>Obama to Israel: Our Tax Dollars Won’t Go to Your Defense Contractors
Fucking traitor!
Israel has always defended Western values in the Middle East, Obongo is a muzzie sleeper agent.
He sure must love the taste of that good Arab dick.
I read about this earlier today and it's not based at all, despite the promising headline.
Israel is still getting unfathomable amounts of American taxpayer money, they just want strings attached so Israel has to spend the goybucks at companies that American kikes control rather than on internal Israeli companies/research.
Is it me or is this more publicised than it should be? Woopty doo he didn't give some kikes some money. Are we supposed to award him another Nobel peace prize for not being a jew enabler? Or do people have low standards
Skimmed the thing. Basically we "cut" some funds, but give them a huge arms deal. So it's fucking nothing.
Nice subversive title and crock of bullshit - the article is littered with antagonistic words and phrases to make it seem like things are going rough with Israel, as if Obama isn't already their footstool.
How fast are jews gonna build up Trump now?
>weapons "deal"
>literally giving the yids tens of billions of dollars for shopping sprees, except this time with some stipulations
wow, based Obama really made me think
Why is Israel even on the radar for the US?
They didn't go into Iraq. They didn't go into Afghanistan. They don't bomb IS.
Seriously. WTF?
Oz does all of those things. Why don't we get a heap of military aid?
Sure they won't Obongo
>Liberals claim to be peaceful
>Liberals claim to be compassionate
>Liberals claim to be against war
>Liberals claim to support Islam
And yet the person they support is a psychopathic killer
>people taking this seriously
>don't see it's just some shitty distraction
>when America is literally fighting wars for Israel
"out of the way plebs I am on my way to hole 4839572380720357235"
Israel only defends Israel.
I have never cared for the bummer but this I support.
Seriously, we don't even get anything out of Jerusalem, and we spend billions on those Jew faggots that don't even deserve to hold that land.
Wow, they keep the Christian holy-land clean and charge people to see it.
Fucking eternal Anglos.
We should have kicked the Jews out and made it a Christian nation.
Well they didnt go to Iraq because the coalition wouldnt have disbanded.
Nope, this time its going to the Offensive Contractors. They can't mover forward, if they're always standing still.
You should look at the names of our presidents' advisors since the 60s
That's hardly enough, Trump will be sure to double the aid package and make sure Israeli contractors get their fair share of the money.
>obama has literally taken a trip to Jerusalem every single year of his presidency to kiss a "holy wall"
He sucks off kike cock like every potus before him since world war 2.
the Zapruder film is a powerful motivator