not an active one, at least.

The solution is simple, ignore them. It's been a saying since forever, "don't feed the troll." It's painfully easy to spot harassment and trolling attempts or attempts to lead you in that directions and even easier to pass over and refuse to respond or even acknowledge such comments.

Trolls and the like want you to respond, anything at all is good. If they get nothing they will go away. So, ignore them and you win.

>26% of women that age said they’d been stalked online
Women consider looking through someone's facebook profile as stalking.

What is the problem of a hating Internet? The SJW's can't live in their little innocent bubble forever. Besides isn't this what they want? Diversity in not only people but ideas.

>Don't feed the troll
>implying it isn't possible to bot (((troll))) with multiple accounts and IPs
Nigger please

The victim culture and the extreme expansion of certain definitions have created a society where slightly questionable behavior is turned into extreme accusations and crimes.

Flirting becomes sexual harassment, if they don't like the person doing it. Looking somebody up on Facebook is stalking. Saying anything regarding race becomes racism. Saying something not entirely nice online becomes cyberbullying. Consenting to intercourse while drunk, even both parties, becomes unequivocal rape on the part of the male.

It's rather extreme, and it needs to go away, though it never will.

It doesn't matter how many people, be it one or seemingly many are trolling you, ignore them all. Make no acknowledgement of them, it's all the same.

He isn't wrong

Have you been on the Internet for the past 2 decades? Because the Internet was not like this back in 2006

>we're winning

this is what idiots actually believe

every time

>Reddit believes in unalloyed free speech



Plenty of people want to rebrand trolling as meaning 'saying things I don't like (that only cause me real distress because I'm such an absurdly soft cunt that's all it takes) surely purely for the motive of getting a laugh because no one could possibly actually hold opinions I don't hold through logical thought'

Listening to Jewish media pundits talk about the "alt right" is like listening to your parents describe Twitter. They're aware of something that exists, yet have no idea what they're talking about.


>anime girls with MAGA hats is 2deep4u
nah, they aren't too far off.

Article hoes on to suggest and force that meme
>I'm white male thus trolling doesn't affect me because I'm not a minirity therefore not vulnerable.

Pretty sure the internet was ours before the normies even used it and I'm pretty sure they don't know what trolling actually is


Shut up nigger I'm not reading that

Absolutely this. They're not losing the internet, they're simply failing to conquer it.

say it with me


Yeah, agreed. This article is poorly written by a sensationalist author who did minimal research.

In all fairness not even the alt right have any idea what they are talking about, or what they stand for.

Only because the people fucking each other around weren't thin skinned little bitches.

Can you imagine the butthurt if something like the lolocaust happened on social media?

Oldfag here

Yes it was. Look at irc and Usenet back in 90s. Filled. We had some great prank calls. Phreak radio was great

>Only because the people fucking each other around weren't thin skinned little bitches.
No the Internet saw a big change when Sup Forums became popular. Yes there were dicks and assholes before Sup Forums but not to this degree as we have now


I take it you were never a goon then.

Wow, we really rustled his jimmies

Indeed, I have never worked as a low level operative for a crime family.

Yes, us white men are capable of closing the tab and chuckling whereas BIOLOGICAL COMPUSLION forces women to kill themselves, blacks to grab an uzi and shoot up the street in rage, and Muzzies having literally zero ways to deal with people not liking them aside from strapping on a bomb and heading downtown

In terms off trolling it sure was. Even low life pokemon forums around the millenium had their fare share of jokers, pranksters and baiters.

Regarding the filter bubble, it changed dramatically after 2006, yes, but before you just went straight away to the shit you searched for, or finding the shit you were looking for took so long, there was no time looking for other shit, especially with 56kbs


Like I said jokers, pranksters and baiters has always been there. But never to this degree

Hey Sup Forums why do normies not understand the internet?
It's not a "thing" that belongs to anyone. It's just a collective of human thoughts and interactions.

Its completely unfiltered. It'd be like if you were playing a game and activated a cheat code that made people not lie/speak openly. If some cunt comes to the internet and says
>I want to kill myself
What's wrong with helping him end it he clearly said he wants to.

>Wah internet belongs to me and should only be positive things
Just fuck off

I was here, in Sup Forums, back in 2004, and SA from 1999 onward. It was just as awful. Less doxxing though, because the means didn't exist yet, but we'd have done the heck out of it if it was as easy as it is now.

The beauty with race realism is that it is far more intuitive and social media also empirically proved it.

We're not just winning the internet, we are taking it back.
The specific type of things we are against was simply not there prior to 2006-ish when stronk womyn and nigger culture managed to find its way to the internet 2.0 bullshit.

Also, when was the last time Time was relevant?

Well tell me Cunt

What don't troll understand that you can't go to someone's facebook and leave a comment on photo of their child that says "I'm going to rape her"
>The specific type of things we are against was simply not there prior to 2006-ish when stronk womyn and nigger culture managed to find its way to the internet 2.0 bullshit.
I much rather take the stronk womyn and nigger culture then the frog that this board seem to worship.

That makes a lot of sense.


>I much rather take the stronk womyn and nigger culture then the frog

I bet so.

The internet was like this in the 80's. There's just more people. now. Trolling is not new. Being an asshole is not new.

What these faggots don't get is the Internet was never a safe space for these special snowflakes.

Nonsense. Sup Forums is a board of peace.

Shit, that's kinda sad. Nigger is dumb, but was at least trying to provide for his kids, and that's more than a hell of a lot of them do.

Snowlflakes are the new thing changing the internet.

He's simplifying his argument and putting his opponents in a neat little box so his followers will know who to hate. He really has no idea what he's talking about he's a Fucking moron

At least someone can explain that to me, Don't think anyone on this board can explain why they are so obsessed with that fucking frog.
I'm not saying it is either, what I'm saying that it's new to this degree

>can't do something
>provides example of something

Obviously you can leave whatever comment you want. The world isn't responsible for protecting you from things.

>I much rather take the stronk womyn and nigger culture then the frog that this board seem to worship.

I am not even surprised, Sven.

Online harassment doesn't exist. You can block anyone you don't want to talk to on any social media. It's a fabricated problem from generation snowflake who can't stand having their opinions challenged. Don't come to Sup Forums if you can't handle the bantz

Trolling doesn't mean people saying things you disagree with. As the author says, being "anti-immigration" and for "men's rights" is dismissed as trolling. This complete dismissal of opposing viewpoints is why they're losing. They're insane.

>Sup Forums has convinced the MSM that the "alt-right" is an organized, cohesive political movement

All in a days work gents.

Stein like underpants stain?

Yeah it was you just weren't aware of it obviously.

>What don't troll understand that you can't go to someone's facebook and leave a comment on photo of their child that says "I'm going to rape her"
blabla, don't trigger me.
If you get triggered, don't go there. As the wise nigger said "how is cyberbullting real, nigga just turn away from the screen".

>I much rather take the stronk womyn and nigger culture then the frog that this board seem to worship.
Some other website like tumblr may be more in tune with your tastes.

Praise Kek.

Dubs of happiness

There is a weird shift in ideals. Once upon a time when civil rights movement were actually about something, students on campus wanted more autonomy and demanded the deans do less. Now they expect the deans to do more, specifically to protect them, the student body, from any harm, physical or mental

It's amazingly easy to ignore jackasses. Don't know why the jackasses can't figure out how to do it.

U should stop talking mate you don't know what the fuck you're talking about lol

>A Pew Research Center survey published two years ago found that 70% of 18-to-24-year-olds who use the Internet had experienced harassment, and 26% of women that age said they’d been stalked online.
Maybe if you faggots didn't broadcast every detail of your life to everybody in the world shit like this wouldn't happen.

>she was asking for it

In this case yes. I would say the same thing to somebody who leaves their car running while they go into a store and comes out to a nigger driving it away or gets mauled by their pet pitbull. Have some damn common sense.

>tfw your more organized than the illuminati because you can slap your dick on the keyboard.

Berenstain universe reporting in

Grown man whining about evil Internet trolls on internationaly published papers.
We truly live in the nu-age. Praise KEK.

Oh fuck I can smell the underage on you from here, shit stain.

What a cocksucker like you doesn't understand is there was accountability when you had an isp. Signed up for AOL? Great...now agree to their terms of service. Wanna harass someone or send pics to underage bitches? Account terminated, they have your name and financial info on file, and if it's against the law it's automatically sent to the cops.

Amazing what a little bit of a leash does in putting an edgy faggot in check.


It's like they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

This. That's why I rarely go to /his/. I know beforehand I will get triggered by some fucker denying property or some nigger ranting against free will.

Thats because most people used traditional forums.
And moderators loved getting off on having a power trip over rule breakers and racists and shit, so it was all cleaned up fast

You're a newfag that doesn't know shit. Sup Forums of all places is tamer than it used to be. No longer are there big raids, no CP, no large harassment threads. The rest of the internet has also become more commercialized and as a consequence most larger sites have become sanitized to project a clean corporate image. Back to the cuckshed sven.

Bitches couldn't solicit jons on Instagram if they didn't whore their lives out.

Apologies this was meant for:

Did you think AOL was the internet? I think I've found you problem.

Then can you explain to me the obsession with the frog? Can you explain to me why pictures like these exist?
And that saying doesn't hold much ground when you can just walk away from real bullying as well. But all that aside what do you mean with "Don't go there"? Go where? Being critical of something or do some work that's crap? That somehow gives people the right to tell someone that they should be gang raped and killed?

You and your country seem to like The Sacred Bull, no surprise.

Berenstein universe reporting in. I don't think our realitys differ. That, or you're in the good universe.

I'm a Redditmissile now

this is bad

the jews are on to you and they are preparing the public consciousness for an eventual assault on you and this place

You said the same thing as me but longer and we agree on the same points faggot

Okay, Sholomo. Cheers for the heads up.

Lol just saw this you're good